Hey everyone!
HAVES:Starship Battles:Mon Calamari Star Defender Viscount
Mon Calamari Cruiser Home One x3
Millennium Falcon x 2
Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Interceptor x3
Obi-Wan's Jedi Interceptor
Super Star Destroyer Executor
Palpatine's Shuttle x4
Slave I (Jango Fett) x3
Asajj Ventress Starfighter
General Grievous's Starfighter
SWMOld Republic:Sith:Lumiya, The Dark Lady x3 (LotF)
Rebel:R2-D2 w/ Extended Sensor (IE)
Imperial:Marasiah Fel x2 (LotF)
Republic:Merumeru (DT)
Grand Master Yoda (JA)
Oddball x2(CW)
Even Piell (CotF)
Separitist:General Greivous, Scourge of the Jedi (GaW)
New Republic:Anakin Solo x2 (JA)
Mandalorian:Fringe:Bossk, Trandoshan Hunter (DT)
4-LOM, Droid Mercenary (DT)
Lobot, Computer Liason Officer (IE)
Jariah Syn (LotF)
Gha Nachkt x2 (CW)
WANTS:Starship Battles:
Imperial Interdictor Cruiser
TIE Fighters (regular or Ace)
Jedi Star Fighters x6
ARC-170 Starfighters x6
Mon Calamari MC80 x2
Republic Assault Ship
SWM *Willing to pay using PayPal
Maps, maps, and more maps *Highest Priority
Wat Tambor, Techno Union Foreman (GaW)
AT-RT (RotS)
Destroyer Droid x2 (CS)
Battle Droid on STAP (CS)
Storm Commando (A&E)
Corporate Alliance Tank Droid (BH)
Jawa on Ronto (A&E)
Mouse Droid (IE)
Rebel Vanguard (tFU)
Also looking for these for a friend of mine:
Plo Koon (CS)
Qui-Gon Jin (CS)
Quinlan Vos (CS)
Yoda (CS)
Asajj Ventress (CS)
Darth Maul (CS)
Darth Sidious (CS)
Darth Bane (CotF)
Jaina Solo (CotF)
Talon Karde (BH)
Boba Fett, BH (BH)
Darth Revan (tFU)
Chewbacca of Hoth (tFU)
Leia of Cloud City (tFU)
Luke's Snowspeeder (tFU)
Vader's Apprentice Redeemed (tFU)
Boba Fett, Mercenary (tFU)
Boba Fett, Enforcer (A&E)
Yoda on Kybuck (CW)
Joliee Bindo (KotOR)
Darth Caedus (LotF)
Darth Nihl (LotF)
Darth Talon (LotF)
Mara Jade Skywalker (LotF)
Ganner Rhysode (MotF)
You can PM me or send an e-mail to
jester006@yahoo.com. Catch you guys later.