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Printing out cards Options
Posted: Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:16:05 AM
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Joined: 7/3/2010
Posts: 354
I am trying to figure out the best way to pick, choose, and print cards from various V-Set pdfs that I want to print. Right now I am copying the image from the original PDFs and pasting them into a document, so that I can save IT as a PDF and send it off to print. However, it appears that I am losing image quality when I do so, rendering the cards unreadable.

Does anyone have another method that doesn't involve my tedious method, or just printing them all out (It's a lot of $$ to do so!)
Posted: Friday, June 7, 2024 9:24:32 AM
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Ok, no replies, however manged to do these myself now. Not perfect but as these will just be covers for the vsets, they don't need to be.
Posted: Friday, June 7, 2024 9:44:45 AM
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thanks for the reply but I am not sure I follow your response. Was there supposed to be an image with it maybe?
Posted: Friday, June 7, 2024 7:56:11 PM
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Sorry I had two threads open and posted in the wrong one.

However as to your question, not had them printed at a company as it was just far to expensive. but did print at home using very high quality photo paper. I found they came out ok. to make them better I did covers for them in photoshop just using a faction cover with picture added as a under layer for each card. unfortunately very time consuming. Still, start with the cards you are most likely to use. once I did this I put the two sides of the cards together and laminated them. comes out very well and as it's laminated the card is stiff not flimsy. clear and readable. As for not clear/readable for the ones you have looked at yourself, most if not all printers should have a change quality option in setting, thinking about it, i did need to change setting before i printed them myself.

Really though find out cost of printing on card at printers where you live, local to where i am, it's far cheaper to buy the cards from bloomilk, if they have any left of the sets you are after.

jump forward several years, and now have many recent sets of vset cards (sets 17 to 25, missing set 18)., but no longer have photoshop or my original faction card covers. so basically having to start again in doing covers. i got the vsets from forum member Randy, ask him about any costs, but one set he did not have so will be printing these myself, and doing card covers for all. All you should need to do is change the quality of the print to high or very high in your own printer setting for your own cards. either to print yoyrself or to do as a file.

Good luck and let us all know how you got on.
Posted: Sunday, June 9, 2024 9:14:50 AM
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Bloomail me if you want some cards. I have many sets in stock and some orphans.
Posted: Monday, June 10, 2024 5:18:01 PM
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Location: Los Angeles, California
Randy wrote:
Bloomail me if you want some cards. I have many sets in stock and some orphans.

Bloomail sent.
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