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esbeltateramara - (Created: 2/9/2024 4:34:35 AM)
Card Text
Force 2 Lightsaber Deflect (Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11) Lightsaber Sweep (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once) Card Text Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 Card Text Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once
Glossary Text
(Force; 1 Force point) When a character using this Force power is hit by a nonmelee attack, it can avoid the damage with a save of 11. You must decide whether to use this Force power immediately after the attack hits. (Force; 1 Force point) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using this Force power makes one attack against each enemy adjacent to it instead of using the targeting rules. A character can move normally on the turn that it uses this Force power.