greentime wrote:Dodonna, by a huge margin. Rieekan costing only 14 points and providing mobile attack is annoying, overpowered, and frankly gratuitous (who raised their hand during design and said, I dunno, maybe people won't play him if all he does is give every single ally evade?), but overall Rieekan is a good thing for the game. If Rieekan was a fringe piece, the game would benefit enormously because the BS megashooting squads that have dominated from day one are pretty much dead. Dodonna, on the other hand, has no redeeming factors. He lets you half your activation rate, except when you want to. That basically forces everyone else to either play their own activation control just to be able to respond to their opponent's actions, or build squads specifically to reduce opposition activations by killing stuff early. Dodonna is simultaneously the best activation control and the cheapest, and splashes into two of the stronger factions (the ones that already have evade and mobile). Honestly he is just offensive.
I think you saying Rieekan being good for the game is nuts lol.
How can he be good for the game when a Golan Arms Turret has a 50/50 chance of getting rid of a shot from shooters and Malak, Bane, and Exar Kun just get lit up like christmas trees?
Rieekan's CE should exist in any faction let alone the one that could arguably the most use out of it.
Rieekan should be gone from the game, Dodonna and more specifically Dodonna's factions were counterable, not the case with Rieekan, then it is mostly decided by luck.
This issue is how different from SSM and is a different argument altogether.