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Commander Effect

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Usable when your squad contains only Fringe characters: If this character is unactivated at the start of an opponent's phase, you may force that player to activate 2 characters that phase (including the first phase of the round), suppressing enemy commander effects that alter the number of activations per phase.

1 Characters
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HitPoints Defense Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating
EA 29 Fringe Aves, Communications Officer VR 34 70 18 8 20 Unique, Mobile Attack, Evade, Advanced Warning (Unique allies), Disciplined Leader, Jam Transmission, Rapport (-5 w/any Talon Karrde), Relay Orders, Willing to Serve Has CE 6.85 (13)
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Characters

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