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Are there any links for digital editions of the Ultimate Missions books or does one have to turn to Ebay?
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I'm not aware of any digital edition. Which one(s) are you looking for?
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omg you just brought back some memories
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My son dug those out of the archives (my closet) and started leafing thru them just the other day. I believe I updated the minis as sets came out to make them more fair.  There are 3: Rebel Storm, Clone Strike, and Revenge of the Sith. (at least that's all I could find back in the day)
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FlyingArrow wrote:I'm not aware of any digital edition. Which one(s) are you looking for? All 3: Ultimate Missions: Clone Strike Ultimate Missions: Rebel Storm Ultimate Missions: Revenge of the Sith. Just booklets - not maps.
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All 3 just popped up in the Star Wars Miniatures Facebook group.
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