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Commander Effect

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Allied characters with a Force rating and with a printed Attack rating of 10 or less get +4 Attack.

1 Characters
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HitPoints Defense Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating
JA 17 Republic Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Trainer R 24 90 19 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Ataru Style Force 4, Force Push 1, Jedi Mind Trick Has CE 7.84 (99)
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Characters
14 Custom Characters
Showing 1 - 14 of 14 Custom Characters
* Name Rarity Cost HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE Rating Creator
New Republic Kam Solusar VR 32 110 19 13 20 CE CE CE 9.00 (1) saber1
Sith Lomi Plo VR 32 60 17 10 20 CE CE CE -- Darth Cerberus
Sith Darth Vorsägen 34 110 21 10 20 CE CE CE 10.00 (1) Qui-Gon-DingDong
Imperial Brakiss VR 36 90 20 12 20 CE CE CE -- poppins88
Sith Darth Nihl, Krayt's Hand 42 110 19 11 20 CE CE CE 7.50 (2) CorranHornsux123
Republic Qui Gon Jinn, Old Guard VR 43 110 22 13 20 CE CE CE 9.00 (1) cooki1
Fringe PROXY, Training Droid R 45 120 12 1 10 CE CE -- adamb0nd
New Republic Kyle Katarn, Praxeum Instructor 52 120 20 14 20 CE CE CE 10.00 (1) AndyHatton
Republic Master Cin Drallig, Lightsaber Combat Trainer R 55 100 18 10 20 CE CE CE -- Darth Cerberus
Old Republic Raskta Lsu VR 55 120 21 12 20 CE CE CE -- poppins88
Old Republic Republic New Republic Grand Master Tarak, Legend of the force VR 65 150 22 15 30 CE CE CE 3.00 (1) SammiBoi
New Republic Grand Master Kyle Katarn VR 82 140 21 15 20 CE CE CE 7.75 (4) GWiio
Old Republic Raskta Lsu VR 122 140 21 13 20 CE CE CE -- wwmandalorian
Old Republic Revan, Savior of the Galaxy VR 200 200 23 15 10 CE 1.00 (1) ninja5522
Showing 1 - 14 of 14 Custom Characters

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