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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Posted: Sunday, March 30, 2014 5:12:23 PM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 6/23/2010
Posts: 3,562
Location: The Hutt, New Zealand
I was just browsing through Pojo's Minis of the Day archive (, and I was thinking it would be cool to have something similar running. Rather than start a new thread for each mini, I'm going to try and select a random mini or two each day and post it in here, and anyone who wants to can talk about it. This thread's going to end up a big disorganised mess, hopefully, but that's how it's going to roll.

I've switched to using a "Spinal Tap" Scale. A piece, that's strong enough to have a place in today's competitive 200 point game gets somewhere in the 8 to 10 range. A power piece - Darth Sidious, San Hill, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Ugnaught Demolitionist, Mas Amedda, Princess Leia, Admiral Ozzel, Captain Panaka, Captain Tarpals, IG Lancer Droid, Luke Skywalker Rebel Commando, General Rieekan, Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo), Mouse Droid, General Whorm Loathsom, R7 Astromech Droid, Bastila Shan Jedi Master, Darth Revan Sith Lord, Kelborn, Supreme Overlord Quorreal, Darth Caedus Sith Lord, Admiral Daala, Talon Kardde Information Broker, Warrior Caste Subcommander, and Elite Republic Commando - Boss are the 26 that I've covered so far - gets an 11.

Here are some definitions for the power levels, supplied by Timmer B and TJ.
1 - Useless. In any squad, there is a better option to do the same thing. Waste of plastic, paper, brain cells.
2 - Unplayable. While not strictly replaced by another piece, in any squad (even at a casual level) there is a better use for the points.
3 - Casual only. Interesting enough that you might want to pull it out for a casual game, but it will make your squad worse - even in a casual game.
4 - Mediocre/below average - If these pieces are in a competitive squad, they are making the squad worse.
5 - Average - Still there is almost always a better piece to go to, but in the perfect scenario it could be the right call
6 - Situationally good. You might see this piece in a competitive game, but it's either a reinforcements-only option or it really only fits into one specific build.
7 - Barely Competitive. These pieces are not out of place in a Tier 1 squad, but they are not pieces you would build around. Probably need synergy to work well.
8 - Decently competitive - can be found in tier 1 squads, but doesn't necessarily define the squad type
9 - Solidly competitive - can be the key that makes several squads tier 1
10 -Very strong, Undoubtedly competitive. These are pieces so strong that you build squads around them
11 - Stupid. Power piece. Pieces that get complaints about being broken. Strong tech pieces that show up in squad after squad after squad.

So far I've covered 368/790 WOTC pieces and 312/706 v-set pieces - so that's about 45% of the pieces out there.

Alliance and Empire
Advance Agent, Officer, page 6
Boba Fett, Enforcer, page 38
Chadra-Fan Pickpocket, page 67
Darth Vader, Imperial Commander, page 75
Ephant Mon, page 40
Ewok Hang Glider, page 11
Ewok Warrior, page 53
Han Solo on Tauntaun, page 11
Han Solo, Rogue, page 86
Imperial Governor Tarkin, page 7
Ithorian Commander, page 35
Jawa Trader, page 3
Lando Calrissian, Dashing Scoundrel, page 32
Luke Skywalker, Hero of Yavin, page 25
Luke's Landspeeder, page 87
Mara Jade Jedi, page 7
Mon Calamari Tech Specialist, page 57
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Spirit, page 25
Princess Leia, page 33
Quinlan Vos, Infiltrator, page 65
Rebel Leader, page 20
Snivvian Fringer, page 17
Talz Spy, page 12
Trandoshan Mercenary, page 58
Wicket, page 3

Armed and Operational
Alema Rar page 53
Arkanian Jedi General, page 38
Army of Light Trooper, page 67
Barriss Offee, Rogue Jedi, page 28
Beast Rider of Onderon, page 48
Death Watch Overlord, page 19
Geonosian Soldier with Sonic Cannon, page 66
Ghes Orade, page 58
Givin Black Sun Slicer, page 30
Gloom Walker Sniper, page 63
Golden One, page 86
Jedi Temple Guard, page 72
LIN Demolitionmech, page 64
Lord Scourge, page 21
Major General Veers, page 30
Mandalorian Demolitionist, page 64
Mandalorian Strike Force Leader, page 77
Oppo Rancisis, page 63
Owen and Beru Lars, page 34
Shamed One, page 77
Shaper Adept, page 39
Sith Meditation Sphere, page 75
Streen, page 72
Tionne, page 36
Valenthyne Farfalla, page 21
Young Anakin Skywalker, page 70
Viqi Shesh, page 25
Yun-Harla Fanatic, page 54
Zann Consortium Droideka, page 37
Zenoc Quah, page 43

Battle of Theed
Darth Maul, Sith Infiltrator, page 22
Naboo Pilot, page 65
Naboo Trooper, page 33
Rune Haako, page 36

Bounty Hunters
4-LOM, Bounty Hunter, page 49
Aqualish Assassin, page 4
Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter, page 41
BoShek, page 46
Bossk, Bounty Hunter, page 58
Corellian Pirate, page 81
Corporate Alliance Tank Droid, page 64
Dannik Jerriko, page 71
Dark Hellion Marauder on Swoop Bike, page 11
Defel Spy, page 52
Djas Puhr, page 43
Han Solo, Scoundrel, page 20
Huge Crab Droid, page 36
IG-88 Bounty Hunter, page 12
ISP Speeder, page 54
Klatooinian Hunter, page 43
Luke Skywalker of Dagobah, page 48
Komari Vosa, page 28
Lord Vader, page 76
Mandalorian Commander, page 9
Mandalorian Soldier, page 90
Nikto Gunner on Desert Skiff, page 67
Nym, page 50
Princess Leia, Hoth Commander, page 26
Rebel Heavy Trooper, page 71
Rebel Snowspeeder, page 7
Talon Karrde, page 22
Weequay Thug, page 28
Young Krayt Dragon, page 82

Bounty Hunters Challenge
Dooku, page 15
Darth Sidious, Sith Mastermind, page 39
Old Ben Kenobi, page 84
Yoda, Hero of Geonosis, page 49

Cantina Brawl
Dannik Jerriko, Bounty Hunter, page 18
Dr Evazan, Galactic Criminal, page 17
Figrin D'an, page 85
Greedo, Bounty Hunter, page 23
Momaw Nadon, page 77
Ponda Baba, Galactic Criminal, page 36
Tonnika Sisters, page 18
Wuher, page 54

Champions of the Force
Arcona Smuggler, page 15
Corran Horn, page 88
Dark Jedi, page 88
Dark Jedi Master, page 6
Dark Trooper Phase I, page 66
Darth Bane, page 75
Darth Nihilus, page 56
Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith, page 27
Darth Vader, Champion of the Sith, page 82
Even Piell, page 9
Jedi Consular, page 86
Kashyyyk Trooper, page 84
Mas Amedda, page 89
Octuptarra Droid, page 19
Old Republic Soldier, page 51
Plo Koon, page 80
Queen Amidala, page 15
R5 Astromech Droid, page 36
Republic Commando - Boss, page 15
Republic Commando - Fixer, page 76
Republic Commando - Scorch, page 47
Republic Commando - Sev, page 17
Saleucami Trooper, page 48
Sandtrooper, page 41
Sith Trooper, page 37
Snowtrooper with E-Web Blaster, page 66
Ugnaught Demolitionist, page 85
Ulic Qel-Droma, page 55
Utapau Trooper, page 57
Varactyl Wrangler, page 22
Yoda of Dagobah, page 31

Clone Strike
Agen Kolar, page 17
Battle Droid, page 30
Battle Droid Officer, page 52
Clone Trooper, page 27
Clone Trooper Commander, page 2
Clone Trooper Sergeant, page 4
Count Dooku, page 23
Darth Maul, page 65
Darth Sidious, page 28
Destroyer Droid, page 32
Dwarf Spider Droid, page 6
General Grievous, page 21
Geonosian Drone, page 9
Geonosian Overseer, page 72
Gran Raider, page 66
Gungan Cavalry on Kaadu, page 62
Jedi Sentinel, page 58
Klaatoinian Enforcer, page 11
Nikto Soldier, page 19
Padmé Amidala, page 15
Rodian Mercenary, page 4
Saesee Tiin, page 73
Super Battle Droid, page 56
Weequay Mercenary, page 50
Zam Wesell, page 5

Command of the Galaxy
Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight, page 1
Admiral Daala, page 80
Admiral Motti, page 73
ARC Trooper Captain Fordo, page 52
ARC Trooper Scout, page 56
Arca Jeth, Jedi Master, page 43
Asajj Ventress, Nightsister, page 22
Biggs Darklighter, Rebel Pilot, page 8
Chewbacca, Galactic Hero, page 14
Chiss Captain, page 78
Cin Drallig, Jedi Battlemaster, page 10
Clone Trooper with Flamethrower, page 51
Darth Sion, Lord of Pain, page 67
Elite Supercommando, page 51
Lucien Draay, Jedi Master, page 39
Jedi Master K'Kruhk, page 18
Jedi Trainee, page 37
Kyp Durron, Jedi Master, page 65
Major Bren Derlin, page 54
Mandalore the Resurrector, page 48
Nautolan Black Sun Vigo, page 92
Peace Brigade Soldier, page 16
Praetorite Vong Scout, page 46
Shae Vizla, page 72
Snowtrooper Officer, page 19
Spacetrooper, page 31
Sugi, page 15
Talon Karrde, Information Broker, page 30
Techno Union Combat Engineer, page 79
Todo 360, page 25
Trandoshan Hunt Master, page 50
Ulic Qel-Droma, Jedi Knight, page 92
Umbaran Soldier, page 48
Veteran Snowtrooper, page 65
Warrior Caste Subcommander, page 55
Ysanne Isard, page 42
Zabrak Enforcer, page 88
Zygerrian Slaver, page 23
Zekk, page 82

Dark Times
501st Legion Clone Trooper, page 86
501st Legion Stormtrooper, page 21
A'Sharad Hett, page 10
Boushh, Ubese Hunter, page 22
Dass Jennir, page 66
Emperor's Hand, page 9
Gungan Bounty Hunter, page 15
Jax Pavan, page 37
Kota's Elite Militia, page 17
Major Maxmilian Veers, page 31
Rodian Raider, page 65
Talz Chieftain, page 39
Trianii Scout, page 48
T'Surr, page 45
Zuckuss, Bounty Hunter, page 42

Destiny of the Force
Atris, page 2
Bastila Shan, Jedi Master, page 11
Ben Skywalker, page 36
Cilghal, page 60
Darth Bandon, page 54
Darth Revan, Sith Lord, page 32
Elite Scout Trooper, page 37
Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit, page 67
Han Solo, Gambler, page 24
Jaster Mereel, page 26
Jedi Demolitionist, page 25
Jedi Seer, page 51
Jodo Kast, page 73
Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jedi Master, page 3
Lieutenant Page, page 28
Mandalore the Preserver, page 65
Mandalorian Blaster-for-Hire, page 62
Mandalorian Bounty Hunter, page 80
Mandalorian Counter-Intelligence Officer, page 71
Mandalorian Gunsmith, page 4
Nen Yim, page 69
Nikto Pirate, page 21
Niles Ferrier, page 34
Noghri Warrior, page 22
Old Republic Senator, page 37
OOM-9, page 57
Rebel Commando Munitions Expert, page 72
Rukh, page 64
Salacious Crumb, page 16
Scout Trooper Officer, page 18
Sith Inquisitor, page 15
Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist, page 40
Supreme Overlord Shimrra, page 55
Tusken Raider Chieftain, page 51
Yammosk War Coordinator, page 31
Yuuzhan Vong High-bred Warrior, page 81
YVH 1 (Yuuzhan Vong Hunter Droid), page 69

Dooje Brolo, page 80
Passel Argente, page 78

Evasive Action
Clone Commander Wolffe, page 83
Kubaz Spy, page 85
Luke Skywalker, Red 5, page 88
Nightsister Hunter, page 91
Wolfpack Trooper, page 84

Far, Far Away
Amanaman, page 92

Galactic Heroes
Aurra Sing, Assassin, page 66
Cad Bane, Bounty Hunter, page 74
Crix Madine, SpecForce Commander, page 35
Darth Caedus, Sith Lord, page 33
Darth Talon, Sith Assassin, page 17
Elite Wookiee Commando, page 44
Galactic Alliance Guard Sniper, page 58
General Lando Calrissian, page 62
Gungan Elite Infantry, page 63
Iotran Guard, page 57
Jan Ors, page 92
Jedi Training Droid, page 25
Kelborn, page 8
Luke Skywalker, Galactic Hero, page 17
Mandalorian Technician, page 89
Mirialan Jedi Knight, page 33
Muun Guard Colonel, page 24
Rattataki Warrior, page 40
Rattataki Warrior
Smuggler, page 80
SpecForce Urban Combat Specialist, page 19
Supreme Overlord Quorreal, page 62
Urai Fen, page 92
Vanguard, page 8
Watto, page 8

Galaxy at War
A4-Series Lab Droid, page 54
Admiral Yularen, page 74
Aqualish Technician, page 89
ARF Trooper, page 6
AT-TE Driver, page 88
B3 Ultra Battle Droid, page 83
Cad Bane, page 6
Captain Mar Tuuk, page 73
Captain Rex, 501st Commander, page 4
Clone Trooper with Night Vision, page 35
Clone Trooper with Repeating Blaster, page 50
Commando Droid, page 2
Commando Droid Captain, page 14
Elite Senate Guard, page 53
General Skywalker, page 19
General Whorm Loathsom, page 2
Jedi Master Kit Fisto, page 14
R7 Astromech Droid, page 32
Rodian Trader, page 6
Senate Commando, page 41

Imperial Entanglements
C-3PO, Ewok Deity, page 18
Duros Scout, page 69
Elite AT-AT Driver, page 9
Emperor Palpatine on Throne, page 60
Ewok Scout, page 53
General Rieekan, page 87
Imperial Dignitary, page 50
Jawa Scavenger, page 54
Kyp Durron, page 17
Lobot, Computer Liaison Officer, page 67
Luke Skywalker, Rebel Commando, page 5
Moff Jerjerrod, page 78
Mouse Droid, page 34
R2-D2 with Extended Sensor, page 9
Shock Trooper, page 14
Snowtrooper Commander, page 46
Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo), page 27

Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya, page 78
Commander Sha'kel, page 80
Dray, page 65
Minos, Yuuzhan Vong Warrior, page 24
Shaper Adept, page 39
Tso'asu, page 70

Jedi Academy
Antarian Ranger, page 76
Cade Skywalker, Padawan, page 88
Crimson Nova Bounty Hunter, page 12
Darth Maul, Sith Apprentice, page 69
Darth Plagueis, page 38
Jedi Battlemaster, page 18
Jedi Crusader, page 17
Jensaarai Defender, page 31
Kol Skywalker, page 76
Leia Skywalker, Jedi Knight, page 90
Master K'Kruhk, page 25
Naga Sadow, page 86
Peace Brigade Thug, page 70
Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Trainer, page 79
Reborn, page 83
Sith Apprentice, page 25
The Jedi Exile, page 82
Vodo-Siosk Baas, page 4

Jedi vs Sith
Karness Muur, page 17
Lord Krayt, page 45
Mara Jade Skywalker, Jedi Master, page 4
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Negotiator, page 40
Old Republic Jedi Knight, page 63
Qui-Gon Jinn, Force Spirit, page 62
Saba Sebatyne, page 77
Satele Shan, page 12

Knights of the Old Republic
Bao-Dur, page 21
Boma, page 37
Captain Panaka, page 7
Captain Tarpals, page 73
Carth Onasi, page 32
Czerka Scientist, page 29
Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith, page 27
Darth Sion, page 35
Elite Sith Trooper, page 55
General Wedge Antilles, page 62
Gungan Artillerist, page 33
Han Solo, Smuggler, page 39
Jawa Scout, page 71
Juggernaut War Droid, page 30
Jarael, page 31
Jolee Bindo, page 81
Kreia, page 85
Luke Skywalker, Jedi, page 40
Mandalore the Ultimate, page 46
Mandalorian Captain, page 72
Mandalorian Scout, page 39
Master Lucien Draay, page 81
Mira, page 37
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan, page 32
Old Republic Captain, page 44
RA-7 Death Star Protocol Droid, page 53
T3-M4, page 56
Tusken Raider Scout, page 85
Visas Marr, page 40
Wookiee Trooper, page 87
Zaalbar, page 72

Legacy of the Force
Bothan Noble, page 55
Cade Skywalker, Bounty Hunter, page 17
Darth Caedus, page 48
Darth Tyranus, Legacy of the Dark Side, page 30
Darth Krayt, page 83
Darth Nihl, page 26
Darth Talon, page 23
Deena Shan, page 26
Elite Rebel Commando, page 55
Galactic Alliance Trooper, page 75
Guard Droid, page 65
Imperial Pilot, page 11
Imperial Security Officer, page 88
Jagged Fel, page 84
Kel Dor Bounty Hunter, page 40
Kyle Katarn, Jedi Battlemaster, page 51
Luke Skywalker, Force Spirit, page 26
Mandalorian Gunslinger, page 71
Mandalorian Trooper, page 65
Mara Jade Skywalker, page 24
Rebel Honor Guard, page 68
Shado Vao, page 57
Yuuzhan Vong Jedi Hunter, page 12

A Long Time Ago
Callista, Force Spirit, page 90
Sanyassan Marauder, page 92
Vima Sunrider, page 92

Masters of the Force
Cay Qel-Droma, page 22
Gamorrean Bodyguard, page 32
Ghhhk, page 21
Houjix, page 26
Kaminoan Medic, page 62
Kit Fisto, Jedi Master, page 70
Mantellian Savrip, page 89
Molator, page 31
Jedi Healer, page 60
Plo Koon, Jedi Master, page 58
Rebel Soldier, page 39
Red Hand Trooper, page 69
Toydarian Soldier, page 7
Yoda, Force Spirit, page 91

Rebel Storm
Bespin Guard, page 1
Boba Fett, page 35
Chewbacca, page 79
Dengar, page 13
Elite Hoth Trooper, page 54
Elite Rebel Trooper, page 54
Elite Snowtrooper, page 7
Elite Stormtrooper, page 27
Gamorrean Guard, page 87
General Veers, page 37
Grand Moff Tarkin, page 42
Heavy Stormtrooper, page 23
Hoth Trooper, page 89
Imperial Officer, page 74
Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, page 69
Luke Skywalker, Rebel, page 8
Mara Jade, Emperor's Hand, page 47
Obi-Wan Kenobi, page 31
Probe Droid, page 34
Quarren Assassin, page 85
R2-D2, page 18
Rebel Officer, page 73
Rebel Trooper, page 69
Royal Guard, page 18
Scout Trooper, page 67
Stormtrooper, page 9
Stormtrooper Officer, page 74
Twi'lek Scoundrel, page 75
Wookiee Soldier, page 87

Renegades and Rogues
Alpha Squadron Pilot, page 77
Bardan Jusik, page 6
Carth Onasi, Old Republic Soldier, page 75
Chadra-Fan Pilot, page 20
Chazrach, page 29
Count Dooku, Separatist Leader, page 92
Darth Traya, page 15
Darth Vader, Agent of Evil, page 81
Darth Zannah, page 71
Devaronian Assassin, page 65
Elite Gunner, page 54
General Rom Mohc, page 2
General Weir, page 90
Gray Jedi, page 69
Jakan, Most High Priest, page 3
Jon 'Dutch' Vander, page 33
Leviathan, page 79
Lord Kaan, page 78
Mace Windu, Legacy of the Light Side, page 44
Mandalorian Sniper, page 61
Master Kavar, page 63
Master Thon, page 54
New Republic Elite Trooper, page 21
Purge Trooper, page 38
Republic Commando Darman, page 87
R2-D2 and C-3PO, Galactic Heroes, page 40
Stormtrooper Advance Scout, page 49
Sullustan Pilot, page 24
T-Series Tactical Droid, page 67
Thrackan Sal-Solo, page 79
Tycho Celchu, page 76
Wookiee Jedi, page 41
Wookiee Thug, page 63
Yun-Yammka Fanatic, page 76
Zann Consortium Underboss, page 19

Revenge of the Sith
Alderaan Trooper, page 58
Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, page 38
Bail Organa, page 9
Boba Fett, Young Mercenary, page 61
Bodyguard Droid, page 3
Captain Antilles, page 43
Chewbacca of Kashyyyk, page 33
Clone Trooper Gunner, page 1
Dark Side Adept, page 75
Darth Vader, page 6
Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord, page 14
General Grievous, Supreme Commander, page 72
Iktotchi Tech Specialist, page 16
Jedi Knight, page 34
Mace Windu, Jedi Master, page 76
Medical Droid, page 81
Neimoidian Soldier, page 29
Polis Massa Medic, page 12 and page 46
Shaak Ti, page 40
Stass Allie, page 65
Utapaun Soldier, page 37
Wat Tambor, page 24
Wookiee Beserker, page 16
Yoda, Jedi Master, page 89
Zabrak Fringer, page 28

Scum and Villainy
Alexi Garyn, Head of the Black Sun, page 44
Anakin Solo, Galactic Hero, page 89
Bao-Dur, Tech Specialist, page 23
BX Commando Droid Spotter, page 47
Chewbacca and Ewoks in AT-ST, page 13
Covert Ops Clone Trooper, page 50
Crimson Nova Guild Leader, page 56
DRK-1 Dark Eye Probe Droid, page 38
Elan, page 63
Elite Old Republic Soldier, page 50
Embo, page 22
Ewok Chieftain, page 36
Fenn Shysa, page 61
Feral Voxyn, page 41
Flim, page 6
General Grievous, Hero of Hypori, page 32
Grodin Tierce's Clone, page 78
Jabba the Hutt, Galactic Crime Boss, page 34
Klatooinian Assassin, page 76
Lowbacca, page 27
Mandalorian Protector, page 68
Master Yoda, page 64
Mighella, Black Sun Bodyguard, page 77
Morrigan Corde, page 87
Rodian Assassin, page 62
Senator Padmé Amidala, page 76
Sith General, page 2
Sith Knight, page 40
Sith Recruit, page 16
SpecForce Technician, page 37
Squib Trader, page 83
Veteran Ugnaught, page 73
Voxyn Queen, page 31

Blizz, page 59
Commando Droid Officer, page 55
Domain Choka Warrior, page 72
Elite Reborn, page 88
Elite Republic Commando - Boss, page 77
Elite Republic Commando - Scorch, page 85
Exar Kun, Dark Jedi, page 88
Green Jedi, page 64
Guri, Black Sun Enforcer, page 73
Jawa Clan Leader, page 85
Klatooinian Black Sun Thug, page 58
Mira of Nar Shaddaa, page 69
Neo-Crusader Trooper, page 87
Shado Vao, Jedi Master, page 85
Togorian Black Sun Vigo, page 86
Vilmarh "Villie" Grahrk, page 67
Xizor, Head of Black Sun, page 76

Showdown at Teth Palace
Asajj Ventress, Separatist Assassin, page 46

The Clone Wars
Chameleon Droid, page 55
Clone Trooper on Gelagrub, page 43
Commander Gree, page 64
Elite Clone Trooper Commander, page 11
Elite Clone Trooper Grenadier, page 73
Galactic Marine, page 88
General Aayla Secura, page 84
Gha Nachkt, page 14
Heavy Clone Trooper, page 10
IG-100 MagnaGuard, page 3
Mon Calamari Knight, page 52
Neimoidian Warrior, page 29
Rocket Battle Droid, page 12
Star Corps Trooper, page 53
Techno Union Warrior, page 39

The Clone Wars Battle Pack
Clone Trooper on Speeder, page 13
IG-Lancer Droid, page 7

The Force Unleashed
Admiral Ozzel, page 31
Amanin Scout, page 13
AT-AT Driver, page 10
Darth Revan, page 25
Felucian Warrior on Rancor, page 54
Gotal Imperial Assassin, page 55
Han Solo of Hoth, page 16
Hoth Trooper Officer, page 76
Kazdan Paratus, page 13
Maris Brood, page 38
Mon Calamari Medic, page 56
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Unleashed, page 69
Princess Leia of Cloud City, page 61
Raxus Prime Trooper, page 18
Rebel Marksman, page 51
Telosian Tank Droid, page 47
TIE Crawler, page 5
Uggernaught, page 73
Ugnaught Boss, page 62
Ugnaught Tech, page 3
Vader's Apprentice, Redeemed, page 22
Verpine Tech, page 38
Wookiee Warrior, page 68

The Old Republic
Aric Jorgan, page 30
Corso Riggs, page 47
Khem Val, page 54
Kira Carsen, page 89
Mako, page 63
Mandalore the Lesser, page 62
Qyzen Fess, page 33
Vette, page 75

Freedon Nadd, Dark Force Spirit, page 67

Admiral Ackbar, page 69
ASP-7, page 74
AT-ST, page 64
Bith Rebel, page 91
Chewbacca, Rebel Hero, page 74
Dark Side Marauder, page 91
Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter, page 28
Dr. Evazan, page 37
Dressellian Commando, page 17
Gonk Power Droid, page 8
Grand Admiral Thrawn, page 66
Guri, page 87
Hailfire Droid, page 69
Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun, page 88
Luke Skywalker Jedi Master, page 12
New Republic Trooper, page 52
Nien Nunb, page 79
Noghri, page 54
Nute Gunray, page 56
Prince Xizor, page 1
Princess Leia, Rebel Hero, page 1
Reek, page 84
Rodian Black Sun Vigo, page 51
Stormtrooper Commander, page 24
Wedge Antilles, page 67
Yuuzhan Vong Warrior, page 83

Vehicles of War
Bombad General Jar Jar Binks on Kaadu, page 87
Darth Maul on Swoop Bike, page 53
Grievous on Tsmeu-6 Wheel Bike, page 36
Infantry Support Platform, page 38

Belth Allusis, Jedi Master, page 56
Bothan Saboteur, page 48
Cassus Fett, page 12
Corran Horn, Jedi Master, page 13
Death Watch Saboteur, page 36
Defel Pirate, page 42
Demagol, page 64
Dessel, page 88
Eeth Koth, page 28
Elite Commando Droid, page 78
Felucian Shaman, page 46
Galen Marek, page 57
Jaden Korr, page 15
Jedi Shadow, page 5
Jerec, page 64
Mandalorian Crusader, page 3
Mandalorian Scientist, page 48
Marka Ragnos, page 70
Master Vandar, page 22
Nomi Sunrider, Head of the Jedi Order, page 15
Pre Vizsla, page 14
Republic Commando Fi, page 29
Rohlan Dyre, page 77
Silri, page 53
Sith Alchemist, page 5
SpecForce Infiltrator, page 84
Ugnaught Jedi, page 60
Yuuzhan Vong Droid Hunter, page 34
Yuuzhan Vong Hunter, page 42
Zann Consortium Defiler, page 9

Warfare and Subterfuge
Adi Gallia, page 73
Clawdite Infiltrator, page 87
Gormak Bomb Disposal Expert, page 89
Han Solo, Corellian Legend, page 83
IT-O Interrogator Droid, page 81
Jocasta Nu, page 84
Killik Joiner, page 86
Killik Worker, page 79
Neo-Crusader Scout, page 92
One-Arm, page 81
Peace Brigade Commander, page 78
Sifo-Dyas, page 92
Tsavong Lah, Warrior Elite, page 79

Day 1, the randomiser came up with Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight from Command of the Galaxy (

29 points, Republic
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 19
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, she makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Ataru Style (+4 Attack if exactly 1 enemy is within 6 squares)
Stealth (If this character has cover, she does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)
Synergy +2 (+2 Attack and +2 Defense while an ally whose name contains Quinlan Vos is within 6 squares)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time she activates)
Brutal Strike (Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: This character's attacks cannot be prevented and enemy characters attacked by this character cannot use special abilities or Force powers that respond to this character's attacks for the rest of the turn)
Force Pull 2 (Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6; Move target Large or smaller enemy adjacent to this character. Make an immediate attack against that enemy.)
Lightsaber Sweep (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once)

This iteration of Aayla is a wonderful piece. She has great synergies all over the place, and she hits that delicate balance where she is good enough to be in a competitive squad, but not so good that she's an auto-include for every Republic Jedi-based squad. She has a range of great offensive options (brutal strike, lightsaber sweep, and force pull 2 are all very useful offensive force powers, depending of what squad you're facing), and with stealth and 110 hp she can stand up to a bit of firepower, but generally her lack of defense means she's balanced at 29 points. Mid costed Jedi are my favourite pieces, and this one's done just right. 9/10.

You could run her with:
- General Skywalker - momentum means she is hitting something for +14 30s.
- Commander Ahsoka - twin works well with Rolling Cleave.
- Quinlan Vos - synergy +2.
- Cin Drallig, Jedi Battlemaster - gives her a lightsaber style.
- GOWK - gives her +4 attack, +4 defense.

Feel free to chip in with your own thoughts/reviews - I'll try and post one most days, and I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts too.
Posted: Sunday, March 30, 2014 6:26:52 PM
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This piece is a great Scrub killer with the ability to effectively do damage to defensive Tanks. Force Pull can really help the other shooters in her squad. All in all she is very versatile, I would say competitive even.
Posted: Sunday, March 30, 2014 6:29:46 PM
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Deathwielded wrote:
This piece is a great Scrub killer with the ability to effectively do damage to defensive Tanks. Force Pull can really help the other shooters in her squad. All in all she is very versatile, I would say competitive even.

Yeah, I think that's a good summation - she's a versatile attacker - she has 3 attacking force powers, which are all situationally useful. I totally think she's good enough to be competitive, and she's probably one of my 10 favourite pieces in the game.
Darth O
Posted: Sunday, March 30, 2014 6:55:45 PM
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She works so well theoretically as a replacement for Dash in a Skybuck squad. Run Yobuck 26 squares, swap in Aayla, and use one of her 3 force powers with momentum. 60-damage sweep, 60 damage ranged, or 60 unavoidable damage.
Posted: Monday, March 31, 2014 1:48:38 PM
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Day 2, the randomiser came up with the Bespin Guard from Rebel Storm (

5 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 12
Attack: 3
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Advantageous Cover (+8 Defense from cover instead of +4)

I was looking forward to having a bad filler WOTC piece to bash, and I'm sure that's coming sometime, but these Bespin guards aren't actually too bad. Since they're only 5 points, and can shoot, and they're Fringe and subject to a lot of commander effects (including some that are specifically just for them), you can do a few decent things with them.

They get specific boosts from:
- Lando Calrissian (Allies whose names contain Bespin Guard get +2 Attack).
- Bespin Guard Captain (Allies whose names contain Bespin Guard gain Double Attack).
Which means that you can make a reasonable Bespin Guard themed squad.

Since they're Fringe, you can load them up with all sorts of things - you can give them GMA in Rebels or Republic with Rieekan/Wedge and a Twi'lek Black Sun Vigo (which can get them to double/twin with a Bespin Guard Captain and a Czerka), you can give them damage boosts with Talon Kardde in an all fringe squad (although it's a shame that Lando's CE doesn't stack with Talon's), with Jabba Crime Lord and that guy who gives out Deceptive.

There are far better scrubs out there to build a squad around (eg Snow Troopers, Klatooinian Assassins), but a 5 point piece that can shoot and is subject to lots of boosts is still not a bad base, even if its stats are mediocre to start with. 6/10 (which is where they should be, since I don't think anyone wants Bespin Guards dominating the meta....).
Posted: Monday, March 31, 2014 2:38:45 PM
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I honestly think the Bespin Security Guard is way better in a Bespin squad hands down.
Posted: Monday, March 31, 2014 3:03:24 PM
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harryg wrote:
I honestly think the Bespin Security Guard is way better in a Bespin squad hands down.

I could go either way, I think. Maybe it depends if you're planning to run Rebel Storm Lando - if he fits into your squad (ie if you're not running another straight attack booster like Talon Karrde IB), it's maybe better to go with the Security Guards, to take advantage of the rapport.
Posted: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:31:56 PM
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I love the pojo reviews. Therefore, I am really glad that you are doing reviews like this. Keep up the great work Hutts!
Posted: Monday, March 31, 2014 7:12:54 PM
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Bonus one for today, since it's such a slow day (at least where I am), Prince Xizor from Universe:

40 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 100
Defense: 22
Attack: 12
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Pheromones (Cancel an attack from a living enemy within 6 squares that targets this character; the attacker can avoid this effect with a save of 11)

Commander Effect
Allies with Stealth gain Accurate Shot. Allies with Grenades 10 instead gain Grenades 20.

I don't know if Prince Xizor was considered a good piece at some stage, but he's simply way too expensive for what he brings to the table. He gives a bunch of strong pieces accurate shot - both Cad Banes, Arica, Storm Commandos, ERCs, Tyber Zann, General Weir, Han Solo in Stormtrooper Armor are all good pieces who'd benefit from accurate shot. If his CE was on a standard 15-20 point commander, I think he'd see a lot of play, but it's on a 40 point piece, who has really high stats (22 defense on a commander is freakishly high), a decent defensive ability in Pheromones, but negligible damage output. Even with that 22 defense and pheromones, he's not rugged enough to last long in the front lines and doesn't have the damage output to make a decent clean up fighter, so you're basically paying for abilities that you'll never use. I prefer commanders who can do something, rather than just sit out the back chilling like General Rieekan, but Xizor is just a weirdly designed piece. You might be able to get some mileage out of him if you're playing at higher point levels than 200, but at 200 he's too big a chunk of your squad for too little return. 3/10.
Darth O
Posted: Monday, March 31, 2014 8:32:42 PM
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1/10 is a bit harsh. You can make a double Grenades 20 swarm with him:

--The Sun Which is Being Black--
40 Prince Xizor
27 Lobot
23 Nautolan Black Sun Vigo
20 Captain Tarpals
16 Dr. Evazan, Galactic Criminal
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
5 Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist
60 Gran Raider x15

(200pts. 22 activations)
Posted: Monday, March 31, 2014 10:37:28 PM
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I'm impressed by your ability to make viable squads with janky pieces, but I still don't think it's that good. You get shut down by Disruptive, by ABM, and by any kind of mass killer. I've never found Grenades very useful personally, but maybe I overlooked them too much; possibly it's a better CE than Accurate Shot for Stealth is on him.

I gave him 1/10, as he's just far too expensive for what he does IMO, but I guess you could make the case that he brings two reasonably unique CEs to the game (Vander has something similar for grenades) - so at least he's not totally redundant.
Posted: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 5:12:20 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
I'm impressed by your ability to make viable squads with janky pieces, but I still don't think it's that good. You get shut down by Disruptive, by ABM, and by any kind of mass killer. I've never found Grenades very useful personally, but maybe I overlooked them too much; possibly it's a better CE than Accurate Shot for Stealth is on him.

I gave him 1/10, as he's just far too expensive for what he does IMO, but I guess you could make the case that he brings two reasonably unique CEs to the game (Vander has something similar for grenades) - so at least he's not totally redundant.

I have to agree, Xizor just doesn't have enough of a punch to be worth the points. The CE is pretty powerful, but with his stats I think he could have been costed around 30 instead. Though that was way earlier in the game where pieces were usually costed higher anyway. I think we could use an new Xizor or even better a new Guri to make the Xizors we have even better (with Rapport 10 for this version perhaps?) I give him a 2/10
Posted: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 5:55:48 AM
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2/10? You're all brutal judges.

Xizor predates my experience with the game, as I came in during A&E. I agree, he is expensive. Back in my day, I can recall seeing a few people running him with HanArmor, as that allowed for a near-board wide attack with furious assault, but even those many years ago, the +8 attack Han was gunning for wasn't enough to really justify the 40 point accurate shot bonus.

That being said, for theme and casual play, I think this Xizor is actually spot on. For what he is and does but he certainly isn't a junk piece... I would give him maybe 6/10.
Posted: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 6:38:20 AM
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Back in the day he wasn't bad. Accurate Shot was quite rare and pretty powerful, so his CE was excellent. He was also incredibly survivable; his stats combined with Pheremones made him exceptionally hard to kill, and it would usually take at least a few rounds to take him out. Now that damage output and attack values have ramped up a lot since Universe, he's not the tank he used to be. Also, 10 Damage used to be more significant; he could be paired with a single primary attacker so Xizor could take out 10 HP scrubs to allow the other guy to focus on the primary enemies. Also, +12 Attack used to be really high!

He was never quite tier 1, but back in the day he was probably a 7/10. In today's meta, though? He really is pretty near useless. I'd put him at a 2/10 or maaaaybe a 3/10, because Pheromones could still make him a pretty serious annoyance, and on the right map with the right support his CE can still be brutal (Arica with Accurate Shot can definitely win games in the right situation). But the times he pays off are just too rare and too situational, so he's not really worth the point investment. He's not useless in every single scenario, which is what I would reserve the 1/10 for, but he would probably only be worth being played in 5-10% of games.
Posted: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 7:34:18 AM
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I always liked Xizor, early on I used quite a bite. Now, his 40 pts is too high, compared to V-set
pieces.I still love to use him in an Epic 500 squad.

gotta love the dude!he almost nailed LeiaDrool
Posted: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 7:53:31 AM
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He was good with an Aqualish grenade swarm, or even a blaster for hire grenade swarm (~25 activations).

Han St/ithor/aqualish/xizor means running, grenades and accurate furious for some varied fun.

An accurate abyssian swarm was also pretty fun.

I don't think he ever broke into the competitive game for all the reasons mentioned; expensive and hard to utilize.
He isn't your normal commander, in order to get him to work he has to come out and get involved, using his pheremones and his reliable gun to get in the way of the other pieces. Obviously, that has its own issues with disruptive and having him killed but you had to be prepared to get him front and center before you lost all the pieces he was supporting.

The game has moved far past Xizor. He was fun when black sun pieces were reasonable but they are pretty dire by todays standards. I remember when The_Bith (tm) was one of my favorite pieces there were some pretty interesting squads out there.
Posted: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 12:02:03 PM
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one of my favorite, virtually unused, pieces. I won The TIle Wars Champs a few years ago with him. Arica packs quite a punch with him. Also so does the New Cad and han using furious assault.

also that 22 defense goes a long way when hiding.
Posted: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 12:52:57 PM
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The power creep is more about late WOTC, than about v-sets; I'm definitely in the school of thought that v-sets augment the top tiers, not supplant them - Thrawn, Dodonna, R2 Astromech, etc are still the best pieces in the game. We've gone over this before, but my opinion is that the power creep in the mid Wizards sets was far more significant than that in the v-sets. There's no way anyone would have seriously considered bringing Prince Xizor to GenCon 2010. I did edit my rating to 2/10 - I guess he does have some uses, and I do agree with Echo that 1/10 should be for worthless pieces.

Anyway, today's Mini of the Day is another one from Universe, Princess Leia, Rebel Hero.

14 points
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 15
Attack: 8
Damage: 10

Special Abilities

Force Powers
Force 2

Commander Effect
Whenever a follower within 6 squares defeats an enemy, it may immediately move 2 squares. This move does not provoke attacks of opportunity and does not prevent the use of extra attacks.

I already started a thread about this piece last week, so it feels a little weird to talk about it again so soon, but we need to respect the sanctity of randomisation. Obviously the main reason to play this Leia is for her commander effect, and it's one that was unique from Universe in 2005 until Borsk came out in 2014, meaning she has her own little niche. Her CE is known as the lawnmower, and there were some neat things you could do with it:
- using Unleash The Force (you can bring her into New Republic, and can keep moving 2 after you defeat something)
- using Force Repulse 3
- using Lightsaber sweep with Rebel Storm Obi-Wan
- using it to move back and close a door after defeating a piece.
- killing a self destruct piece, then moving away so you don't take the damage.
- using self destruct (I understand it works on Kel Dors - they can move 2 after they defeat something).
I think that she's a good piece for 14 points, and that the main reason she gets overlooked is that the 20 point Princess Leia from Alliance and Empire is one of the best pieces in the game and is the go-to Leia most of the time. The v-set does help her get some more play - Versatility on the v-set Leia Rebel Commando means that she can be bought in for some matchups. 8/10.
Posted: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 2:25:11 PM
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OK, another one for the day, Clone Trooper Gunner from Revenge of the Sith.

8 points
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 15
Attack: 6
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Order 66
Gunner (Can combine fire with adjacent allies who have Mounted Weapon)

Gunner is a very situational SA. The Gunner needs a 10 to hit an Ugnaught in cover. It's boring and bland. Go straight to the eternal bin of darkness. Do not pass go. 1/10
Posted: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 2:36:00 PM
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TheHutts wrote:

Gunner is a very situational SA. The Gunner needs a 10 to hit an Ugnaught in cover. It's boring and bland. Go straight to the eternal bin of darkness. Do not pass go. 1/10

N...nnn...not th_the.... the eternal bin of.... *shudders*... DARKNES Scared
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