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nice, thanx Timmer
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Hey I found my maps! Go Me!
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I'm gonna work on a new .pdf of these this week if I can.
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Can I get clarification on the Simulation Deck map. The vassal picture is really hard to see cover. What's going on around H8 and H9 (and the same spots on the other quarters)
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I didn't check the map coordinates but there are pits in each quadrant. Is that what you're talking about?
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No, there are turret looking guns on the ramparts. They might be cover? One might be and the isn't?
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Anyone? Bueller?
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Gizmotronx wrote:No, there are turret looking guns on the ramparts. They might be cover? One might be and the isn't? Both are cover.
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What does "lightside" and "dark side" mean? I cannot find current floor rules anywhere I have looked, sorry.
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Check the first post of this thread. There is a light side map list and a dark side map list, each with I think four maps. Regionals use one list or the other. Gen Con will use the two of them combined. DarkDracul's links look broken but if you click through you can still see the images of the restricted maps. The floor rules are posted on swmgamers.com, but a complete updated document with the latest maps hasn't been put out. The Celestial Warrior posted the map list update a few months ago in the forums. It's in the forum somewhere but this is the thread I go to personally since it also looks to the images. Floor rules are on the left hand margin, but they don't have the latest map list: http://swmgamers.com/SWM/SWM%20Rules%20Main.htmlHere's the latest announcement from a couple months ago: http://www.bloomilk.com/Forums/default.aspx?g=posts&t=20541
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Thanks, kezz! I'll get that posted over on gamers in the next day or two.
A few corrections...
* Outlaw City is from League Kit 3, not Map Pack 3. You have it correct on the map but not on the list at the top. * Imperial Plaza is from Map Pack 5, not League Kit 3. You have it correct on the list at the top but not on the map. * Bothan Spynet is from Map Pack 4, not Map Pack 3. You have it correct on the lilst at the top but not on the map.
I don't quite understand the variant names of JediCartographer/ArmoredCartographers/Adventurer's Atlas. They are all Matt Francella and company ("and company" mainly meaning ArmoredGear7), but I guess he's put the packs out under different names. But I'd pick one (probably JediCartographer) and use that for all of his releases just so it's clear they're all tied together. No big deal, though.
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Thanks. Next question, I don't recognize all of the names of those maps. Is there a way to find out which sets they are from? I've heard map pack 6 touted but I wouldn't even know where to begin to find it.
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The link that Kezzamachine just posted is a visual map guide with pictures of the maps and it says where the maps came from. Right now he does have a few things mixed up, though (see my notes 2 posts up). Pretty much every map comes from Matt Francella, Christopher West, or was an original WotC map. The few that aren't by Matt or Chris are by someone associated with Matt. I know a few of our maps are by ArmoredGear7 (Josh). Might also be an odd map or two by someone else, but every map that isn't by Christopher West is by Matt or his associates. I'd contact Matt or Chris directly to see if something is still available. They're both on facebook, and they both have online stores: https://maps-of-mastery-store.myshopify.com/ (Christopher West - Maps of Mastery) http://gamingmaps.blogspot.com/ (Matt Francella - Adventurer's Atlas... he still has a link up to buy Map Pack 6, but it has no new posts in over 6 months. I'd probably contact Matt on facebook before placing an order just to make sure.) A few years ago, Kezz made a full visual map guide with every map we have. It doesn't have the latest maps, and it isn't accurate with the latest Restricted list, but I left it up at gamers anyway because it's so useful to have a semi-complete list of where all the maps came from. It's the 2014 Map List on the left-hand margin: http://swmgamers.com/SWM/SWM%20Rules%20Main.html
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FlyingArrow wrote:Thanks, kezz! I'll get that posted over on gamers in the next day or two.
A few corrections...
* Outlaw City is from League Kit 3, not Map Pack 3. You have it correct on the map but not on the list at the top. * Imperial Plaza is from Map Pack 5, not League Kit 3. You have it correct on the list at the top but not on the map. * Bothan Spynet is from Map Pack 4, not Map Pack 3. You have it correct on the lilst at the top but not on the map.
I don't quite understand the variant names of JediCartographer/ArmoredCartographers/Adventurer's Atlas. They are all Matt Francella and company ("and company" mainly meaning ArmoredGear7), but I guess he's put the packs out under different names. But I'd pick one (probably JediCartographer) and use that for all of his releases just so it's clear they're all tied together. No big deal, though. If you guys need something, email me at Matt.Francella@gmail.com, or friend me on FB. I do have a very limited supply of maps left, mostly map pack 6, but have a few random stragglers. Armored Cartographers is a portmanteau of ArmoredGear7 and JediCartographer, it's our brand of sci-fi maps. We are still intermittently active when the mood hits us, although Josh is actually working for several legit gaming companies, and I am mostly an alcoholic folksinger. Adventurers Atlas was/is the name of our company. All our "brands" fall under that.
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Still waiting on another map pack Matt!
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Yo. Doing some map .pdf things and spreadsheets (instead of teaching...) and wanted some answers to some questions:
What years did Map Packs 5 and 6 come out? What year did League Kit #4 (Cantina) come out? When did Battle Stations 3&4 and Forsaken Lands 3&4 come out? What years did the three one-off maps (Blue Squadron HQ, Sith Temple, Wilderness Bunker) come out?
Also, if everyone happy for me to change all the Jedi Cartographer/Armored Gear 7/Armored Cartographer etc. stuff to Adventurers Atlas? (although Alcoholic Folksinger is an awesome brand name...)
I have more questions, but this is a start!
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Sith Temple: 2011 (limited edition Kickstarter add-on for MP4??, released GenCon) Cantina/Rebel Base: early 2012 circa Cantina Brawl Map Pack 5 (Capital City et al): late 2013 Map Pack 6 - May 2015
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Blue squadron and Wilderness Base came out with a map pack as a Kickstarter exclusive. Pretty sure it was map pack 5.
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FlyingArrow wrote:Blue squadron and Wilderness Base came out with a map pack as a Kickstarter exclusive. Pretty sure it was map pack 5. I found those in the same envelope with the Pirates Moon set, along with (I think was called) "Mushroom Planet" and whatever the other side of that is called. If that means anything. I'll have to check my kickstarter records to see if they shed any light on the subject.
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