So Here is my play report.....
Top 4
1. Greg (Winner!) -Solo Charge
2. Ricky - Poggle Bombs, Asajj Ventress, Lancer
3. Weeks- Erica/Cad/Pallaeon/Thrawn
4. Nathan- Rebel Commandos and Wookies
My squad: Rebel Wookie Sandwich STA
Luke RC
Ithorian Commando
ERC x2
Wookie Commando x4
Game 1: VS Ricky (Seps: Poggle Bombs, Asajj Ventress, Lancer)
Key Play: I threw my ERC 12 squares then charged 12 to kill lancer in the first round.
Result: 3 pt win (1-0 and 3 points total)
Game 2: VS Nick (NR: Han GH, Kyle Combat Instructor, Anakin, Jaina Solo SOTJ)
Key Play: Nick didn't run override. I was able to split his forces and pull a two point win
Result: 2 pt win (2-0 and 5 point total)
Game 3: VS Kris (OR: Bastilla, Reven, Seer, Battlemaster, Jedi Crusader)
Key Play: My Shooters took out the Jedi Battlemaster, and Seer early. I rolled extremely well with several crits, and he failed his saves.
Result: 3pt win (3-0 and 8 points total)
Game 4: VS Weeks (Imp: Erica/Cad/Pallaeon,Thrawn)
Key Play: Weeks brought in 4 Camassi Nobles and positioned them perfectly to wall off my charging wookies from Erica/Cad. I didn't play that bad, but weeks just positioned his guys perfectly through the game.
Result: loss (3-1 and 8 points)
Game 5: VS Roy (Luke GM, Kyle Combat Instructor, Ganner, uggies x3)
Key Play: Luke GM went on a rampage, He used DjemSo to respond to my melee attacks and kill my fragile wookies and Luke RC. In fact, I think they may have told spry (the judge) that I was about to loose. However, Toward the end Luke rolled at least five 1's, and fail all his saves. I won this game with thanks to the dice. Roy was a great sport about it.
Result: 3pts (4-1 and 11 points total and into the final four)
Finals, Round One: VS Greg (Solo Charge)
Key Play: I should have brought in 5x Brutes and a noble to beat him on activations. Instead I brought in wicket, R4, and a Gran to help my wookies attacking within Han's disruptive zone. As a result, I was clearly out activated. Greg played it perfectly by hiding his heavy hitters behind a mouse droid wall. Once I had activated, he would then move them out to kill my dudes, and then back behind the wall via greater mobile, or levitation. He stomped me: I only killed Gha Nackt, and some mouse droids the whole game. Congrats Greg on going on to win the regional!
Result: Loss
Anyways, it was a fun time. Thanks to spry the judge, and the additional folks visiting from Tennessee and VA. Looking forward to next year.