I definitely think this Vader takes Luke JM. If Luke starts the fight he gets one hit, if Vader starts he gets 4. Luke’s triple is an advantage but Vader can overwhelming force and rage for as much damage as Luke.
It’s really only meant to be played on the maps and specific scenarios it’s designed for. Staggered activation is silly but it actually makes a lot more sense if you look at the card it’s printed on with the chips and slots they designed for it. It’s just an attempt to make one figure play as a whole team. Honestly it’s such a cool goddamn piece to have in scale with the minis, I’m glad I own it.
I believe so? Bloomilk lists Galen Marek as "Counts as Vader's Secret Apprentice". But the Counts As vs. Name Contains vs. Named thing means I'm probably wrong.
i got a headache trying to read staggered activation. who would play this piece other than for the sake of playing it?? absolutely huge and would cost a fortune to buy these days. it's star wars 'miniatures' not star wars colossals. jokes aside, this piece is overcosted. wotc for you
I thought I remember SSM being ruled differently by wotc in order to unban him. I think they made it trigger vs ranged only, and then unbanned him... Am I making that up?
Since Dun Moch is basically just the Sith giving a silly name to the age old battle tactic of name calling, Maul did indeed start doing that post cyberization XD. If this Maul is reflecting that era of his life, well, I'll give it to you. This just looked like a Battle of Naboo era Maul to me, and that Maul was still a silent killer imo.
Difficult to build around, but there are some fun combos and some very big potential. Basically they can play with any factions non-uniques, but when it comes to building with unique mini's, they can only play with unique Fringe force users. Celeste Morne was a favorite of mine when testing these Witches. Sith Battlelord was another mini that was a lot of fun to play with also.
Oh uh, huge flavor fail here. Darth Plagueis and Palpatine had a whole conversation about how Maul was explicitly not trained in Dun Moch. It was part of the "we're not violating the Rule of Two" cope.
The piece is very playable, but it feels like a retread of Maul Sith Infiltrator from V-Set 2.
Looking at him today I immediately think to compare him to http://www.bloomilk.com/Character/110/aurra-sing which is a Fringe piece that does cost a few points more but has so many similarities.
Best Looking Kyle (if a touch small.)
adamb0nd 2/19/2025 5:47:32 AM (Updated: 2/19/2025 5:48:40 AM)
Can I Like That Wookiee be used to bring in a Chewbacca that was already defeated this game? If so, does Chewbacca count as a new unit from the defeated one?
I think this piece has more potential with Hutt Cartel squads now. Pote Snitkin can give him Overload so he can Proximity Mine 40 twice. That is some pretty respectable damage and his large base + Flight really pairs well with Bib Fortuna allowing him to trigger Death Strike for fellow Hutt Cartel allies. Can you proximity mine 40 the same person 2 times?
3/22/2025 8:35:07 AM
I definitely think this Vader takes Luke JM. If Luke starts the fight he gets one hit, if Vader starts he gets 4. Luke’s triple is an advantage but Vader can overwhelming force and rage for as much damage as Luke.
3/22/2025 7:37:26 AM
Phenomenal CE and Djem So is nice but Lord Vader’s force powers are so much better
3/21/2025 9:30:24 PM
Worst 5 point character in the game
3/18/2025 11:41:28 PM
There's worse than this guy
3/12/2025 9:18:32 PM (Updated: 3/12/2025 10:46:06 PM)
yeah, why all the hate for him?
3/12/2025 10:22:37 PM
yeah and i aint never seen him toss no grenades
3/11/2025 8:18:46 PM
Because you silly scamp. With that opportunist boost you get him up to an extremely threatening +7!
3/11/2025 6:01:57 AM
Why Why Why is his attack only 3
3/11/2025 6:01:56 AM
Why Why Why is his attack only 3
3/10/2025 11:04:49 PM
should be in all squads with protective-like abilities imo
3/9/2025 7:21:56 AM
There's basically no RS Rebel that doesn't have a better version now
3/9/2025 3:37:53 AM
true, the piece is super cool, i might have to cop it at some point (without putting a massive dent in my bank acc)
3/8/2025 8:02:25 PM
It’s really only meant to be played on the maps and specific scenarios it’s designed for. Staggered activation is silly but it actually makes a lot more sense if you look at the card it’s printed on with the chips and slots they designed for it. It’s just an attempt to make one figure play as a whole team. Honestly it’s such a cool goddamn piece to have in scale with the minis, I’m glad I own it.
3/8/2025 5:39:30 PM
She does not give it to the Galen's. That was a question in design and it's just for the WotC Apprentices.
3/8/2025 9:21:05 AM
Awesome she is going to super help out Epic Galen
3/7/2025 6:30:43 PM (Updated: 3/7/2025 6:31:18 PM)
I believe so? Bloomilk lists Galen Marek as "Counts as Vader's Secret Apprentice". But the Counts As vs. Name Contains vs. Named thing means I'm probably wrong.
3/7/2025 3:39:16 AM
Does she affect the Galen versions of Vader’s Apprentice as well?
3/6/2025 8:26:47 AM
i got a headache trying to read staggered activation. who would play this piece other than for the sake of playing it?? absolutely huge and would cost a fortune to buy these days. it's star wars 'miniatures' not star wars colossals. jokes aside, this piece is overcosted. wotc for you
3/5/2025 1:06:47 AM
no. only affinity changes faction
3/4/2025 11:35:32 PM
Does the CE change the faction?
2/21/2025 1:25:14 AM (Updated: 2/21/2025 1:25:42 AM)
she's kinda like a melee character without melee attack
2/20/2025 7:23:33 PM
makes sense. GOWK is one of the best wotc pieces and still a really good piece even with the vsets
2/20/2025 7:23:22 PM
Ah damn, he's one point too expensive for Lightsaber Trainer...
2/20/2025 7:19:15 PM
Imagine this Darth Maul vs Apprentice Kenobi and any Qui-Gonn... It would be a slaughter
2/20/2025 6:12:37 PM
I thought I remember SSM being ruled differently by wotc in order to unban him. I think they made it trigger vs ranged only, and then unbanned him... Am I making that up?
2/20/2025 4:56:20 PM
Since Dun Moch is basically just the Sith giving a silly name to the age old battle tactic of name calling, Maul did indeed start doing that post cyberization XD. If this Maul is reflecting that era of his life, well, I'll give it to you. This just looked like a Battle of Naboo era Maul to me, and that Maul was still a silent killer imo.
2/20/2025 1:44:24 PM
For a while during WOTC times. ssm and the CE were considered unbalanced. The v-sets reinstated him and he hasn't been banned in the v set era.
2/20/2025 8:08:12 AM
was GOWK banned in tournaments??
2/20/2025 1:40:43 AM
Darth Maul was not trained in Dun Möch but he later mastered it and employed it on several occasions. At least according to Wookieepiedia.
2/19/2025 10:30:13 PM
Difficult to build around, but there are some fun combos and some very big potential. Basically they can play with any factions non-uniques, but when it comes to building with unique mini's, they can only play with unique Fringe force users. Celeste Morne was a favorite of mine when testing these Witches. Sith Battlelord was another mini that was a lot of fun to play with also.
2/19/2025 9:34:32 PM
Woooooooooo what a boost to those old TFU pieces. For 11 Points??? Nice.
2/19/2025 9:33:14 PM
Oh uh, huge flavor fail here. Darth Plagueis and Palpatine had a whole conversation about how Maul was explicitly not trained in Dun Moch. It was part of the "we're not violating the Rule of Two" cope. The piece is very playable, but it feels like a retread of Maul Sith Infiltrator from V-Set 2.
2/19/2025 7:49:29 PM
Looking at him today I immediately think to compare him to http://www.bloomilk.com/Character/110/aurra-sing which is a Fringe piece that does cost a few points more but has so many similarities. Best Looking Kyle (if a touch small.)
2/19/2025 7:09:38 AM
good spotting
2/19/2025 6:21:09 AM
You can't bring in any Chewbacca if you have a defeated Chewie in your squad.
2/19/2025 5:47:32 AM (Updated: 2/19/2025 5:48:40 AM)
Can I Like That Wookiee be used to bring in a Chewbacca that was already defeated this game? If so, does Chewbacca count as a new unit from the defeated one?
2/19/2025 3:05:36 AM
I guess Saun can give it out
2/19/2025 2:51:33 AM
What stinks is that other than Lowbacca, no wookiee has door control. So near impossible for an all wookiee squad right now.
2/19/2025 12:30:47 AM
he deserves Master of the Game before
2/18/2025 11:29:11 PM
2/18/2025 11:28:11 PM
Amush/Double/Twin/Cloaked/P.D./DMSM/Teras Kasi/Cannon CE... balanced.
2/18/2025 11:26:03 PM
SSM and a Cannon CE for 42pts??
2/18/2025 11:08:47 PM
large base?
2/18/2025 10:06:08 PM (Updated: 2/18/2025 11:02:58 PM)
he's played these skirmishes before
2/18/2025 9:03:56 PM
but did we really need another maul?
2/18/2025 9:01:32 PM
this feels like seeing the obi-wan bounty hunter's challenge piece being excited and then seeing ascetic :(
2/18/2025 8:00:23 AM
Yes it can. Same as Merumeru's CE brings the AT-ST into Republic. There are potentially cooler synergies in OR, though.
2/18/2025 6:33:35 AM
Is this piece able to bring in the Wookie hunter AT-ST?
2/18/2025 5:47:33 AM
God they did these guys dirty
2/10/2025 9:30:15 PM
I think this piece has more potential with Hutt Cartel squads now. Pote Snitkin can give him Overload so he can Proximity Mine 40 twice. That is some pretty respectable damage and his large base + Flight really pairs well with Bib Fortuna allowing him to trigger Death Strike for fellow Hutt Cartel allies. Can you proximity mine 40 the same person 2 times?