Not sure if this should go here or in the Trading post. Move it for me if you like, guys. ;)
Here in Cincinnati, we have a habit of making T Shirts for any of our big events. One of our local players works for a print shop. :) So, this time around, we thought we'd make it open to everybody!
I'm having trouble posting the picture, but you can see it over at Gamers, here:
T Shirt Design!If I can, I'll update this post later with the actual picture so you don't have to make the jump.
The artwork was done by a local artist named Scott D.M. Simmons, who has also done stuff for Topps and Lucasfilm on their sketch card series.
The dejarik table image will be on the back of the shirt, and the front of the shirt will say "STAR WARS Miniatures, 2010 Regional Tournament". For the folks attending the Cincinnati Regional, you can request to have "Cincinnati, Ohio May 8" added to yours. Shameless plug: Come to the Cincy Regional if you can! It's going to be awesome!
Cost is $15 per shirt, plus $5 for shipping. Paypal can be used, and my address is Just be sure to indicate what you're purchasing. If you need to mail a check or something other than Paypal, send me a BlooMail.
Orders can be accepted through noon EST on Thursday, May 6. We have to place the order for the shirts at that time.