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Jen'ari and shmi15 saga Options
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:35:37 PM
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Since I play shmi15 all the time thought I would keep a history of some of our battles. (Probably the ones I win)
One the other night like 2 weeks ago was insane. Some were duds, (looking at you Rathtar) but we play all sorts of gimmicky crazy stuff so it's fun.


Jen'ari 1

Shmi15 1 beat beat
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:46:46 PM
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Hahaha yes! Looking forward to it!
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:54:49 PM
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Hooray for play reports! Awesome.
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 7:37:08 PM
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Well it was a doozy

i was running

He was running

He won map (I swear the last 7 times he has won map)

we played on lame cantina, but since he is good with angles it is a great map for him.

Since I am so low on door control without relying on Sabine I let him set up first.

He choose left side and set up with the intent of spreading out. Crix went to gambit

I set up on the bottom.

First round I get into the room down there and he has spread out decently.

Second round is more positioning with me levitating Sabine out to blow a door and come back.

Third round I move into gambit the in the next room up.

with Sabine on edge, and Ahsoka on top of her in the corner, Hera behind her and Kanan under hera and behind Sabine.

He moves some people and i am in traps and he gets 2 infiltrator twins on me, I have evade +4 and he needs a 12 to hit. both characters miss everything and he tries with leia to no effect. But the worse was that ol' ackbar himself got adjacent to Sabine and combined fire and needed a 3 and rolled a 2. He should have brought his chair.

but man, all that cloaked and stelth and diplomats, I couldn't touch anything unless I was adjacent.
So next round is going to be a doozy. I am talking all out war. He can double twin everything and even has an emp grenade that I forgot about that might do some damage too. he moved Criz over so that Ahsoka and Sabine have no evade. Luke is not in the group (they all have accurate on that cat).

So he has tactician +4 and recon (which we did not use by the way richard).he rolls a 4. I am like YA!!
i roll a 4....

He is going to do his thing and I am going to levitate Ahsoka or Kanan in to kill that infiltrator so fast. But than it would have been on from there.his plan was to activate Kanan. Combine fire and all that stuff probably would have hit 2 or 3 shots. I would have needed to evade all of them with my 7 roll and only 1 reroll. Would be interesting.

VASSAL crashed to the ground. both got kicked off instantly.... right at the friggin good part too.

But I chalk this up to my victory because I advanced slowly (something I never do) and Richard did the same spread em tactics. so he was static and I was dynamic.

This song came into my head while writing this with the word Lightning changed for vassal. so sad
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 8:11:53 PM
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jen'ari wrote:
Well it was a doozy

i was running

He was running

He won map (I swear the last 7 times he has won map)

we played on lame cantina, but since he is good with angles it is a great map for him.

Since I am so low on door control without relying on Sabine I let him set up first.

He choose left side and set up with the intent of spreading out. Crix went to gambit

I set up on the bottom.

First round I get into the room down there and he has spread out decently.

Second round is more positioning with me levitating Sabine out to blow a door and come back.

Third round I move into gambit the in the next room up.

with Sabine on edge, and Ahsoka on top of her in the corner, Hera behind her and Kanan under hera and behind Sabine.

He moves some people and i am in traps and he gets 2 infiltrator twins on me, I have evade +4 and he needs a 12 to hit. both characters miss everything and he tries with leia to no effect. But the worse was that ol' ackbar himself got adjacent to Sabine and combined fire and needed a 3 and rolled a 2. He should have brought his chair.

but man, all that cloaked and stelth and diplomats, I couldn't touch anything unless I was adjacent.
So next round is going to be a doozy. I am talking all out war. He can double twin everything and even has an emp grenade that I forgot about that might do some damage too. he moved Criz over so that Ahsoka and Sabine have no evade. Luke is not in the group (they all have accurate on that cat).

So he has tactician +4 and recon (which we did not use by the way richard).he rolls a 4. I am like YA!!
i roll a 4....

He is going to do his thing and I am going to levitate Ahsoka or Kanan in to kill that infiltrator so fast. But than it would have been on from there.his plan was to activate Kanan. Combine fire and all that stuff probably would have hit 2 or 3 shots. I would have needed to evade all of them with my 7 roll and only 1 reroll. Would be interesting.

VASSAL crashed to the ground. both got kicked off instantly.... right at the friggin good part too.

But I chalk this up to my victory because I advanced slowly (something I never do) and Richard did the same spread em tactics. so he was static and I was dynamic.

This song came into my head while writing this with the word Lightning changed for vassal. so sad

Actually... The final score was 30-10! So even with the crash... I won!
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 8:57:54 PM
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Hahaha you quoted the whole thing just to write that?
But I really won't keep that on the scoreboard.
Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2017 11:20:20 PM
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jen'ari wrote:
Hahaha you quoted the whole thing just to write that?
But I really won't keep that on the scoreboard.

Deal! Till next tieme!
Posted: Saturday, October 14, 2017 7:21:54 PM
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My squad

His Squad

Map roll I WIN!!

so I choose some map I have never played on but like:
Royal Palace

He lets me set up first and I choose the left side in the middle

He sets up kind of spread formation on the right

no one gets gambit. momaw hurts Leia and Chirrut to give bonuses out.

ROUND 2: baze shoots at an ugnaught.... misses with a 1 (I knew his attack was bad)
He shoots at Chirrut, misses, everyone is cloaked. stalls his advance

We are kind of feeling each other out at this point and I am advancing slow.
He gets Gambit

Heavy Blaster at a 12 attack to kill his San Hill, who he thought was safe.
He moved a few scrubs up to stop me from peeping out and back in, I move Momaw 6 and war throat to kill 2 uggies and a mouse.

He grips Momaw and than Mira shoots at him and puts him to 20. morrigan finishes him later. He moves Cad Bane in an attempt at a possible charge.

He gets gambit

Round 4: I position myself to get ready to advance and run Chirrut out to the middle of his army ready to heavy blaster and hopefully get in people's way, also to give Baze the Protective bonus when he runs to furious assault.
He positions himself to be ready for the advance.

he wins init and runs Cad bane to base Jyn, Cassian, and Sabine

Something that I kind of foresaw but 1) did not think he would do and 2)would be happy with since I would kill it and run back in the door. leaving him Chirrut.

However, I totally misunderstood Hostage Shield. i really thought that it did not work on adjacent attackers... I dont know what ability I was thinking of, maybe bait and Switch...

But game is over at that point. 100% over.
We played it out and Jyn attacked him for 30 each and guess what Sabine had 30 and Cassian had 30. so they both fail there save one after another and die. hahaha

Wow! ummm that ability is one of the best shooting defense abilities ever. and... I hate it.
and after the taste of utter defeat goes away I will still hate it. I mean, what power. even If I had known about it being adjacent it would have stalled my advance terribly. haha I cannot go anywhere because everyone has to be separated so they are 4 and 5 squares back. It is a nasty ability. It being on Cad bane makes it not so crazy bad... but it controls so much spacing it is unbelievable. and it is not like its not a good piece otherwise. Lord Kaan for instance controls so much space, but he is not great otherwise. Even if you take Hostage shield completely away Cad bane is still great. change it to nonadjacent attackers and he is still fantastic.
just an eye opener and one move made me have zero chance when all my people where at full health is all.

Lesson learned. haha

Richard wins and I am going to hug my wife.
Posted: Saturday, October 14, 2017 8:30:45 PM
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Craig, as I said earlier, you played the first 4 rounds perfect. Killing San was partially my fault, for not understanding Chirrut, but it was an awesome set up play by you. You got to excited once you killed him and my filler tho! And you over extended! Running Chirrut to gambit was all you had to do that round tho. If you left everyon back you could've out activated me, and then swarmed in. I think you would've had me had you not advanced so far. BUT! Still! One for the good guys!
Posted: Saturday, October 14, 2017 9:04:52 PM
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shmi15 wrote:
Craig, as I said earlier, you played the first 4 rounds perfect. Killing San was partially my fault, for not understanding Chirrut, but it was an awesome set up play by you. You got to excited once you killed him and my filler tho! And you over extended! Running Chirrut to gambit was all you had to do that round tho. If you left everyon back you could've out activated me, and then swarmed in. I think you would've had me had you not advanced so far. BUT! Still! One for the good guys!

Can't we just blame the ability?

next time on Chronicles...

jen'ari will not overextend, Richard will play vong. (about the same odds of that happening)
Posted: Sunday, October 22, 2017 7:10:07 PM
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The Saga continues with a 150 point match up with no act control allowed.

We were shooting for tier 1.5 ish.

It was very interesting to play 150.

My squad

his squad

He won map (i will just get used to it)

We played on Cliffside Citadel, which is a very interesting map.

I let him set up, since I did not see a huge advantage for me either way and maybe I could get some sort of advantage of seeing where he was set up. He set up on left so he could claim Gambit very easily.

i set up on top middle looking at the long hallway.

First round he intuitions, than uses San Tekka's CE to move K'kruhk up even more. so 11 squares and k'ruhk did not activate yet.

First round he claims gambit and I get my guys up and in position a bit, spreading them out a tad.

Next round he kills my killik and moved Callista out to block some of my way and so she would be adjacent to some of my characters.some of my people could see K'ruhk, so I shot at him. at end of round he runs K'ruhk out and adjacent to people and Anakin out behind him. I kill Anakin with SEV.

Sev gets to Extra, twin, Deadeye, +4 attack, Sniper, and Accurate.
Than we drop damage on Kruhk form attacks from Cody, boss, and the twin form SEV.

next round I win init and use boss to attac kKruh'k, than pop Sev. He uses Callsita to return K'kruhk to full HP. K'ruhk smacks my ovveride guy for 40 (2 shield saves). than we go to town and kill K'ruhk.
at this point he has Luke and Lor San tekka so its game over.

those republic commandos are really powerful and havetons of tricks. Little swiss army knives. I would like to see a version of this for flying mandos that have tricks.

Also, I completely failed to find a tier 1.5 build for 150 points. I think that squad is very very good for 150 points. but 150 points is a whole new world. It was fun to play in.

and to Shmi15's credit. he could have just stayed in Gambit and waited for me and it would have been tough. especially if he pulled off a massive throw 3 in that little space i would have to cram into it.
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