Mickey wrote:I guess my biggest problem up to this point is how the the same day the game end was announced Dean went on to post here and elsewhere that Gamers would take up the torch to carry the game onward for everyone.
That's partially because Dean knew what was coming (and most of us read the writing on the wall) so we had been making plans since Gencon 09 in some manner. Basic research into Decipher's PC, discussions about what we would like to see, thinking about who would be good at what, etc. Dean posted that day on all the forums not to create some megalomania, but rather to let the community know that the game wasn't dead, to calm fears, and so on.
We knew something was going on because of Gencon stuff, and even before the announcement, Dean and Jim were working out how to run Gencon without WotC.
Mickey wrote:I want to say I do support carrying onward with the game and that many of the players working on the continuation probably are the best for the job but at what point did any of those people there get "elected" by the SWM community to accept that job for all of us?
Um, couple of questions. Why should they be "elected"? This isn't political office, and it isn't a system of voting, it's a system of more or less consensus. The people doing it, are those who over the years have shown real commitment to the game and community, aptitude and what they are doing, and reliability. In some ways they were "elected" by the community long ago. But other people have gotten involved all on their own by taking on a job and doing it. For example, all the threads started on all three forums by Admiral Motti. More on this in a minute. I see no reason to "vote".
And honestly, unless you can tell me who would be better at designing than Deri (Fingersandteeth), Dennis (Boris) and Eric (Engineer), or who would be better to head up playtesting than myself, Lou (Lou) and Aaron (Lobostele), I don't see the value in creating a popularity contest of people who want power for the wrong reasons getting all their friends to vote for them, etc, rather than entrusting the group of people the community has long believed can best do the work. And you will notice, all 7 people I've mentioned here, are Hall of Fame players. I think that's where I mentioned the community "elected" them long ago. If you want to have a vote for sake of having a vote so be it. I don't see any reason to do so, because I'm sorry, no matter how many votes random poster X gets, if we as a community don't know his/her work, why would we entrust them. Think of it like applying for a job as a high level exec. The people in the mail room don't get to vote for you or not. (And by mail room, I am referring to the 150 posters who exist on this forum to rate squads with 1s, not real members of the community :))
Mickey wrote:If the tables had been turned and Shinja and the group of mods here had gone and posted that same comment everywhere how would the Gamers group have reacted?
Umm, don't know what this means. You mean posted that you were going to make V-sets? Or that Regionals and Gencon would be going off without a hitch? The post you refer to was the latter, and the former was merely a mention of where we would be going eventually. I don't care what Shinja and the mods want to do.
Mickey wrote:I just feel there should have been more democracy and less imperialism in taking the reigns over for running the game.
Meh, I don't see how democracy helps, other than as a way to put Dean and Gamers in a bad light. This isn't an imperial system in anyway, nor is it a democracy. Neither word is helpful. It's a community effort from people who love the game, nothing more, nothing less. No one is enslaved to it in anyway.
Mickey wrote:If Gamers really was concerned about uniting the SWM community there would have been more involvement from everyone as a whole rather than telling everyone to goto Gamers if they want to be involved.
Wrong motivation on both counts. First, Gamers isn't primarily concerned with uniting the SWMs community. That is not our first purpose. Sure, to varying degrees we all care about it (hence why I'm here answering your questions). But no one is being kept out of it either. People who choose not to be involved because of whatever reason, are doing so of their own free will. As to why go to gamers, read my next comment as well. Also, I think anyone will recognize the need to keep things consolidated and within control. Chasing too many threads on three forums would be unwieldy for anyone, so it's just not practical. With that said - read below.
Mickey wrote:Why not place polls and threads here and at Gamers and anywhere else that SWM players hang out requesting opinions and views on how to proceed?
Actually, they did, and they do. Please look at the forums here much more carefully. There have been numerous threads asking for input. I'm not positive, but if I remember correctly, MDB ruined several of the threads here on bloomilk. Others are still here, and more will be coming. But you must realize that it's hard to follow the same discussion (and read through the repeat comments of people who didn't read the other threads) on three forums. It's much easier to keep the conversations in one place in many cases.
Mickey wrote:I also think if people wanted to be a part of the committee from the start then there should have been a request to the community seeking volunteers.
If there was one then I apologize because I missed it.
There was, and Dean was loaded with PMs in a few days. The request was made on day one, on all three forums. You must understand, that there isn't a need for 500 people, many of whom were not really interested in doing the work, just making a name for themselves, or whatever, but the option is still available to anyone. Contribute to the threads.
Mickey wrote:When the next floor rules are put out how will that take place?
July 1, just as the schedule has normally been. Dean will post the rules on Gamers, as the DCI website is likely to be taken down by then. Ratings and rankings will be maintained and continued on Gamers, as we are working on a rating system and reporting software system as we speak to keep things working the way the players are used to DCI working.
Mickey wrote:Before Dean came up with the outline of rule changes and passed them on up the chain. From what I understand that went through alot of hands before becoming official. What will the process be now? Will the community be involved in voting on changes or will they just be given to us?
Not sure where you heard that, but it was very few hands, and the last few times they didn't do much. The process will be virtually the same as before. Dean (and Nickname) will work through any rule changes, and Dean will send it to a few people to check for errors. Then a few weeks prior to the date, Dean will likely tell us of any thing coming. Although don't expect a lot of major changes in July. Bigger things tend to happen at the January 1 update (this year almost certain to include some custom maps in some fashion). In fact, you can be involved in the discussion on Gamers about the custom maps right now if you want to. If you want to start a thread here on Bloo to do so as well, go for it.
Mickey wrote:On the v-sets, I just feel like things are being rushed. We just had our last official release 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure of the ETA on the v-set but it just seems like it is coming very fast to me.
How could you possibly make that assessment? If you don't know the ETA, how can you judge that it's being rushed?
The goal is to release the first V-set sometime in the fall (likely late fall - Oct-Nov-Dec). I think it's important to recognize, that we have 3 players doing design with countless ideas from the community, compared to 1 Rob with very little input. We have another group of 3 players who will be in charge of play testing (not I said in charge - the way I've organized it is to go to a few groups of players I trust and some who have approached me to test a few things and report back to me - Lou and Aaron are doing the same). In terms of design, we have 3X the team WotC had, and in terms of playtesting, we have 3000X the team. In terms of card creation and so on, again we have multiple people who will be working on it. Rob did a set every 3-4 months at the last, roughly 120 minis a year, as a single person. I don't think it's at all unreasonable to expect us to be able to continue that type of release schedule without it being "rushed". Further, to say so at this point, is insulting and based on nothing. Please refrain from doing so further unless you actually had evidence of such.
Mickey wrote:Will there be alot of playtesting to see how the new pieces affect the whole of the game and not just how well the piece is?
Yep, a lot, and like I said, 3000X more than Rob ever did.
Mickey wrote:I know my biggest concern is that there is going to be a power creep. Our last couple of official sets did not have power creep in my opinion. But when you start replacing old pieces that most feel are weak and replace that piece with a more useuable piece then that sounds like there is a big chance for power creep.
Not going to argue the point. Just going to say look at the people designing. What sides of "power creep" arguments have they traditionally been on? But more importantly, I think this will be answered in time, and there isn't much point in debating it now.
Mickey wrote:That is one of my biggest concerns that pushes me away from the v-set. I'm afraid that it will change the game I love to play in a dramatic way.
This just sounds like you don't trust the people working on it. That's fine. It will change the game though. Some players will say it changed it for the worst, but I think most will find the new pieces good additions. I'd say wait and see.
Mickey wrote:I hope I no way was insulting in my post. There is no intent like that in my words. I just have questions and concerns and would like some answers if someone has the time to answer them.
Other than the comment about it being "rushed" which I simply view as an impossible judgment to make, it certainly wasn't. I've told you specifically before, I generally don't respond to topics that I don't think are worth it. In this case, they were good questions, and worth taking some time to answer. Now back on topic :)