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Commander Effect

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All pilots in your squad also count as followers for purposes of commander effects from New Republic allies that specify pilots, or from commanders whose name contains Wedge.

When a Unique pilot in your squad attacks an enemy that is within 6 squares of another pilot in your squad, the enemy gets -4 to saves for the rest of the turn.

1 Characters
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# * Name Rarity Cost HitPoints Defense Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating
EA 27 New Republic Lando Calrissian, New Republic Liaison R 32 80 18 11 20 Unique, Pilot, Twin Attack, Opportunist, Coordinated Command (New Republic), Gambler's Luck, It's a Trap!, Relay Orders, Specialization (Unique New Rep. allies > Pilot) Has CE 7.80 (10)
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