Bloo Milk

Sorry about the mess

"No, no, no. This goes here, that goes there."
If you're seeing this page, something went wrong somewhere. Don't worry--all your data is safe. You might need to redo very last thing you were doing (the last character you added to/removed from a squad, etc.). But the rest of your squad (and all your saved squad and collection information) will be fine.

"I've made a few special modifications."
Sometimes when I make an update to the site, it'll send you here. You might be able to get the page to work by just refreshing your browser. Or try visiting the Bloo Milk homepage, and see if that's working.

"Help me, Bloo Milk user. You're my only hope."
If you could shoot an e-mail to and let me know that something's wrong, that would be awesome!

"It's not my fault! They told me they fixed it!"
I apologize that things don't always work quite right. Check back in a few minutes and see if the site's back up yet. Or you can visit the WotC forums and see if any information has been posted.