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The Legacy of Star Wars

StarWarsNicholas12 - 8/5/2011 5:55:35 PM (Created: 8/3/2011 3:40:04 PM)

Minis from the Legacy Comic Series

Showing 1 - 60 of 60 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HP Def Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating Cmt
1. Imperial New Republic Antares Draco, Imperial Knight VR 30 100 19 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Synergy (+4 Atk, Imperial Knight), Cortosis Gauntlet 18 Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Block, Force Push 2, Sith Rage 6.00 (2) 0
2. Imperial New Republic Bastion Artillery Cannon UC 31 110 13 0 0 Emplacement, Artillery, Artillerist 4.00 (2) 1
3. Imperial New Republic Ganner Krieg R 30 100 20 12 20 Unique, Imperial Knight, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Synergy (+4 Atk, Imperial Knight), Cortosis Gauntlet 17 Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Block, Force Push 3 7.00 (2) 0
4. Imperial New Republic Gunner Yage R 11 50 17 7 10 Unique, Twin Attack, Stealth, Evade CE 4.00 (3) 1
5. Imperial Imperial Admiral UC 16 60 18 7 20 Double Attack, Cunning Attack CE 5.00 (2) 0
6. Imperial Imperial Captain C 11 30 17 5 10 Twin Attack CE 3.00 (3) 0
7. Imperial Imperial Moff C 15 40 16 6 10 Twin Attack CE 5.00 (3) 0
8. Imperial Sith Rebel Joker Squad Stormtrooper UC 6 20 18 7 20 Double Attack, Rookie 7.00 (3) 0
9. Imperial Moff Fehlaurr R 12 50 14 6 10 Unique, Stealth CE 5.00 (2) 0
10. Imperial New Republic Moff Yage R 14 60 16 6 10 Unique, Twin Attack, Evade CE 5.00 (2) 0
11. Imperial New Republic Morrigan Corde VR 40 80 21 12 20 Unique, Independent Outfit, Twin Attack, Double Attack, Evade, Long Shot 10, Assassin, Sabotage 8.00 (2) 1
12. Imperial Roan Fel R 40 120 19 13 20 Unique, Imperial Knight, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Stealth, Synergy (+4 Atk, Imperial Knight), I am Your Emperor, Cortosis Gauntlet 18 Force 4, Lightsaber Block 6.00 (3) 0
13. Imperial Sith Sith Imperial Stormtrooper C 5 10 16 6 10 8.00 (2) 0
14. Imperial Sith Sith Imperial Stormtrooper Commander UC 13 50 17 8 20 Double Attack, Betrayal CE 5.00 (4) 3
15. Imperial Stormtrooper Rookie C 3 10 15 3 10 Rookie 6.00 (2) 0
16. Imperial New Republic True Imperial Stormtrooper C 5 10 16 6 10 8.00 (2) 0
17. Imperial New Republic True Imperial Stormtrooper Commander UC 13 50 17 8 20 Double Attack, Betrayal CE 8.00 (2) 0
18. New Republic Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance VR 43 100 19 13 20 Unique, Twin Attack, Evade, Cunning Attack +20, Master Tactician CE 8.00 (3) 1
19. New Republic Bantha Rawk VR 27 120 19 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Blaster 20, Impulsive Force Renewal Force 1, Lightsaber Assault 6.00 (2) 0
20. New Republic Cade Skywalker, Sith Hunter VR 68 140 20 15 20 Unique, Independent Outfit, Twin Attack, Double Attack, Bounty Hunter +6, Sith Hunter, Accurate Shot, Charging Assault +10 Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Sith Rage, Force Lightning 1, Force Heal 40 7.00 (4) 1
21. New Republic Galactic Alliance Captain UC 16 50 18 8 20 Twin Attack, Accurate Shot CE 8.00 (2) 0
22. New Republic Galactic Alliance Commander UC 17 60 17 8 20 Twin Attack, Cunning Attack +20, Stealth, Evade CE 8.00 (2) 0
23. New Republic Galactic Alliance Soldier C 13 50 13 6 10 Stealth, Cunning Attack 7.00 (2) 0
24. New Republic Galactic Alliance X-Wing Pilot C 4 20 13 4 10 Gunner 5.00 (2) 1
25. New Republic Jedi Apprentice C 8 40 17 6 20 Melee Attack, Stealth Force 1, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Deflect 7.00 (2) 0
26. New Republic Jedi Prisoner C 6 30 12 5 10 Strong Willed, Speed 4 Force 1, Force Renewal 1, Force Repulse 2, Force Alter, Jedi Mind Trick 6.00 (2) 0
27. New Republic Jedi Master UC 20 80 19 8 20 Melee Attack, Double Attack Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Defense, Force Calm CE 6.00 (2) 0
28. New Republic Luke Skywalker, Jedi Spirit R 20 0 0 0 0 Unique, Light Spirit Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Spirit of the Jedi CE 8.00 (4) 2
29. New Republic Master Sazen VR 48 120 20 14 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Evade Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Defense, Force Push 5 7.00 (2) 0
30. New Republic Shado Vao, Jedi R 30 110 21 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Mobile Attack, Sith Hunter Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Push 2 8.00 (3) 0
31. Sith Darth Andeddu R 70 100 17 10 10 Unique, Melee Attack Force 1, Force Renewal 1, Eternal Hatred, Sith Rage 2, Force Repulse 2 3.00 (3) 4
32. Sith Darth Azard R 32 110 20 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Double Attack, Evade Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Lightning 2 8.00 (2) 0
33. Sith Darth Maladi R 27 100 19 10 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Follower of Krayt, Stealth Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Block, Sith Rage, Sith Mind Trick 5.00 (2) 0
34. Sith Darth Nihl, Krayt's Hand VR 48 120 20 14 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Triple Attack, Deadly Attack, Vicious Attack, Flurry Attack, Follower of Krayt, Hand of Krayt Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Defense, Sith Rage, Force Lightning 3, Lightsaber Assault 3 8.00 (5) 1
35. Sith Darth Stryfe R 32 120 16 10 30 Unique, Melee Attack, Momentum, Follower of Krayt, Follower of Wyyrlock 8.00 (3) 0
36. Sith Darth Talon, Krayt's Hand VR 46 100 19 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Triple Attack, Stealth, Evade, Follower of Krayt, Hand of Krayt Force 1, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Block, Force Leap, Sith Rage, Force Grip 2 8.00 (3) 0
37. Sith Imperial Emperor Darth Krayt VR 71 150 21 16 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Jedi Hunter, I am Your Emperor, Vonduun Crab Armor 6 Force 4, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Reflect (all damage), Sith Rage 2, Force Lightning 5, Rakghoul Imuunity 8.00 (4) 0
38. Sith Follower of Krayt UC 15 60 17 8 20 Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Follower of Krayt Force 2, Sith Rage 8.00 (3) 1
39. Sith Follower of Wyyrlock C 13 50 16 7 20 Melee Attack, Double Attack, Follower of Wyyrlock Force 2, Sith Rage 6.00 (2) 0
40. Sith Krayt's Sith Trooper C 10 30 15 8 20 Melee Attack, Stealth, Damage Reduction 10 Force 2, Lightsaber Assault 6.00 (3) 0
41. Sith Sith Master UC 19 80 19 8 20 Melee Attack, Double Attack Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Defense, Sith Rage CE 6.00 (2) 0
42. Sith Sith Interrogator UC 16 50 17 7 10 Melee Attack, Doctrine of Fear Force 1, Force Renewal 1, Force Lightning 1, Force Grip 1 7.00 (2) 0
43. Sith Imperial Sith Pilot UC 10 50 14 7 10 Twin Attack, Gunner +10 5.00 (2) 0
44. Sith Sith Trooper Guard C 4 10 12 4 10 Synchronized Fire 5.00 (2) 0
45. Sith The Leviathan VR 150 200 18 15 40 Unique, Colossal, Damage Reduction 20, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Melee Reach 5, Stomp 8.00 (4) 0
46. Sith Imperial Vul Isen VR 30 90 19 8 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Evade, Destroyer Toxin, Avoid Defeat Force 3, Sith Rage 7.00 (2) 0
47. Fringe Anzati Assassin UC 17 40 18 6 10 Melee Attack, Vicious Attack, Parry, Bloodthirsty, Death Strike, Proboscises 7.00 (2) 0
48. Fringe Blood Carver Elite Assassin UC 14 60 18 8 20 Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Bloodthirsty, Stab, Stealth 7.00 (3) 1
49. Fringe Deliah Blue, Bounty Hunter VR 26 90 19 10 10 Unique, Pilot, Gunner +20, Twin Attack, Evade, Repair 30, Industrial Repair 30 6.00 (3) 0
50. Fringe Droo Rawk R 6 50 18 0 0 Unique CE 6.00 (2) 0
51. Fringe Giant Mutant Acklay VR 59 160 19 13 30 Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Savage, Triple Attack, Clamp, Cleave, Damage Reduction 10, Colossal 9.00 (2) 0
52. Fringe Jariah Syn, Bounty Hunter R 26 90 19 10 20 Unique, Pilot, Crack Gunner +10, Twin Attack, Evade, Cunning Attack +20, Impulsive Jedi Hunter 8.00 (2) 0
53. Fringe Naxy Screeger R 3 30 9 0 0 Unique, Master Evader, Relay Orders, Rapport 6.00 (3) 1
54. Fringe Rav, Crime Boss VR 44 110 18 10 30 Unique, Double Attack, Bounty Hunter +2, Cunning Attack, Crime Boss, Rapport 7.00 (4) 1
55. Fringe Sullustan Vongspawn C 3 30 14 0 0 Doctrine of Fear, Damage Reduction 10, Regeneration 10 8.00 (2) 0
56. Fringe Tusken Raider Chief C 15 50 17 7 10 Melee Attack, Stealth, Mighty Swing +20, Evade CE 8.00 (2) 0
57. Mandalorians Mandalorian Loyalist C 15 40 19 9 20 Double Attack, Cunning Attack, Evade, Stealth 5.00 (2) 0
58. Yuuzhan Vong Sith Maladi's Assistant UC 10 30 16 8 10 Unique, Twin Attack, Thud Bug, Force Immunity 5.00 (2) 0
59. Old Republic Republic New Republic K'Kruhk, long-lived Jedi VR 55 140 18 14 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Mighty Swing, Triple Attack, Stealth Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Lightsaber Defense, Lightsaber Precision, Unleash the Force 60 6.00 (3) 0
60. Republic New Republic Master Tra'Saa R 38 120 21 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Stealth, Twin Attack, Lightsaber Duelist, Tree Form Force 1, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Defense, Force Push 2, Force Repulse 2 6.00 (5) 2
Showing 1 - 60 of 60 Characters

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