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2 Characters
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HitPoints Defense Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating
LotF 19 Imperial Emperor Roan Fel VR 57 100 20 12 20 Unique, Imperial Knight, Cortosis Gauntlet 17, It's a Trap!, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Opportunist, Synergy (+4 Atk, Imperial Knight) Force 4, Lightsaber Block Has CE 8.02 (118)
CS 21 Republic Padmé Amidala VR 15 60 17 9 10 Unique, Double Attack Has CE 5.95 (61)
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Characters
23 Custom Characters
Showing 1 - 23 of 23 Custom Characters
* Name Rarity Cost HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE Rating Creator
Imperial Donny's Vader in Bacta Tank VR 0 60 15 -1 -1 CE CE CE 9.00 (1) donnyrides
Imperial Vader in Bacta Tank VR 0 60 12 -1 -1 CE CE CE 9.00 (2) Kamikaze13
Rebel C-3PO, Bombad Deity VR 5 50 16 0 0 CE CE CE -- AdmiralMotti89
Republic Queen Neeyutnee R 7 20 13 -1 -1 CE CE -- LBPB
Republic CS21 Padme Amidala V2 VR 15 60 17 9 10 CE CE -- imyurhukaberry
Mandalorians Duchess Satine Kryze VR 15 40 14 7 0 CE CE -- poppins88
Republic New Republic Old Republic Jedi in Battle Meditation 21 110 13 -- -- CE CE CE -- gandalfthegreatestwizard
Imperial Moff C 21 60 15 11 10 CE CE -- DarthElijah
Mandalorians Duchess Satine R 23 30 12 8 10 CE CE -- darkscarr15
Republic New Republic Quall, Renok Leader R 23 80 16 10 30 CE CE CE -- AllONSYsmurfz
Yuuzhan Vong onimi VR 25 80 20 10 20 CE CE CE -- cowbongo
Fringe Gadon Thek VR 26 50 16 8 20 CE CE -- Darth Mavoc
Rebel Republic Diala Passil VR 27 70 19 11 20 CE CE CE 9.00 (1) Hustonknight
Mandalorians Gotab VR 35 80 14 10 10 CE CE CE 8.00 (2) bigdog1
Mandalorians Pre Vizsla R 41 100 20 13 20 CE CE -- popoball
Imperial Roan Fel, True Emperor 52 120 20 12 20 CE CE CE -- popoball
Rebel Leia Skywalker Unleashed VR 57 110 18 14 20 CE CE CE -- CerousMutor
Sith Darth Nihl, Ossus VR 63 110 21 12 20 CE CE CE 9.00 (1) revan12589
Sith Belia Darzu VR 65 100 18 10 10 CE CE CE -- Raidon Starkiller
Imperial Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord VR 70 130 21 0 0 CE CE CE -- wwmandalorian
Imperial Sith Separatists Lord Sidious R 100 160 22 15 20 CE CE CE -- brennan
Sith Imperial Fringe Slade VR 110 130 18 18 30 CE CE CE -- Jargon Madjin
Fringe Jar Jar Binks, Waste of Space C 200 40 25 0 0 CE CE 6.67 (3) Darthtackle
Showing 1 - 23 of 23 Custom Characters

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