Here are the results of a dynamic duo tournament that JFisto and I ran this afternoon ( We did a variant of DD where you could have duos that ranged from 98 to 100). There were 10 players and we did 4 games. The prizes were the three map packs and one drafted Dark Times booster. ( A lot of the people who played aren't on Bloomilk)
1st: ME!
(I won all 4 games, and the only person who got any points against me was in the final, round when my opponent got gambit once. I won all my other games 100-0!) I played Cad Bane/Kyle CI (I won Ferus Olin!)
2nd: JFisto using Flobi/Cap. Rex
3rd: Guest using Mandalore the Ultimate/Bossk BH (He's the one who got the gambit against me)
4th: My Dad using Vader SotJ/Kreia
5th: Guest using Cade BH/Kol
6th: Guest using Malak DLotS/Sith Assault Droid
7th: Malhtar using Darth Talon/ IG-88 BH
8th: Guest (6th and 10th's brother) using Gen. Windu/Dash RS
9th: Guest using Lord Vader/Dash RS
10th: Guest using Sion/Guard Droid (Made 2 out of 7 Eternal Hatreds)
There you have it!
bjbrains couldn't make it and Admiral_Dzzle was judge. (We had an uneven number of players so he volunteered to judge, because he would've crushed us all if he played.