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Heat of Battle

Amadeus - 1/17/2015 9:57:51 PM (Created: 1/17/2015 9:51:32 PM)

WIP Custom set, partially focusing on unique tactical designs and building subfactions. Mostly non-uniques.

Showing 1 - 28 of 28 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HP Def Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating Cmt
1. Separatists Pors Tonith 18 40 12 0 10 Tactics Broker, Droid Coordinator CE 9.00 (1) 1
2. Separatists Trade Federation Droid Saboteur 11 10 11 0 10 Droid, Reprogram, Rig Droid -- 1
3. Republic 212th Attack Battalion Clone Captain 18 50 18 10 20 Order 66, Rapport (Cody, Kenobi -1), Sniper, Wall Climber, Recon, It's a Trap! CE -- 0
4. Republic 212th Attack Battalion Irregular Officer 16 30 13 7 10 Order 66, Twin Attack, Wall Climber, Sniper, Gregarious, Relay Orders, Heal 20, Rapport (Cody, Kenobi -1) CE 9.00 (1) 1
5. Republic 212th Attack Battalion Shock Trooper 14 20 14 7 20 Rapport (Cody, Kenobi -1), Double Attack, Charging Fire, Wall Climber, Sniper, Flash Grenade, Satchel Charge -- 0
6. Republic 2nd Airborne Company Captain 21 50 16 8 10 Order 66, Rapport (Cody, Kenobi -1), Air Drop, Wall Climber, Relay Orders, Sniper, Twin Attack, Evade CE -- 0
7. Republic 2nd Airborne Company Clone Trooper 12 20 15 7 20 Order 66, Air Drop, Wall Climber, Sniper, Grenades 10, Rapport (Cody, Kenobi -1) -- 0
8. Republic Close-Range Clone Trooper C 14 20 15 3 10 Splash 10, Blast Cannon, Short Ranged, Single-Shot Blaster 8.00 (3) 2
9. Republic Riot Clone Trooper 19 60 19 7 20 Order 66, Speed 4, Defensive Plates, Squad Cover, Crowd Fighting, Sonic Stunner -- 0
10. Republic Squad Seven Clone Lieutenant 20 50 15 9 10 Order 66, Pilot, Rapport (with Oddball -1), Twin Attack, Relay Orders, Cameraderie (Odd Ball) CE -- 0
11. Republic Squad Seven Clone Pilot 14 50 14 7 20 Order 66, Bravado +10, Draw Fire, Shields 1, Rapport (with Oddball -1), Noble Sacrifice(Unique Republic Pilots) -- 0
12. Republic Squad Seven Clone Sergeant 19 50 16 10 10 Pilot, Order 66, Willing to Serve, Rapport (with Oddball -1), Cameraderie( Pilot > Republic allies names contain Skywalker, Kenobi) CE -- 0
13. Republic Veteran Squad Seven Clone Pilot 19 60 15 10 20 Order 66, Rapport (with Oddball -1), Flurry Attack, Shields 1, Sniper, Draw Fire, Bravado +10, Supporting Fire -- 0
14. Republic Old Republic New Republic Wookiee Chieftan 34 90 17 10 30 Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Relay Orders, Charging Assault +10, Camaraderie (Wookiee Berserker) CE 10.00 (1) 1
15. Imperial Academy Officer UC 12 30 14 2 10 Gregarious CE 9.00 (3) 2
16. Imperial Darth Vader, Scourge of the Tantive IV 50 140 20 0 0 Unique, Melee Attack, Choke, Throw Enemy 2, Intimidation, Instill Fear, Disruptive, Notoriously Dangerous Force 3, Force Renewal 2, Force Grip 1, Force Grip 3, Absorb Energy CE 9.00 (2) 2
17. Imperial Janek Sunber, Hero of Maridun R 29 70 17 9 20 Unique, Opportunist, Thermal Detonator, Field Promotion, Impulsive Reprisal CE 9.00 (2) 4
18. Imperial TIE Squadron Leader 20 40 15 8 10 Pilot, Stay in Formation!, Evade, Relay Orders, Deceptive CE 9.00 (2) 2
19. Rebel Rebel Sleeper Agent 8 10 9 0 0 Recon, Cloaked, Disguised 10.00 (1) 1
20. Fringe Amanin Saboteur C 15 40 15 6 20 Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Wheel Form, Sabotage, Avoid Defeat 9.00 (1) 1
21. Fringe Amanin Warrior 20 50 17 8 20 Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Wheel Form, Cunning Attack, Overextend 9.00 (1) 1
22. Fringe Bounty Broker 12 30 13 4 10 Fringe Reserves 20, Advantageous Cover, Rapport CE 9.00 (2) 2
23. Fringe Cypher Bos, Bounty Hunter 43 80 19 10 30 Damage Reduction 10, Doctrine of Fear, Bounty Hunter +4, Cunning Attack, Double Claw Attack, Hellfire Grenades 9.00 (1) 1
24. Fringe Lobot, Cloud City Co-ordinator 30 50 12 0 0 Cyborg, Rapport (Cloud City), Defuse Bomb, Override, Rally Followers (Lando Calrissian:Bespin Guard/Cloud Car Pilot), Camaraderie (Lando Calrissian > Survival Expert, Avoid Defeat), It's a Trap!, Fringe Reserves 20 CE 10.00 (2) 1
25. Fringe Mustafarian Elite Sniper UC 15 30 16 10 20 Fireproof, Sniper, Accurate Shot, Deadeye, Single-Shot Blaster 10.00 (1) 0
26. Fringe Security Guard Captain 24 60 17 10 10 Bodyguard, Lock Control, Door Gimmick, Guard Co-ordination CE -- 0
27. Fringe Skorr, Vengeful Bounty Hunter 48 80 18 7 20 Rival (Han Solo, Kestrel), Grudge, Bounty Hunter +4, Cunning Attack, Double Attack, Huntmaster (Bounty Hunters), Hostage Shield CE -- 4
28. Mandalorians Mandalorian Elite Enforcer 33 70 17 10 20 Flight, Beskar'gam, Wrist Cable, Missiles 20, Flamethrower 20, Crowd Fighting, Gauntlet Knife +10, Wide Offense -- 0
Showing 1 - 28 of 28 Characters

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