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Nom Anor says, "It's da bomb!"

Commander Effect

Card Text

You activate only 1 character each phase. (This includes Droid and Savage characters.)

2 Characters
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HitPoints Defense Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating
TFU 29 Imperial Admiral Ozzel R 11 40 14 4 10 Unique, Imperial Reserves 20 Has CE 7.79 (85)
RotS 37 Separatists San Hill R 10 30 12 3 10 Unique, Melee Attack, Separatist Reserves 20 Has CE 8.15 (104)
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Characters
7 Custom Characters
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Custom Characters
* Name Rarity Cost HP Def Atk Dmg SA FP CE Rating Creator
Separatists ROTS37 San Hill V2 R 10 30 12 3 10 CE CE -- imyurhukaberry
Republic Imperial Baron Papanoida VR 11 30 12 4 10 CE CE -- LBPB
Mandalorians Goran Beviin R 25 70 18 9 20 CE CE -- frakom
Republic Orn Free Taa, Corrupt Senator 26 50 14 1 10 CE CE 10.00 (1) MaliciousCrumb
Sith Darth Vectivus VR 42 100 22 14 10 CE CE CE -- poppins88
Republic General Arligan Zey R 75 100 18 10 20 CE CE CE 10.00 (3) General_Grievous
New Republic Kyle Katarn, Renegade Jedi Unleashed VR 147 160 22 15 20 CE CE CE -- cassekiel
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Custom Characters

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