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Runs strong in my family...

Commander Effect

Card Text

Inquisitor characters in your squad (including this character) get +2 Attack and +2 Defense while within 6 squares of an allied Inquisitor.

1 Characters
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HitPoints Defense Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating
JFO 6 Imperial Second Sister (Trilla Suduri) 45 120 20 12 20 Unique, Inquisitor, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Intimidation, Jedi Hunter, Parry, Rapport (The Inquisitor JH, -15) Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Dash, Lightsaber Reflect (10 damage), Lightsaber Throw Has CE 6.25 (4)
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Characters

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