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Legends of the Force

SignerJ - 9/27/2015 4:43:39 PM (Created: 7/2/2015 9:56:56 PM)

[WIP] Being developed simultaneously with my Consumed by Fire set. This one is for more themed, casual, and arcane pieces. Most pieces in this set with have custom Force powers or custom special abilities to distinguish them as unique. [Needs more Sith and OR, and more Fringe. Needs some Mandos and Vong.]

Showing 1 - 29 of 29 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HP Def Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating Cmt
1. Old Republic Bao-Dur, Combat Engineer 41 80 18 11 30 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Soldier, Defensive Stance +2, Mass Shadow Generator, Repair 60 -- 0
2. Old Republic Republic Lightsaber Crystal Guardian 18 60 17 8 20 Affinity (Republic), Melee Attack, Bondar Crystal Upgrade, Jenruax Crystal Upgrade, Luxum Crystal Upgrade Force 2, Lightsaber Defense, Lightsaber Assault -- 0
3. Sith Ajunta Pall, Dark Jedi 71 160 22 17 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Djem So Style Mastery, Greater Mobile Attack, Jedi Hatred +10, Lightsaber Duelist, Tactician +8 Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Dark Force Spirit 2, Force Lightning 2, Lightsaber Deflect, Sith Alchemy 4 (Sith Mutant) CE -- 0
4. Sith Forge Droid 14 60 16 11 20 Droid, Melee Attack, Blaster 10, Damage Reduction 10, Stable Footing -- 0
5. Sith Korriban Archaeologist 5 10 14 2 10 Melee Attack, Evade, Penetration Charge 10.00 (1) 1
6. Sith Krath Shock Assault Droid 21 50 17 9 20 Droid, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Adaptive Combat Matrix, Limited Targeting Matrix, Pulse Blast 30, Wheeled -- 1
7. Sith Remulus Dreypa, Dark Jedi 64 140 22 16 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Disciplined Leader, Dreypa Talisman, Lightsaber Duelist, Rapport (Leviathans -10) Force 4, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Force Lightning 4, Lightsaber Deflect, Sith Alchemy 4 (Sith Mutant), Sith Rage 2 CE -- 0
8. Sith Sith Oubliette X -- -- -- -- Oubliette -- 0
9. Sith Small Sith War Behemoth 56 150 18 8 20 Speed 10, Triple Attack, Huge Walker, Intimidation, Sithspawn, Stable Footing, Troop Cart, Tusk Attack -- 0
10. Sith Sorzus Syn, Dark Jedi 66 100 20 14 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Sorzus Syn's Talisman, Talisman Maker Force 5, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Pawn of the Dark Side, Sith Sorcery, Sith Magic 3, Sith Alchemy 6 (non-Unique Sith Mutant), Sith Necromancy 2 CE -- 0
11. Sith Star Forge Droid Generator 35 100 10 0 0 Damage Reduction 20, Droid Forge, Droid Generation, Emplacement, Machinery, Regeneration 20, Star Forge Reserves 30 -- 0
12. Sith XoXaan, Dark Jedi 49 110 20 15 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Lightsaber Duelist, Rapport (Black Legion -2), XoXaan's Holocron, Yoke of Seeming Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Essence of Life, Force Heal 40, Lightsaber Assault, Lightsaber Block CE -- 0
13. Imperial Joruus C'Baoth, Dark Jedi Master 48 100 18 0 0 Unique, Small Projectile Defense, C'Baoth's Wavering Sanity, Rapport (-5 w/ GA Thrawn) Force 3, Force Renewal 2, Master of the Force 2, Dark Aura, Force Lightning 3, Force Storm 3, Pawn of the Dark Side 2, Projectile Assault 2 CE -- 0
14. Fringe Brejik, Wave of the Future 28 80 18 10 20 Unique, Black Vulkar, Black Vulkar Recruitment, Brejik's Equipment, Impressive Reputation, New Administration, Rival, Swoop Gang Boss CE 10.00 (1) 3
15. Fringe Czerka Shield Engineer 13 30 14 0 10 Advanced Shields 1, Enhanced Shielding, Rapport (-2 w/ Sith), Repair 20 -- 1
16. Fringe Demolitions Droid 5 20 10 0 0 Droid, Melee Attack, Damage Reduction 10, Satchel Charge 9.00 (1) 2
17. Fringe Domesticated Bantha 26 150 14 0 0 Melee Attack, Mount, Stable Footing 9.00 (1) 1
18. Fringe Droid Coordination Mainframe 18 50 10 0 0 Competing Command Directives, Droid Coordinator, Droid Synchronization, Emplacement, Machinery CE -- 0
19. Fringe Duros Exchange Crime Boss 30 80 18 11 10 Crime Lord, Crime Syndicate, Jolt, Political Blackmail, Rival (higher cost Unique commanders) CE -- 0
20. Fringe HK-01, Droid Revolutionary 44 80 18 11 30 Unique, Droid, Double Attack, Droid Revolution, Hunter, Ion Shielding, Rival CE -- 0
21. Fringe Kandon Ark, Vulkar Lieutenant 26 60 17 9 20 Unique, Black Vulkar Lieutenant, Double Attack, Shields 2, Vulkar Shock Stick, Vulkar Switch CE -- 0
22. Fringe Mara Jade, Smuggling Lieutenant 38 90 18 12 20 Unique, Pilot, Double Attack, Critical Attack, Defensive Stance +6, Stealth, Vicious Attack, Single-Shot Blaster Force 2, Blaster Barrage, Focused Attack, Lightsaber Precision 10.00 (1) 2
23. Fringe Rakatan Droid Overseer 20 50 17 8 20 Melee Attack, Droid Master, Fire Control, Ion Weapon +20 Force 1 -- 0
24. Fringe Tatooine Desert Wraid 25 160 14 8 30 Melee Attack, Savage, Melee Reach 2, Knockback 2 -- 0
25. Fringe Yusanis, Famed Echani 33 90 19 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Counterattack, Echani Agility, Evade, Ion Weapon, Yusanis's Brand -- 0
26. Yuuzhan Vong Coruscant World Brain 22 150 8 0 0 Unique (World Brain), Melee Attack, Affinity (Jacen Solo, Darth Caedus), Black Ops, Emplacement, Force Immunity, Shaper +10, Stealth, Vongforming (Savage->Implants), Yorik-Kul Implants CE 9.00 (4) 7
27. Yuuzhan Vong Mabugat Kan 6 20 8 -1 -1 Emplacement, Force Immunity, Non-sentient, Relay Destruction -- 0
28. Yuuzhan Vong Nom Anor, Firebrand 26 80 17 8 10 Unique, Anti-Droid Doctrine, Disruptive, Force Immunity, Stealth, Undercover CE -- 0
29. Yuuzhan Vong Small Dovin Basal 17 60 14 -1 -1 Blaster Dampening, Damage Reduction 10, Emplacement, Force Immunity, Gravitational Shield Tearing, Minor Gravitational Manipulation, Non-sentient, Stealth -- 0
Showing 1 - 29 of 29 Characters

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