The good Flying Arrow and myself (with excellent comments from many other parties) have been working on a Levelling System for our SWM game so, when we introduce new players, they have an easier integration into the ins and outs of the game... rather than facing Bastila or the like in their first game. The idea is that, by running new players through five distinct levels, they will have a steady introduction into the game and are more likely to understand the broader concepts so that, no matter what they face come their ascension to Level 5, they'll be cool, calm and collected in response. Or filled with rage if they are Sith.
The first two Levels are now relatively complete and ready for your use with new players. I am already using these with a growing group of students at my College (where I teach) and I even had one remark on Tuesday that the original Han Solo (from Rebel Storm) was "OP".
Level One, built for extreme beginners, consists of two 50pt squads - one Rebel and one Imperial - and is here: Two consists of four pre-built 100pt squads - one each of Republic, Separatist, Rebel and Imperial: Two also has a squad building component, although it is more for testing your squad-building than for actually playing. However, you choose to play it, the
cards for all the Level Two pieces are here:, I have been giving out the original
Rebel Storm rulebook as well. I have that here: you are curious as to how we got to this point, the
original Bloomilk forum is here: are already finding that there is excitement for the levels here and that it creates the promise of more to come. One of our more experienced players was telling a newbie the other day about a piece that is more than likely a Level Fiver, and our newbie was awestruck. However, the newbie won't have to deal with the conundrums that facing that piece will present until they are good and ready!
We are also already creating our own house rules about the Levelling System and encourage you to do so as well. We have stated that everyone (including myself) has to complete two games at Level One (one with each squad) before it can move up, and that they must play one game with each Level Two squad - including one win! - before they progress again. That means that Flying Arrow and I need to get our skates on for Level Three! And, we're already talking about the first Level Two tournament at the College - first a swiss Tournament with the pre-built squads, followed by a squadbuilding competition with the available pieces - best squad as voted by their peers wins!
I hope this helps grow the game where you are. This would have helped me no end when I started Save11, so I hope this is useful for you!
Mauri ora, mauri mate!