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Willow Mini-Set

adamb0nd - 9/27/2012 2:48:18 PM (Created: 9/26/2012 2:02:34 PM)

On April 1, 2006, updated its Databank with elements from the film and its spin-off novels, indicating that Willow would be added to the Star Wars continuity. Elaborate databank entries were written which attempted to plausibly fit the film into the history of the Star Wars universe. However, two days later, it was revealed to be an April Fools' joke, and thus non-canon.

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HP Def Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating Cmt
1. Republic Airk Thaughbaer R 33 100 17 12 20 Unique, Double Attack, Mighty Swing, Cleave, Noble Sacrifice CE -- 0
2. Republic Fin Raziel, Sorceress R 0 100 18 5 10 Unique, Form Restored Force 2, Force Renewal 2, Master of the Force 2, Force Push 5, Force Defense, Force Valor -- 0
3. Republic Galladoorn Soldier R 5 10 15 4 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Squad Cover -- 0
4. Imperial Death Dog R 14 30 16 8 20 Melee Attack, Double Attack, Rend +10, Ambush, It's a Trap!, Savage -- 0
5. Imperial General Kael R 55 120 18 10 30 Dark Armor, Melee Attack, Djem So Style, Double Attack, Doctrine of Fear, Avoid Defeat CE -- 0
6. Imperial Nockmaar Soldier R 5 10 15 4 20 Melee Attack, Squad Assault -- 0
7. Imperial Queen Bavmorda R 40 100 16 5 10 Unique, Melee Attack Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Animate Object, Force Blast, Force Push 4 -- 0
8. Imperial Republic Sorsha 20 80 17 10 20 Unique, Cunning Attack, Double Attack, Parry, Evade, Internal Strife -- 0
9. Fringe Fin Raziel 45 40 18 4 10 Unique, Melee Attack, Wall Climber, Light Tutor Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Form Restoration CE -- 0
10. Fringe Franjean and Rool R 11 20 22 11 0 Unique, Twin Attack, Jolt, Cloaked, Speed 2 Force 2, The Dust of Broken Hearts -- 0
11. Fringe Madmartigan R 29 80 18 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Opportunist, Parry, Melee Duelist, Mobile Attack, Stealth -- 0
12. Fringe Willow R 14 50 16 5 10 Unique, Melee Attack, Bodyguard, Disappearing Pig Trick Force 2, Magic Acorn -- 0
Showing 1 - 12 of 12 Characters

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