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It does a Bothan good.

Darth Malak

esbeltateramara - (Created: 2/3/2024 11:35:25 AM)

Card Text

Force 4 Force Stun (Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: range 6; target living enemy is considered activated this round; save 11) Lightsaber Throw (Force 1, replaces attacks: Attack 1 enemy within 6 squares) Sith Rage (Force 1: +10 Damage on all attacks this turn) Card Text Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: range 6; target living enemy is considered activated this round; save 11 Card Text Force 1, replaces attacks: Attack 1 enemy within 6 squares Card Text Force 1: +10 Damage on all attacks this turn

Glossary Text

(Force; 1 Force point) A target living enemy within 6 squares is considered activated this round. That enemy can avoid this effect with a save of 11. This ability is usable only on this character's turn. (Force; 1 Force point) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using this Force power can make one attack against an enemy within 6 squares, ignoring the Melee Attack restriction. This counts as a nonmelee attack for purposes of effects such as Lightsaber Deflect and Molecular Shielding. (Force; 1 Force point) A character using this Force power gets a +10 bonus to Damage on all its attacks until the end of the turn. Sith Rage works even when the character is making an attack of opportunity.

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