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Vor'en Chalco's Customs Options
Posted: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 10:54:03 PM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
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Joined: 8/12/2011
Posts: 234
Demagol; Pre Vizsla; Han Solo, Rebel General

Admiral Ackbar, Supreme Commander; Alto Stratus; Viqi Shesh

Mirialan Jedi Knight; Old Republic Rookie; Chiss Captain

Ravenous Vornskr; Domain Shai Warrior; Padawan Commander;

Army of Light Jedi Lord

Old Republic
Bastila Shan, JM; The Revanchist; Admiral Saul Karath

Atton 'Jaq' Rand; Carth Onasi; Master Kavar

Master Thon

Belth Allusis, Jedi Master; Master Vandar; Nomi Sunrider, Head of the Jedi Order

Satele Shan; Krynda Draay; The Jedi Exile, Hero of Onderon

Aric Jorgan

Lord Hoth, Leader of the Army of Light

Revan, Redeemed

Jedi Seer; OR Senator; OR Tech Specialist

Tactical Officer; Jedi Diplomat; Elite Gunner;

Covenant Consular; Covenant Hand; Jedi Shadow

Old Republic Trooper; Elite Old Republic Soldier; Padawan Learner

Old Republic Jedi Knight; Mirialan Jedi Knight; Old Republic Rookie

Smuggler; Vanguard; Army of Light Jedi Lord

Darth Bandon; Darth Revan, SL; Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit

Darth Traya; Darth Zannah; Lord Kaan

Darth Maladi; Dessel; The Huntress

Marka Ragnos; Lomi Plo; Bastila Shan, Fallen Jedi

Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger; Karness Muur; Lord Krayt

Darth Caedus; Darth Talon, Sith Assassin; Darth Wyyrlok III

Vestara Khai; Darth Desolous

Darth Bane in Orbalisk Armour

Exar Kun, Dark Lord of the Sith

Dark Jedi Assassin; Sith Acolyte; Sith Inquisitor

Gloom Walker; Sith Wrangler; Sith Alchemist

Sith Blademaster; Sith General; Sith Knight

Sith Recruit; Imperial Agent; Juggernaut

Anakin and Padme on Reek; Ki-Adi Mundi JM; Mace Windu, LotLS

RC Darman; RC Niner; RC Atin; RC Fi

Captain Panaka of Theed; Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Padawan; Queen Padme Amidala

Eeth Koth; Etain Tur-Mukan; Foul Moudama

Null ARC Trooper Captain Ordo; Senator Padme Amidala; Anakin Skywalker, The Chosen One

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Negotiator; Chief Tarfful; Coleman Trebor

Jedi Master Jorus C'Baoth; ARC Trooper Captain Fordo

Mace Windu, Master of the Order (thanks to Azman's Luke for the idea)

Yoda, Legend of the Light Side

Spaarti Clones; Royal Handmaiden; Wookiee Jedi

Naboo Pilot; Naboo Trooper; Ugnaught Jedi;

Covert Ops Clone Trooper; Jedi Battlemaster; Antarian Ranger Captain

Elite Wookiee Commando; Gungan Elite Infantry; ARC Trooper Scout

Padawan Commander

OOM-9; Poggle the Lesser; Sora Bulq

Series II Destroyer Droid

Count Dooku, Separatist Leader; A-DSD Advanced Dwarf Spider Droid; Savage Oppress


Darth Maul, Sith Infiltrator; Rune Haako; Viceroy Nute Gunray

General Grievous, Hero of Hypori; Aurra Sing, Assassin; Cad Bane, Bounty Hunter

Sev'rance Tann; Alto Stratus

The Phantom Menace

Darth Maul, Shadow Hunter

Battle Droid Lieutenant; A-Series Assassin Droids; T-Series Tactical Droid

B2 Super Battle Droid; Elite Commando Droid; Nimbus Commando

BX Commando Droid Sniper; BX Commando Droid Spotter; Iotran Guard

Muun Guard Colonel; Umbaran Soldier

Lieutenant Page; Wedge's Snowspeeder

Jon 'Dutch' Vander; Kyle Katarn, Rebel Operative; Luke in Stormtrooper Armour

Galen Marek; Han Solo, Rebel General; Laranth Tarak

Chewbacca and Ewoks in AT-ST

Jan Ors; Admiral Ackbar, Supreme Commander; Crix Madine, SpecForce Commander

General Lando Calrissian

Luke Skywalker, First of the New Order

Rebel Commando Munitions Expert; Green Squadron Pilot; Red Squadron Ace

SpecForce Infiltrator; SpecForce Vanguard

SpecForce Technician; Veteran Rebel Trooper; SpecForce Urban Combat Specialist

Bothan Spymaster

Admiral Gilad Pellaeon; Joruus C'Baoth; Rukh

Darth Vader, Agent of Evil; General Rom Mohc; General Weir

Carnor Jax; Grand Admiral Rulf Yage; Jerec

Flim; Moff Disra, Grodin Tierce's Clone

Desann; Roan Fel, The True Emperor; Luuke Skywalker

Darth Vader, Legend of the Dark Side, now with battle damage!

Elite Scout Trooper; Imperial Knight Master; ; Noghri Warrior

Scout Trooper Officer; Alpha Squadron Pilot; Purge Trooper

Stormtrooper Advance Scout; Bothan Saboteur; Jedi-Sith Clones

Nightsister Mother; Security Officer Stormtrooper; Imperial Knight Strike Team Leader

Reborn Shadowtrooper; Spacetrooper; Veteran Snowtrooper

New Republic
Ben Skywalker; Cilghal; Jacen Solo, JK

Jaina Solo, SotJ; Tycho Celchu; Winter

Corran Horn, Jedi Master; Jaden Korr; Queen Mother Tenel Ka

Anakin Solo, Galactic Hero; Lowbacca; Tahiri Veila

Tekli; Kenth Hamner; Mara Jade Skywalker, Jedi Master

Saba Sebatyne; Luke Skywalker, Galactic Hero; Mirith Sinn

Mara Jade Skywalker, Galactic Hero

The Ganner

Jedi Demolitionist; Veteran Trooper; New Republic Elite Trooper

Gray Jedi; New Republic Tactician; Rogue Squadron Rookies

Galactic Alliance Special Guard; Jedi Infiltrator; Jedi Training Droid

Dathomiri Clan Mother; Dathomiri Witch; Galactic Alliance Guard Sniper

Galactic Alliance Special Forces Trooper

Atris; Han Solo, Gambler; Jodo Kast

Niles Ferrier; Salacious Crumb; Brianna

Celeste Morne

HK-47, Assassin Droid; Thrackan Sal-Solo; Rohlan Dyre

Silri; Tyber Zann

Dr. Evazan, Galactic Criminal; Figrin D'an; Greedo, Bounty Hunter

Ponda Baba, Galactic Criminal; Tonnika Sisters

Wuher; Alexi Garyn, Head of the Black Sun; Boba Fett, Young Bounty Hunter

Embo; IG-88A; Jango Fett, Assassin

Mara Jade, Smuggler; Mighella; Morrigan Corde

Shada D'ukal; Zam Wessel, Bounty Hunter; Urai Fen

Talon Karrde, Information Broker

Jawa Chief; Nautolan BSV; Nikto Pirate

Tusken Raider Chieftain; YVH 1; Chadra-Fan Pilot;

Devaronian Assassin; Klatooinian Captain; Sullustan Pilot

Talz Pirate; Wookiee Thug

Zann Corsortium Underboss; Baran Do Sages; Defel Pirate

Felucian Shaman; Zann Consortium Defiler; Corellian Smuggler

Crimson Nova Guild Leader; Dug BSV; Ewok Chieftain

Klatooinian Assassin; Rakghoul Warrior; Rodian Assassin

Squib Trader; Veteran Ugnaught; YVH 2

Rattataki Warrior; Ravenous Vornskr; Zann Corsortium Grenadier

Chiss Captain

Jaster Mereel; Mandalore the Preserver; Bardan Jusik

Kal Skirata (old); Kal Skirata (new); Cassus Fett

Demagol; Pre Vizsla; Mandalore the Vindicated


Mandalore on Basilisk War Droid

Mandalore the First

Mandalorian Blaster-For-Hire; Mandalorian Bounty Hunter; Mandalorian Counter-Intelligence Officer

Mandalorian Gunsmith; Mandalorian Tactician; Mandalorian Advance Scout

Mandalorian Sniper; Death Watch Mercenary; Death Watch Saboteur

Mandalorian Crusader; Mandalorian Scientist; Mandalorian Protectors

Mandalorian Training Sergeant; Elite Mandalorian Marauder; Mandalorian Flame Trooper

Mandalorian Infiltrator; Mandalorian Technician; Mandalorian Sergeant

Yuuzhan Vong
Nen Yim; Shedao Shai; Shimrra

Jakan, Most High Priest; Warmaster Nas Choka; Prefect Da'Gara

Onimi, Shamed One; Elan; Vua Rapuung

Mezhan Kwaad; Viqi Shesh; Malik Carr

Czulkang Lah

Tsavong Lah, Son of Czulkang

Voxyn; High-Bred Warrior

Workers; Yammosk; Chazrach

Yun-Yammka Fanatic; Yuuzhan Vong Slayer; Yuuzhan Vong Hunters

Yuuzhan Vong Droid Hunter; Domain Shai Subaltern; Domain Shai Warrior

Yuuzhan Vong Ossus Protector

RPG Stuff
Bothan Infiltrator; Iktotchi Bounty Hunter; Miraluka Jedi

Kel Dor Warden of the Sky; Prototype Droid; Bith Noble
Junk Droids

Anomid Tech Specialist; Codru-Ji Jedi Guardian; Neti Jedi Consular
Posted: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 10:55:34 PM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
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Joined: 8/12/2011
Posts: 234
Wow, this thread needs some cleaning up already.

As well as copying this from Gamers, added:
Series II Destroyer Droid to DotF
Droideka to BoTP
A-DSD, Rohlan Dyre and Prefect Da'Gara to Vengeance
Posted: Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:20:46 AM
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Joined: 3/14/2009
Posts: 1,728
Wow! These are all amazing work! It's hard to pick favorites, but if I had to they would probably be Bastila JM, Ki-Adi Mundi JM, the Series II Destroyer Droid, Shimmra, and Darth Maul SI! The Shimmra and the Darth Maul in particular were really creative uses of minis for a base that turned out very well! ThumpUp
Posted: Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:50:10 AM
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Posts: 915
The clone wars era stuff is impressive... most impressive.
Eeth Koth looks awesome, is it built from a Plo Koon MotF?
I am very interested in the scratchbuild Destroyer Droid and Dwarf Spider Droid; recipes?
Also, how was the Legendary Yoda custom made?

Great work, and very clean cuts. The paintwork is second to none, especially with the attention to the eyes and the detail inking.
Posted: Thursday, November 22, 2012 7:50:05 AM
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Posts: 234
Thanks guys, it's nice to have my work be appreciated.

Eeth Koth is indeed a Plo Koon, with a Zabrak Fringer head and some greenstuff hair.
Epic Yoda is a Yoda on Kybuck attached to the water jet from a Heroclix Aquaman (the 'Icons' one). It's getting him to stand up that's the trouble.
I had a feeling you would ask about the droids, so I took some photos of the build process. All 3 (Series II, Droideka, A-DSD) started as wireframes (except for bits of a Sith Heavy Assault Droid in the middle of the Series II) to which I added some cheap modelling putty and bits of clear twist-ties for guns/eyes/antenna

I couldn't believe my luck when I found this stuff for $3 at a discount shop. It came as 3 packs (in different shades of green) to make a turtle and I repurposed it. I've only used 2 of the 3 (the largest is still left). The solid bits (the 'heads' of the 2 destroyer droids, the gun panels, front grating and underside curvy bits on the Series II) I made separately and attached later, but everything else was molded over the frame like greenstuff.

2 downsides: it doesn't come out as smooth as greenstuff (the back of the DSD's head is really rough) and it only lasts a couple of days before the whole blob of putty is too stiff to do anything with. But those 3 (and half of a Salacious Crumb) from half of the $3 pack is pretty good.
Posted: Thursday, November 22, 2012 11:35:50 PM
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Posts: 234
Started resizing images and cleaning things up a bit and added a section for new customs.
Added Savage Oppress, Tyber Zann and Malik Carr
Posted: Friday, November 23, 2012 4:28:37 AM
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Posts: 832
Very impressive scratch building! I totally couldn't tell!
Posted: Friday, November 23, 2012 4:40:27 AM
Rank: Quarren Assassin
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Joined: 11/13/2012
Posts: 12
Dude..... Wow.... I kept reading and I was like "Wow, this one's my favorite... No, this one definitely is!" After about the 30th time that happened I just decided I like them all. Your skill with building minis is very impressive. I really like the Null ARC Ordo, he's probably my favorite mini just for all the extra detail (ie; the dots on the chest plate, the accurate coloring...) Overall, very impressive man. Keep up the good work!
Posted: Friday, November 23, 2012 5:31:14 AM
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Location: Florida
Those are awesome dude! You wouldent be willing to trade any of them would you? Galen Marek namely, hes amazing.
Posted: Friday, November 23, 2012 6:47:47 AM
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Posts: 915
Kudos on the sculpting skills and thats extraordinary value per model!
Thanks for sharing the production photos too!
I scratchbuilt a few DDs and assorted droids via a similar wireframe method sometime back, although the results were nowhere near the level of accuracy or detail on display here. BigGrin Is it best to take a slow approach, and concentrate on one section at a time?
I suppose the most exciting thing about these customs is that now you can try new poses and effects, such as a shield or a "transforming" DD.
You could even make some "Kazdan Paratus-style ugly droids" that are kit bashed and whatnot.

I had been experimenting with a magnetic hinge on a DD, allowing it to pivot around the ball joint and with the blaster arms pivoting around the torso. This was achieved using an earcleaner tube (diameter ~1mm) and some thin florist wire. However, the caveat is that the end product is fragile/does not survive transport and storage...

Have you had the chance to test the pepakura model droids I linked on the Custom FAQ thread? They're of a similar scale to the droids youve made, and theres a variety of them, especially the R2 units, crab droids and battledamaged droids. I use the Pepakura models as a handy template/guide for customising.
Posted: Friday, November 23, 2012 11:20:25 PM
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Posts: 234
Thanks, they're pretty time consuming, but a great way to distract myself from assignments

I can't take all the credit for Ordo, I think Azman used that base first. Wookieepedia is my friend for details (unless it's a Vong character or something like Savage where none of the images show his skirt properly)

I might be willing to trade some of them, give myself a chance to try something new or improve my designs to replace them...

I found building sections at a time (and letting them set overnight) was helpful fro some of the details. I had to work fairly quickly before the putty became basically unusable because it wasn't malleable anymore, but getting the basic structure, then limbs, then details (rivets and stuff) was the way I did it (and building larger sections separately helps with the balance, too).
A transforming DD sounds intriguing. I might have to look into that.
I've only had a quick look at pepakura (for that Rancor, mostly) and I found another site with 1:50 scale stuff. Do you have a recommended card stock weight to try?
Posted: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:05:13 PM
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Added Darth Maladi, Ugnaught Jedi, GARY, Veteran Ugnaught and Onimi
Posted: Thursday, November 29, 2012 7:51:50 PM
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Nice work! Sweet photos
Posted: Friday, November 30, 2012 8:20:54 PM
Rank: Rancor
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Joined: 6/14/2012
Posts: 33
I am very, very impressed. It's amazing that you were able to make some of these by scratch! Most of these are worth emulating within themselves.

Excellently done.
Posted: Friday, November 30, 2012 8:54:13 PM
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Finally got around to making my Defilers. Those ARF Troopers have been sitting out almost since Vengeance was released.
Also added Darth Nihilus, Lord Krayt and OR Jedi Knight
Posted: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 11:37:30 PM
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My Heroclix order arrived!

More customs coming, specifically:
1 DotF, 2 Vengeance, 13 S&V, 4 Jedi vs Sith and 8 Epics
plus some extras I haven't decided on yet.
Posted: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 5:42:26 AM
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Quite the haul of heroclix! Lots of jedi and sith in that batch, maybe a palpatine and some droids too?
Posted: Monday, December 10, 2012 5:19:59 PM
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Added Anakin And Padme on Reek, The Huntress, Phantom Menace, Covenant Hand (with a bonus 'battle damaged' version) and Felucian Shaman
Posted: Saturday, December 15, 2012 1:50:06 AM
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Posts: 234
Added Lomi Plo, Senator Padme, Sith Blademaster, Jedi Battlemaster and Czulkang Lah
Posted: Saturday, December 15, 2012 10:35:55 AM
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Joined: 11/17/2012
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