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Sliding Past Tempo Control Options
Posted: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 8:10:14 AM
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Joined: 8/30/2014
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So, there have been a lot of cool pieces released that really mess with strategies where you out-activate and pummel - Amanoa, Son of Skywalker, Odan-Urr, etc.

Do you guys think these pieces will be enough of a deterrent that fewer swarms are run, allowing low-act squads without the anti-tempo tech to get closer to the top? Or do you think they'll only be able to prevent high-act squads from crushing you when you're actually using them?

In other words, do you think high activation counts will continue to be a big factor that you must be prepared to deal with, or will they become more of a specialized squad type/bad matchup?
Posted: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 8:23:43 AM
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I think people will still be stuck in the thought of more activations is better. But if that happens then a Rebel team with Luke and Han could take gencon. They are very well designed pieces
Posted: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 8:25:18 AM
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They only hurt swarms a little bit. What they really hurt are squads that pack in many non-combat (or non-optimized) activations for the sole purpose of out-activating in order to avoid interaction. If you have 21 points of Mice or Brutes just so you can go last with Vader... against Amanoa Vader might not get a turn at all. So you have to go early with Vader, and those 21 points were kind of a waste. Against Son of Skywalker, it lets him walk all the way across the board. A swarm only loses one of its attackers against Amanoa, and a swarm can attack SoS as he moves.

Shevu got a big boost, and he has Double Agent.
Yak Face and Aves are Fringe and can negate Dodonna/Ozzel. But you pay a decent amount to include them.
Those pieces might make including Dodonna/Ozzel less appealing.
Posted: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 10:59:44 AM
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I think that you will always include Dodonna/Ozzel/etc in the squads the can make use of them. However, since they are becoming less necessary, I think that people will start moving to some of the factions like Sith, OR, Republic, etc that don't have tempo control.
Posted: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 12:17:01 PM
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I think the anti tempo pieces that came out in this set will make enough of a difference the shift the meta away from those tactics a little bit, and combined with all the ranged def. Boosts making melee and balanced squads more viable, I think the game will be in a much better place this tournament season.

Posted: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 12:52:36 PM
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I think two of the gatekeepers have been the high activation Daala swarm (maybe the Dr Daman Raxus Primes/Repulsor Sled) and the high activation Thrawn outactivate and smash.

It'll be interesting to see if the new squad types from the last couple of sets can beat these. I think Vader/Palpatine tank has a shot against both of those, with initiative control and good shooter defense, but I might be wrong.
Posted: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 1:03:10 PM
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--Jim's Remnants--
50 Boba Fett, Assassin for Hire
32 Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
16 Admiral Gilad Pellaeon
13 Amanin Scout
11 Admiral Ozzel
8 Mas Amedda
16 R7 Astromech Droid x2
9 Mouse Droid x3
42 Rodian Brute x14
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(200pts. 26 activations)

This is still going to be really good.

If Boba can get adjacent to Palpatine, he'll do plenty of damage but can't kill him in one round. And Master Tactician has to play it even against Palpatine's CE.
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