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Character Ratings

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Showing 51 - 100 of 2,114 CharactersPrevious12345...43Next
  * Character Name Avg. Rating
51. Fringe Mira of Nar Shaddaa 9.40 (12)
52. Fringe Dray 9.40 (12)
53. Rebel Sabine Wren 9.40 (12)
54. Mandalorians Death Watch Strike Leader 9.40 (5)
55. Yuuzhan Vong Yorik-Et Squad Leader 9.40 (5)
56. New Republic Mara Jade, Galactic Hero 9.40 (5)
57. New Republic Mandalorians Jaina Solo, Sword of the Jedi 9.39 (61)
58. Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn 9.38 (276)
59. Fringe Klatooinian Captain 9.38 (38)
60. Sith Darth Wyyrlok III 9.38 (30)
61. Sith Exar Kun, Dark Lord of the Sith 9.38 (20)
62. New Republic Colonel Jacen Solo 9.38 (10)
63. Fringe Killik Drone 9.38 (10)
64. Sith Darth Nihl, Hand of Krayt 9.38 (10)
65. New Republic Corran Horn, Jedi Master 9.36 (34)
66. Mandalorians Neo-Crusader Officer 9.36 (16)
67. Separatists Sev'rance Tann 9.36 (13)
68. Republic Captain Rex 9.35 (238)
69. Sith Darth Zannah 9.35 (42)
70. Rebel Han Solo, Rebel General 9.35 (27)
71. Fringe Ugnaught Demolitionist 9.34 (301)
72. Republic Grand Master Yoda 9.34 (205)
73. Republic Mace Windu, Legacy of the Light Side 9.33 (60)
74. Sith Darth Revan, Sith Lord 9.33 (59)
75. Separatists Sith Imperial The Phantom Menace 9.33 (41)
76. New Republic Luke Skywalker, Galactic Hero 9.33 (33)
77. Separatists General Grievous, Hero of Hypori 9.33 (25)
78. Fringe Zam Wesell, Bounty Hunter 9.33 (22)
79. New Republic Han Solo, Corellian Legend 9.33 (17)
80. New Republic R2-D2, Galactic Hero 9.33 (11)
81. Fringe Wittin 9.33 (6)
82. Sith Darth Malak, Sith Lord 9.33 (6)
83. Fringe Dryden Vos, Crimson Dawn Leader 9.33 (6)
84. Sith Darth Bane, Sith Master 9.33 (6)
85. Imperial Ganner Krieg 9.33 (3)
86. Mandalorians Montross 9.33 (3)
87. Rebel Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus 9.33 (3)
88. Imperial Imperial Field Commander 9.33 (3)
89. Fringe Pit Droid 9.33 (3)
90. New Republic Galactic Alliance Void Jumper 9.33 (3)
91. Fringe Cad Bane 9.32 (209)
92. New Republic Leia Skywalker, Jedi Knight 9.32 (173)
93. Old Republic Bao-Dur, Tech Specialist 9.31 (20)
94. Mandalorians Jango Fett, Mandalore 9.31 (15)
95. Fringe Blizz 9.30 (12)
96. Sith Mandalorians Darth Maul, Death Watch Overlord 9.30 (12)
97. Sith Freedon Nadd, Dark Force Spirit 9.29 (16)
98. Fringe Morrigan Corde 9.29 (16)
99. Fringe Zaalbar, "Big Z" 9.29 (7)
100. New Republic Grand Master Luke Skywalker 9.28 (312)
Showing 51 - 100 of 2,114 CharactersPrevious12345...43Next

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