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Is there a link to the full Restricted map list?
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TheHutts wrote:Clone Wars and Shadows are still available, right? They both have a few amazing squads available - ERCs, GGDAC with IG86 and Lancer, GOWK/Yobuck/Rex, KBSV swarm. It took me until today to figure out that you're saying Elite REPUBLIC Commandos. I was losing sleep trying to figure out how the Elite Rebel Commando was from Shadows
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So, should we start a new thread for any random chit-chat related to this? I don't mean to clutter up an important thread, but I was jokingly curious about what happens if urbanjedi's Alliance and Empire ends up beating UrbanShmi's Evasive Action - the round afterwards would be urbanjedi with AE vs. urbanjedi with Vengeance.
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Sorry to spam posts, but this one is really important. I just want to confirm that we are COMPLETELY restricted to the Restricted list, are we not? I don't mean to harp on the issue, but I have already seen two non-Restricted maps chosen, and I don't want to be nagging people about it if it isn't an issue.
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The contest is assuming you are building squads for a competition that uses the restricted list.
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So that would mean that you can't choose a non-Restricted map for your 'game,' right?
When deciding who to vote for, I look at the likelihood of either side winning on both player's maps - players would usually have the advantage on their own map.
Let's say that on Player 1's map, it's a close game but probably a 65% chance he'll win, but on Player 2's map, P1 has an auto-loss. I would vote for Player 2 in this situation, because it's more likely that P2 will beat the odds on P1's map than it is that P1 will beat the odds on P2's map.
However, what if P2's map is not on the Restricted list? I would be correct in ignoring map choices that are not tournament legal, right? Or should it be left up to voter's discretion as to how the legality of maps figures in?
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Okay, now I'm confused. Does the Restricted list contain maps that are legal or maps that are not legal? I've never been to a tournament to see how all of this works. To me, restricted is something that you cannot use... Am I missing something?
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It's the list of maps you're restricted *to*, not the ones you are restricted *from*. http://www.bloomilk.com/Forums/default.aspx?g=posts&t=14904https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5u8uvsrcov0ku3/MapList%20Restricted%20March%202015.pdf?dl=0There are four map classifications: Restricted: Some maps that are considered particularly well-balanced for competitive play. About 20 maps. Standard: Some of these maps are good enough for Restricted but just aren't there. Others are a bit too wide open, have a strong advantage for one side or one play style. But are generally good for most skirmishes as long as you avoid the one or two abusive squads. Maps on the Restricted List are also part of the Standard List. About 40 maps (60 maps including the Restricted List). Open: Generally, they're the more shooty maps. Maps on the Standard List are also part of the Open List. About 30 maps (90 including the ones above). Illegal: Just a few maps that are completely 100% open or otherwise unplayable. About 5 maps. I just guessed on the numbers.
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Only a day left in round 1. Unless you're actually playing the match (like urbanjedi and UrbanShmi are), the winner is whoever wins the vote. If you don't make your case and post to vote for yourself, you're already down 1 vote.
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PEgo, where did your Vengeance squad go? I'll give up vengeance so you can have an entry no problem.
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I appreciate it, urbanjedi! So, here it is: --Vengeance of the Death Watch-- 37 Cassus Fett 29 Pre Vizsla 27 Demagol 27 Etain Tur-Mukan 11 Mandalorian Scientist 30 Death Watch Saboteur x3 14 Mandalorian Crusader x2 25 Death Watch Mercenary x5 (200pts. 15 activations) Cassus prevents things like Thrawn from dictating the flow of the game, spreads CEs around AND gives a bit of swarm control via FSM. Pre Vizsla isn't worth much as an attacker until the combat gets in close, but is the key to the squad with his CE. SD20 for all the DW scrubs, and rerolls when if they miss. Demagol, I wasn't sure I wanted to include over several more DW pieces, because he really doesn't do all that much unless you're based by a Force user, but ultimately elected to include him, he should be a good interference piece (especially, as mentioned, against Jedi); base someone and deal upto 40, if they hit you back next turn you hit them back for 20 with counter push, while keeping the little guys alive. Etain Tur-Mukan seemed like a natural solution to the low attacks. +8 on combined fire is pretty sweet, and she can try to activate stuff so that the little Mercs can get their Deceptive off more easily! Also not bad for a fairly beefy mid cost melee piece, though there's certainly a damage ceiling there. Mandalorian Scientist; Twin for the DWMs, of course. Not worth much as an attacker and can't combine fire. DW Saboteurs: Traps to help with the small epidemic of low attacks, Cloaked so that if I play it right, I can guarantee damage upon their deaths against most squads, and door control! Crusaders are great here; not only do they now give +8 attack when combining fire, but if the target is trying to get smart by coming in close (which honestly just makes my squad much better), if this guy combines fire against them while within 6, the damage is unpreventable. As an attacker, well, he's got Twin and Splash 10 so he's not useless. I think these guys combined with Demagol and Pre Vizla can probably handle GOWK. And lastly, the DW Mercenaries. Fragile and with restricted movement, but they can put out 40 damage under the right conditions (activated target, utilizing one of the attack boosts).
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I'm calling some of the matches 15-30 minutes early since I have the time now. I'll wait on anything within 3 or 4 votes, though.
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Congratulations to the winners in Round 1. Round 2 starts now. Threads are posted. Make your case. A number of players played actual games related to the tournament. If you plan to run games, let us know. I (for one) will wait to vote until after seeing your results.
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Congratulations to the winners in Round 2. Round 3 starts now. Threads are posted. Make your case. A number of players played actual games related to the tournament. If you plan to run games, let us know. I (for one) will wait to vote until after seeing your results.
Special congratulations to TheHutts and CorellianComedian. Only a few players signed up with two sets, and they each managed to get both of their sets into the final 8. The other 4 participants remaining are jak, juice_man, spryguy, and urbanjedi.
I don't know CorellianComedian, but among the others we have a tile wars champion, multiple GenCon-top-8 appearances and regional championships, and one of NZ's top players who also happens to be the top piece-reviewer around. So you're in great company, CorellianComedian.
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Thanks! My greatest claim to fame is... this, actually.
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The Final Four begins now. Threads for each match have been posted. Please post your squads in those threads and describe how you would win.
Congratulations to those who have advanced: spryguy, CorellianComedian, and TheHutts (twice!).
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I'm pretty fascinated by the battles between WOTC and v-set in this squad building competition. After running Rolling Mini of the Day, etc, I've been pretty convinced that Alliance and Empire was the first really good set with lots of good pieces that are still good now. I've also been pleased to see that the v-set power creep is nowhere near as big as the detractors have claimed.
These are the results from the knockout so far - including the semis, as we obviously also know that no matter what happens in the semis a v-set is going to beat a v-set and a later WOTC is going to beat a later WOTC.
The first 6 WOTC sets have been well and truly outclassed - they might win the odd matchup, but they seem unlikely to beat later WOTC squads or v-set squads. While it looks like there's a lot of parity between later WOTC and v-set.
Old WOTC (up to Alliance and Empire) Lost to old WOTC: Lost to new WOTC: 4 Lost to v-set: 2
WOTC (from AandE onwards) Lost to old WOTC: Lost to new WOTC: 5 Lost to v-set: 4
Vset Lost to old WOTC: Lost to new WOTC: 5 Lost to v-set: 4
It's kind of arbitrary to make sweeping statements based on these results, but I think they're a pretty good indicator of power level of the sets.
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Congratulations to TheHutts for winning the Set vs Set squadbuilding contest. And doing it in style by taking his two squads to the Finals to face each other. We shouldn't need a vote here. TheHutts should be able to run the match and tell us which squad is superior. Of course, anyone else is welcome to do the same as well.
Imperial Entanglements vs Shadows in the finals.
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