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jen'ari - 3/4/2016 9:46:46 AM (Created: 3/4/2016 9:30:55 AM)

Jen'ari, Deathsbaine, Pegolego, Spryguy, theultrastar, shmi15.

Showing 1 - 60 of 60 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HP Def Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating Cmt
1. Old Republic Army of Light Jedi 24 70 18 10 20 Melee Attack, Double Attack, Squad Assault, Beskar Shield Force 2, Lightsaber Deflect -- 0
2. Old Republic Theron Shan, Republic Soldier 28 80 18 11 20 Unique, Advanced Door Gimmick, Battle Focus, Evade, Paralysis Dart, Stealth, Virulent Poison Dart 20 -- 1
3. Old Republic Jace Malcolm 30 80 16 9 20 Unique, Double Attack, Evade, Impulsive Reprisal, Tactician +4, Whatever the Cost CE -- 1
4. Old Republic Ulic Qel-Droma, Knight of the Old Republic 41 110 19 12 20 Unique, Double Attack, Parry, Squad Synergy, Steadfast Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Assault, Lightsaber Riposte, Falling Avalanche -- 0
5. Old Republic Lord Hoth, Army of Light General 48 110 20 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Rallying Call, Greater Good, Protective +10, Camaraderie Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Master Riposte, Leaping Assault CE -- 0
6. Old Republic Thon 62 130 21 14 30 Unique, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Double Attack, Concentration, Trample, Mount, Tchuukthai Force 3, Force Renewal 2, Master of the Force 2, Force Absorb, Force Wave, Force Dash, Force Field 9.00 (2) 5
7. Sith Vestara Khai 27 80 18 11 10 Unique, Melee Attack, Evasion, Deceptive 20, Affinity, Shikkar Mastery Force 1, Force Renewal 1, Burst Lightning, Lightning Counter -- 0
8. Sith Warb Null 35 110 20 13 30 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Melee Reach 2, Force-Attuned Armor, Stalwart Force 4, Lightsaber Sweep, Lightsaber Block, Dark Presence -- 0
9. Sith Darth Talon, Krayt's Hand 37 100 20 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Agile, Double Attack, Advantageous Attack, Stealth, Krayt's Hand, Request Backup Force 4, Force Leap, Force Bubble (1), Drain Knowledge -- 2
10. Sith Darth Stryfe, Deatbhbringer 40 120 18 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Synergy, Rapport, Bloodthirsty, Krayt's hand Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Crushing Blow, Force Corruption 2 -- 0
11. Sith Darth Cognus 41 100 19 11 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Assassin, Apprentice, Cognitive Suppression, Hidden Talents, Virulent Paralyzing Poison +10, Intuition Force 4, Force Precognition, Lightsaber Block -- 0
12. Sith Darth Angral 48 120 20 14 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Deadly Attack, Flurry Attack, Synergy Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Sith Rage, Force Lightning 2, Lightsaber Throw, Lightning Shield 10.00 (1) 1
13. Mandalorians United Clan Fighter 18 50 16 8 20 Twin Attack, Beskar'gam, Stealth, United -- 0
14. Mandalorians Neo-Crusader Commander 20 40 16 9 20 Beskar'gam, Cunning Attack, Master Shot CE -- 0
15. Mandalorians United Veteran 21 60 16 9 20 Melee Attack, Mobile Attack, Call to Arms, Veteran, Med Pac, United -- 0
16. Mandalorians United Clan Battlemaster 25 80 18 9 20 Twin Attack, Battle Plan, Deceptive, United, Willing to Serve CE 9.00 (1) 1
17. Mandalorians Tobbi Dala, Mandalorian Protector 32 70 17 10 20 Unique, Flight, Mobile Attack, Twin Attack, Missiles 20, Beskar'gam, Fenn Shysa's Guardian -- 0
18. Mandalorians Fenn Shysa, Mandalorian Protector 35 90 18 12 20 Unique, Flight, Double Attack, Draw Fire, Mandalore's Armor, Protective +10 CE -- 0
19. Republic Chancellor Palpatine, Mastermind of the Clone Wars 26 70 16 -1 -1 Unique, Execute Order 66, The Phantom Menace, Camaraderie Force 2, Force Renewal 2, Master of the Force 2, Force Alter, Force Influence, Farseeing CE 9.00 (2) 4
20. Republic CC-1004, Gree 27 80 17 7 20 Unique, Recon, Stealth, Pathfinder, Macrobinoculars, Planned Asault CE -- 0
21. Republic Obi-Wan, Apprentice 28 100 18 11 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Evade, Ataru Style, Avenging Qui-Gon Force 1, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Precision, Knight Speed -- 0
22. Republic Depa Billaba, Council Member 33 100 19 11 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Vaapad-Style Fighting, Synergy, Council Member Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Sweep, Tempered Aggression -- 0
23. Republic Saesee Tiin, Council Member 40 120 20 14 20 Unique, Pilot, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Council Member, Djem So Style Mastery, Rapport, Unwavering Resolve Force 5, Falling Avalanche, Force Precognition, Force Push 2, Lightsaber Block 9.00 (1) 2
24. Republic Even Piell, Council Member 44 100 20 14 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Council Member, Stalwart Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Assured Strike, Hawk Bat Swoop, Master Riposte, Sarlacc Sweep CE -- 1
25. Separatists Morgukai Warrior Elite 19 60 17 9 10 Shadow Army, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Force-Attuned Armor, Charging Assault +10, Strong Willed, Jedi Hunter CE -- 4
26. Separatists Nightsister Shadow Killer 21 50 17 7 10 Speed 8, Double Attack, Momentum, Paralysis Dart, Acrobatic, Loyalty Force 1, Knight Speed -- 0
27. Separatists Savage Oppress, Nightbrother 40 120 21 13 30 Unique, Nightbrother, Twin Attack, Mighty Swing, Dark Armor Force 4, Lightsaber Throw, Force Wave, Lightsaber Block 10.00 (1) 1
28. Separatists Sev'rance Tann, Dark Acolyte 42 100 20 14 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Makashi Style, Force Bond, Tactician +6 Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Lightning 2, Makashi Riposte, Sith Rage CE -- 0
29. Separatists Sora Bulq, Dark Acolyte 44 120 21 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Niman Style, Vaapad-Style Fighting, Fall to the Dark Side, Second in Command Force 4, Assured Strike, Lightsaber Deflect, Lightsaber Riposte CE -- 0
30. Separatists Count Dooku, Leader of the Confederacy 93 150 23 15 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Makashi Style Mastery, Disciplined Leader, Attuned with the Force, Swordmaster, Rapport Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Pawn of the Dark Side, Sith Lightning 30, Lightsaber Riposte CE -- 0
31. Rebel Wookiee Pathfinder 16 50 14 7 20 Melee Attack, Death Strike, Pathfinder, swarm +2, Throw Enemy 1 -- 0
32. Rebel Dansra Beezer, Communications Expert 16 40 15 7 10 Unique, Renegade, Communication Scrambler, Frequency Amplification, Stealth, Door Gimmick -- 0
33. Rebel Renegade Veteran 22 60 17 9 20 Renegade, Veteran, Battle Focus, Grenades 20, Evade 8.00 (4) 4
34. Rebel Lando Calrissian, Galactic Rogue 24 70 17 8 20 Unique, Idiot's Array, Bribe, Bravado (+20) CE -- 0
35. Rebel Wookiee Pack Leader 26 90 16 10 20 Melee Attack, Wookiee, Bowcaster, Enraged Reactions, Throw Enemy 2, Wookiee Resolve CE 9.00 (1) 1
36. Rebel Col Serra, Commander 31 70 18 10 20 Unique, Renegade, Double Attack, Greater Mobile Attack, Stalwart, Med Pac, Seasoned, Tactical Shot CE 7.00 (4) 6
37. Imperial Imperial Riot Trooper 17 50 17 4 20 Non-Unique Hunter +4, Pinpoint Attacks, Sniper, Stealth -- 0
38. Imperial Marasiah Fel, Princess of the Empire 20 70 18 10 20 Unique, Imperial Knight, Melee Attack, Cunning Attack, Rapport, Alliance Force 2, Force Alter, Lightsaber Block CE -- 0
39. Imperial Azlyn Rae 30 90 18 11 20 Unique, Imperial Knight, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Affinity, Praetoria Ishu Force 4, Jedi Mind Trick (1), Force Push 2 -- 4
40. Imperial Thared, Imperial Knight Master 32 100 18 12 30 Unique, Melee Attack, Cortosis Gauntlet 18, Indiscriminate Reactions, Protective +10, Reinforcements Force 3, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Precision -- 0
41. Imperial Ganner Krieg, Imperial Knight 33 100 19 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Loyalty, Praetoria Ishu, Vigor, Camaraderie Force 1, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Deflect, Force Leap, Lightsaber Throw -- 0
42. Imperial Emperor Roan Fel 57 120 19 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Evade, Camaraderie, Pivotal, Rival, Cortosis Gauntlet 17 Force 3, Lightsaber Assault, Lightsaber Block CE -- 1
43. New Republic Leia Solo, Jedi of the Republic 28 100 19 11 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Regal, Rapport, Aggressive Negotiations, Camaraderie, Affinity Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Block, Jedi Mind Trick (1), Surprise Attack -- 0
44. New Republic Jysella Horn, Jedi 29 100 18 10 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Charging Assault +10, Deceptive, Synergy Force 3, Lightsaber Block, Surprise Move -- 0
45. New Republic Valin Horn, Jedi 29 100 18 10 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Advantageous Attack, Synergy Force 3, Control Beast, Lightsaber Sweep -- 0
46. New Republic K'Kruhk, Jedi in Hiding 45 140 20 14 30 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, It's a Trap!, Exceptional Strength Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Heal 20, Lightsaber Defense -- 0
47. New Republic Jedi Master Corran Horn 49 130 20 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Melee Duelist, Melee Reach 2, Force Bond Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Riposte, Force Absorb, Force Speed, Force Withdrawal -- 0
48. New Republic Luke Skywalker, Master of the Order 55 140 22 15 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Djem So Style, Cooperation Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Throw 2, Use the Force, Force Deflect CE -- 0
49. Fringe Paploo on Speeder Bike 14 30 18 -1 -1 Unique, Ewok, Flight, Commotion, Non-Sentient -- 0
50. Fringe 4-LOM, Intuitive Bounty Hunter 20 70 18 10 30 Unique, Droid, Bounty Hunter +4, Intuition, Concussion Rifle, Single-Shot Blaster CE -- 0
51. Fringe Aurra Sing, Ageless Bounty Hunter 20 70 18 9 10 Unique, Bounty Hunter +4, Lightsaber, Diversion, Master Shot, Merciless 10 Force 2, Force Leap, Surprise Attack -- 0
52. Fringe Zuckuss, the Uncanny One 20 70 17 9 20 Unique, Bounty Hunter +4, Master Shot, Foresight Force 2, Surprise Attack CE 9.00 (1) 2
53. Fringe Dengar, Disfigured Killer 20 60 18 9 20 Unique, Bounty Hunter +2, Grenades 20, Professional, Cutthroat -- 0
54. Fringe Derrown, Exterminator 20 60 16 7 10 Unique, Bounty Hunter +2, Twin Attack, Stealth, Traps, Shock -- 7
55. Fringe Francis, the Pink Wookiee 24 90 18 9 20 Unique, Pilot, Renegade, Double Attack, Bounty Hunter +2, Penetration 10, Power Blast, Rebel recruit -- 0
56. Fringe Mirax Terrik 27 70 18 8 20 Unique, New Republic, Pilot, Double Attack, Backlash, Camaraderie, Espionage Upgrade, Stealth, Synergy CE 9.00 (1) 1
57. Fringe Zaalbar, Champion of the Wookiees 31 100 18 10 20 Unique, Double Attack, Defiant Death, Protective +10, Throw Enemy 2 -- 1
58. Fringe HK-47, Hunter 36 80 18 11 20 Unique, Droid, Double Attack, Mines 20, Sonic Screamer, Moving Fire -- 2
59. Fringe Set Harth, Dark Jedi 46 70 17 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Anarchist, Relic Hunter, Failed Apprentice Force 4, Transfer Essence, Lightsaber Throw 3, Force Grip 4 -- 2
60. Fringe Cad Bane, Ruthles Outlaw 47 90 18 12 20 Unique, Flight, Hired Gun, Bounty Hunter +4, Quick Shot, Professional, Cutthroat, Flamethrower 20, Unorthodox, Hostage Shield CE 10.00 (2) 1
Showing 1 - 60 of 60 Characters

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