There are elements of posts that drive me crazy. That is when people say things that are either passive-aggressive in nature or just over-the-top sarcastic. Example: Hey, why don't we be like really sarcastic, because that bounds to work?! I work with High School students in a low decile school and there are some adults in this forum I would remove from class for the things that are being said.
Another part of the problem, I think, is that people can't read inflection in posts so things get out of hand quicker. Like this: Be aware, what you think you are saying and what you are actually saying can appear as two different things when seen in a different context. Same goes for reading something. Check your own mindset before you read and click reply.
Lastly, if you are finding someone's post difficult to handle because you completely disagree with it, try two things. First, start be trying to rephrase what they say in your own words to check the understanding. I feel like half the posts I read start with "I didn't say that". Secondly, if you're going to say something negative, start by saying something positive. In some situations that will feel near-impossible, but your opinions sound so much more reasonable and you arrive at a good space so much quicker.
Sort it out people. I'm teaching kids from my school to play and I am sending them here. Be better, because you can be.