Greeting and salutations SWM's community!
With GenCon being "back on the menu boys" ( sorry, I'm a huge LOTR guy ), I thought it fitting to take this opportunity to post an updated records history of the champs dating back to 2006. With Vassal Con being the one that draws peops from New Zealand, I definitely think ( IMHO ), that VC, at least for now, is the true SWM's annual champ contest in the world.
1. 2006- GenCon Indy Sat 150pt Champ- Imps "Black and Blue Classic" (Billiv), Sunday 150pt Champ- Imps " Black and Blue Varient"- ( I do not remember the guy's name that won, only that I lost to him )
GenCon So Cal 150pt Champ- Imps "LV Black and Blue"- (Moses2813) ( Man I miss Jim Fraser! ) The very first Con that a SWM participant showcased Lord Vader, because Wizards of the coast released the Bounty Hunters expansion set on September 23rd, 2006, and GenCon So Cal, took place November 16-19, 2006!
2. 2007- GenCon Indy 150pt Champ- Republic - "Broken Boba" ( Dr Divot )
(Unfortunately for me, GenCon So Cal was cancelled permanently starting in 2007

3. 2008- 150pt Champ- Rebels - "Speedy Cannon" (Billiv)
4. 2009- 150pt Champ- Rebels - "Lobbin Luke" (Fingersandteeth)
5. 2010- 200pt Champ- Rebels - "Smug Commandos" (Echo24)
6. 2011- 200pt Champ- OR - "Bastila's Battlemasters" (Jester007)
7. 2012- 200pt Champ- Republic - "This Party's Over" (thereisnotry)
8. 2013- 200pt Champ- NR - "Prof. Luke's Art Class" (sephiroth99is)
9. 2014- 200pt Champ- Mandos - "Movin Mandos" (Weeks)
10. 2015- 200pt Champ- Imps - "Wuher the Hypocrite" (Darth_Jim)
11. 2016- 200pt Champ- Rebels - "Prison Break" (thereisnotry)
12. 2017- 200pt Champ- Imps - "Roger Stone of SWM V2" (atmsalad) now known as (Darth_Frenchy)
13. 2018- 200pt Champ- Imps - "Les Femmes Fatales Redux: O.C.D. (Opportunistic Charging Domination)" (TimmerB123)
14. 2019- 200pt Champ- Imps - "Swappy McCool" - ( Lily_wan )
15. 2020- 200pt Champ- Mandos "Jangalorn" - (thereisnotry)
16. 2021- 200pt (VassalCon) Champ- Separatists - "Jabba Momma" (DarkDracul)
17. 2022- 200pt Champ- Sith - "Sith Triumvirate" (Randy)
18. 2022- 200pt (VassalCon) Champ - Fringe - "Jabba's Return v2" (gandalfthegreatestwizard)
19. 2023 - 200pt Champ - Mandos - "Io Triumphe!" (Urbanjedi)
20. 2023 - 200pt (VassalCon) Champ - Sith - "Sith Triumvirate" (Randy)
21. 2024 - 200pt GenCon Champ - Sith - "Presence of the Hord" (thereisnotry)
22. 2024 - 200pt VassalCon Champ - Mandos - "Io Triumphe!" (Urbanjedi)
History of Faction Wins at SWM Championships at GenCon/VassalCon Since 2006
Imperials= 7
Rebels= 4
Mandos= 4
Sith= 3
Republic= 2
OR= 1
NR= 1
Seps= 1
Fringe= 1
*2006 had 3 150pt Championships ( 2 in Indy, 1 in So Cal )
Cheers to all the winners thus far