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Commander Effect

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Unique Rebel allies get +2 Attack.

If an ally who counts as C-3PO is within 6 squares of this character, allies may ignore nonadjacent non-Unique Droid enemies when targeting.

1 Characters
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HitPoints Defense Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating
LTA 17 Rebel Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) VR 18 80 16 8 10 Unique, Droid, Melee Attack, Advanced Door Gimmick, Camaraderie (C-3PO > Adv. Door Gimmick), Override, Rival (non-Unique Droids, Smoke Screen, Such Devotion in a Droid Has CE 7.92 (13)
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Characters

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