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Who is the best 2 man squad to have. Characters have to be real. Can use all characters except AT-AT & no GMLS. Mixed factions ARE allowed. Tell why. Darth Nihl and Broba is mine.
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Darth Revan and Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter are the best two man team I've ever seen.
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does it have to be in a certain cost points? other wise mine is Bane and Krayt.
because bane gets triple now(very deadly) and krayt just rocks.
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GMLS and Kyle. Luke, is, well, Luke, and Kyle with Renewal is just beastly.
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What??? No Uber-Luke??? You've betrayed me, my friend!
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geno and a mando scout best team ever
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graloth wrote:geno and a mando scout best team ever Maybe for there cost, but if it went against what everyone else is saying, than it would get destroyed.
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graloth wrote:geno and a mando scout best team ever Cloaked is nasty, but what do you do if you get a beatstick basing you? This is my 400th post!!!
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This is my 400th post!!!  [/quote] Nice Job
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1st of all mercenary, sorry, 2nd, cloaked sucks against vader unleashed ls throw 5!
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swmimperial130 wrote:1st of all mercenary, sorry, 2nd, cloaked sucks against vader unleashed ls throw 5! 1. It's cool. 2. Good point. As if we needed more proof that Vader, Unleashed absolutely owns.
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Vader unleashed is one of the best for 50 points I guess.
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I am going to go with Vader From IE and Boba Fett BH. Vader is just a monster and handles beatsticks and Boba gets four shots each round for the big D.
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Darth Tyranus and Felcor
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Darth Tyranus, Legacy of the Dark Side, and Durge Jedi Hunter. One of the best two man, 100 point, Force user destroying squad.
Another two man 100 point squad would be Darth Talon and Darth Nihilus. I actually saw those two beat a 100 point squad that was using two rancors and two Sith Witches.
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Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter and Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter. Just because they're my ultra-favorites =P
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GMLS and te new thrawn, because it is evil.
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vanlanning wrote:GMLS and te new thrawn, because it is evil. swmimperial130 wrote:Can use all characters except AT-AT & no GMLS. Mixed factions ARE allowed. Sorry Vanlanning, but your two man squad has been... Disqualified!!  *duhn duhn DUHHNNN!!* Just kidding. GMLS and Thrawn would be mean if it were allowed in regular play.
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