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My Sequel to Wizards of the Coast

Rex_Moonwielder_1995 - 2/10/2016 7:59:29 PM (Created: 2/8/2016 9:26:56 PM)

My own "custom wave" of Star Wars Miniatures that represents my non-V Set solution to making older minis more playable, and also knocking some WOTC game-breakers down a peg or two.

Showing 1 - 60 of 60 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HP Def Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating Cmt
1. Old Republic Echani Combat Instructor UC 22 100 15 8 20 Rapport (Echani Handmaidens -1), Melee Attack, Double Attack, Parry, Quick Reflexes, Predictive Reflexes CE 6.00 (3) 21
2. Old Republic Jedi Doublesaber Veteran UC 26 80 18 12 20 Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Double Attack, Melee Duelist, Rapport, Revan's Apprentice, Revan's influence, Follower of Revan Force 3, Lightsaber Assault, Lightsaber Defense 8.00 (3) 0
3. Old Republic Jedi Training Droid UC 12 60 14 13 20 Droid, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Honing Reflexes 8.00 (4) 19
4. Old Republic Mandalorian Wars Veteran C 7 30 14 7 20 Affinity (with Revan/Malak), Evade, Grenades 20, Rapport, Follower of Revan 8.00 (2) 3
5. Old Republic Revan, Redeemed VR 60 130 22 16 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Impulsive Twin Attack, Niman Style Mastery, Force-Attuned Armor, Camaraderie (Bastila, Exile, HK-47, +GMA), Destiny Fulfilled Force 5, Force Renewal 2, Master of the Force 2, Master Speed, Force Push 3, Force Valor, Force Defense, Force Light CE 7.00 (6) 9
6. Old Republic TSF Officer C 6 10 13 6 10 Bodyguard, Override, Officer of the Law, Rapport 10.00 (1) 0
7. Sith Darth Vader, Phantom of Dagobah R 20 60 16 16 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Instill Fear, Doctrine of Fear, Turn to the Dark Side, Dark Inspiration, Wellspring of the Dark Side Force 4, Force Fear, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Assault 8.00 (3) 5
8. Sith Sith Acolyte C 15 60 16 9 20 Melee Attack, Mobile Attack, Jedi Hunter, Lightsaber Duelist Force 2, Lightsaber Defense, Sith Rage 9.00 (4) 5
9. Sith Sith Armorer UC 20 80 15 9 20 Melee Attack, Double Attack, Melee Reach 2, Dark Armor, Alchemist Force 4, Sith Alchemy 2 6.00 (3) 10
10. Sith Sith Commando UC 16 60 16 8 20 Rapport, Synergy +2 (+2 Att/+2 Def, Force users), Mobile Attack, Stealth, Grenades 30 8.00 (3) 2
11. Sith Separatists Sith Training Droid C 10 30 18 4 20 Droid, Affinity (Separatists), Shields 2, Honing Reflexes, Sink or Swim 9.00 (3) 12
12. Sith Uthar Wynn VR 30 100 18 12 20 Melee Attack, Double Attack, Lightsaber Duelist, Intimidate, Rapport Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Defense 7.00 (4) 15
13. Mandalorians Cassus Fett, Butcher of Cathar R 35 130 18 13 20 Unique, Rival, Triple Attack, Mobile Attack, Merciless 20, Failure is not an option CE 8.00 (3) 4
14. Mandalorians Mandalore the Preserver VR 50 160 18 12 30 Neo-Crusader, Affinity, Triple Attack, Beskar'gam 6, Mandalorian Conscription, Mandalorian Reserves 20, Synergy (+4 Atk, +4 Def, Jedi Exile) CE 8.00 (3) 4
15. Mandalorians Mandalorian Assassin C 9 20 16 9 20 Stealth, Opportunist -- 0
16. Mandalorians Mandalorian Engineer C 8 20 14 5 10 Industrial Repair 20, Rapport, Twin Attack -- 0
17. Mandalorians Mandalorian Fencer C 12 50 15 10 20 Melee Attack, Melee Duelist, Parry 8.00 (1) 0
18. Mandalorians Mandalorian Rally Master UC 18 90 16 10 10 Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Double Attack, Relay Orders, Coordinated Command (Mandalorian) -- 0
19. Republic Anakin Skywalker, The Hero With No Fear VR 58 140 20 15 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Greater Mobile Attack, Djem So Style Mastery, Lightsaber Duelist, Evade, Pilot Force 4, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Lightsaber Assault, Force Push 3, Knight Speed, Dark Temptation 7.00 (5) 10
20. Republic Clone Trooper Bomb Squad C 12 10 14 6 20 Defuse Bomb, Remote Defusal 8.00 (1) 1
21. Republic Clone Trooper Technician C 14 30 15 6 10 Weapons Upgrade, Repair 20 -- 1
22. Republic Jedi Temple Security C 5 20 14 6 10 Jedi Bodyguard, Noble Sacrifice (Jedi), Synchronized Fire 7.00 (3) 3
23. Republic Obi-Wan Kenobi, Hero of Utapau VR 45 100 22 15 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Stealth, Soresu Style Mastery, So Uncivilized Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Force Push 3, Master Speed CE 5.00 (4) 17
24. Republic Padme Amidala, Tragic Martyr R 30 60 16 10 10 Unique, Twin Attack, Synergy, Diplomat, Noble Sacrifice (Jedi), She Was Alive, I Felt It! 6.00 (4) 6
25. Separatists Battle Droid Pilot C 6 20 14 3 10 Droid, Pilot, Gunner, Rapport 9.00 (1) 0
26. Separatists Elite Separatist Commando UC 17 60 16 6 20 Stealth, Mobile Attack, Grenades 30, Satchel Charge 8.00 (3) 3
27. Separatists Fallen Jedi UC 21 60 17 10 20 Melee Attack, Double Attack, Twin Attack, Lightsaber Duelist, Provisional Renewal 1 Force 2, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Deflect 8.00 (2) 3
28. Separatists Gizor Delso R 30 100 19 13 30 Unique, Geonosian, Flight, Mobile Attack, Master Evader, Splash 10, Rapport (Geonosian Soldier, -2), Synergy +4 (Geonosian Soldiers, +4 Att) 9.00 (1) 0
29. Separatists Rune Haako R 25 80 10 0 0 Unique, Rapport (Nute Gunray -1), Dirty Coward, Synergy+4 CE -- 1
30. Separatists Sora Bulq, Dark Jedi R 33 120 21 16 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Twin Attack, Vaapad Style Mastery Force 3, Lightsaber Assault, Lightsaber Deflect, Lightsaber Riposte 7.00 (5) 16
31. Rebel C-3PO, Reluctant Hero VR 20 30 16 0 0 Unique, Droid, Melee Attack, 3720 to 1, Camaraderie (Chewie, Luke, Leia, Han, R2 > Ewok), Ewok Deity, Were You Looking For Me? CE 5.00 (3) 3
32. Rebel Clone Anti-Trooper C 10 10 16 5 20 Flight, Mobile Attack, Brother Against Brother 8.00 (3) 2
33. Rebel Mon Calamari Officer UC 25 70 15 10 20 Double Attack, Rapport (Mon Calamari, -1), Synergy +4, Jam Transmission CE -- 3
34. Rebel New Republic R2-D2, Rebel Hero VR 10 30 17 8 0 Unique, Droid, Affinity (New Republic), Electric Shock +10, Override, Such Devotion in a Droid 8.00 (2) 0
35. Rebel Rebel SpecForce Marine UC 20 60 15 10 20 Twin Attack, Mobile Attack, Stealth, Grenades 30, Satchel Charge -- 0
36. Rebel Rodian Scout C 12 30 17 8 20 Twin Attack, Mobile Attack 4.00 (4) 8
37. Imperial Sith Anakin Skywalker, Villain of Mustafar VR 50 120 15 15 30 Unique, Affinity (Sith), Melee Attack, Double Attack, Djem So Style Mastery, Loner, Antipathy, Savage, Homicidal Maniac, You're With HIM! Force 4, Force Grip 2, Lightsaber Assault, Lightsaber Riposte 5.00 (5) 3
38. Imperial Imperial Naboo Soldier C 9 10 14 4 20 Royal Naboo Security Forces, Synergy +4 (Stormtroopers, +4 att/+4 def), Sniper 6.00 (1) 0
39. Imperial Moff Panaka R 30 90 16 10 10 Unique, Twin Attack, Recon, Imperial Reserves 20 CE 6.00 (1) 0
40. Imperial Stormtrooper on Speeder Bike UC 18 60 18 9 20 Flight, Accelerate, Strafe Attack, Double Attack, Greater Mobile Attack 7.00 (1) 1
41. Imperial Wookie Slave C 15 100 18 8 20 Melee Attack, Cleave, Slave, Explosive Slave Collar, Internal Strife 5.00 (1) 0
42. Imperial New Republic Yuuzhan Vong War Stormtrooper C 8 20 14 4 10 Affinity (New Republic), Vong Hunter, Crab-Buster Rounds -- 0
43. New Republic Han Solo, Seeker of Vengeance R 25 70 17 9 20 Unique, Double Attack, Accurate Shot, Greater Mobile Attack, Vong Hunter, Unforgiving 8.00 (2) 1
44. New Republic Iron Knight UC 27 80 20 10 20 Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Mighty Swing +20, Double Attack, Vong Hunter Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Force Weapon, Lightsaber Riposte 9.00 (2) 2
45. New Republic Jedi Vong Hunter UC 20 70 16 10 10 Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Vongsense, Vong Hunter Force 3, Lightsaber Defense, Lightsaber Assault 7.00 (2) 10
46. New Republic Lady Vader R 33 120 18 14 30 Unique, Princess Leia, Accurate Shot, Sniper Force 3 CE 8.00 (3) 4
47. New Republic New Republic Scout C 18 20 16 9 20 Advantageous Attack, Alert, Cloaked, Mobile Attack -- 1
48. New Republic Senator Boma R 10 60 12 0 0 Unique, Melee Attack, Diplomat, Rapport (Gungans, -1), Affinity 10.00 (1) 0
49. Yuuzhan Vong Avatar of Yun-Yammka UC 18 110 16 12 20 Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Melee Reach 2, Razorbug, Furious Razorbug Assault, Vonduun Crab Armor 6 -- 0
50. Yuuzhan Vong Onimi VR 40 100 18 10 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Force Immunity, Puppet Master, Shamed One Force 2, Force Alter CE 7.00 (1) 1
51. Yuuzhan Vong Peace Brigade Trooper C 5 10 14 6 10 Trooper (generic), Yuuzhan Vong Warrior, Vong Toady 7.00 (1) 3
52. Yuuzhan Vong Yuuzhan Vong Atoner C 8 30 14 8 20 Melee Attack, Shamed One, Force Immunity, Vonduun Crab Armor 16, Thud Bug, Yun-Shuno Devotion, Droid Fanaticism 9.00 (1) 0
53. Yuuzhan Vong Yuuzhan Vong Fire Breather Tamer UC 24 80 19 10 20 Melee Attack, Force Immunity, Thud Bug, Vonduun Crab Armor 11, Fireproof, Rapport 8.00 (1) 0
54. Yuuzhan Vong Yuuzhan Vong Suicide Bomber C 13 40 15 12 10 Yuuzhan Vong Warrior, Force Immunity, Thud Bug, Vonduun Crab Armor 6, Self-Destruct 40 8.00 (1) 0
55. Fringe Beast-Tamer UC 15 40 16 10 10 Twin Attack, Beast Tamer, Empathy, Savage Hunter, Rapport 8.00 (1) 0
56. Fringe Hutt Gangster UC 20 100 20 6 10 Speed 4, Slave Owner, Jedi Hatred +10, Jolt 8.00 (2) 5
57. Fringe Revanite UC 20 100 12 12 20 Melee Attack, Lightsaber Duelist, Stealth, Mobile Attack, Follower of Revan, Revan's influence Force 2, Force Push 1, Lightsaber Assault 7.00 (1) 0
58. Fringe Rodian Merchant UC 18 10 14 6 10 Half-Off, Communications Supplies, Explosive Supplies 3.00 (4) 17
60. Fringe Trandoshan Black Sun Vigo UC 20 60 16 9 20 Double Attack, Greater Mobile Attack, Stealth, Regeneration 20 CE 8.00 (1) 0
61. Fringe Zam Wesell, Unlikely Hero VR 30 100 14 14 20 Unique, Double Attack, Greater Mobile Attack, Accurate Shot, Synergy +4 (+4 Atk, +4 Def, Jango Fett), Bounty Hunter +4, Shapeshifter, Scruples 8.00 (2) 4
Showing 1 - 60 of 60 Characters

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