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Dark Link


Card Text

Force 2, usable on its turn: Target 1 Unique living enemy and 1 living ally, ignoring cover; 10 damage to both. Move that enemy and then the ally up to 4 squares toward the other without provoking attacks of opportunity. This ability ignores Force Immunity.

Glossary Text

(Variable Force Points) This group of Force Powers moves a target enemy and allied character towards each other. The enemy target must move before the targeted ally can move. This movement ignores terrain (except walls) and other characters, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Both characters must end their move in a legal landing spot and take the shortest possible route towards the other targeted character. If multiple routes are tied for shortest, pick one. The acting character's controller decides which way to move the enemy. This ability ignores Force Immunity. It doesn’t take any time to use Dark Link; this character can still move and attack normally this turn.

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