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Guys I'm desperate. I really can't believe that there is a mini like GMLS and there isn't a way to fit him in a proper squad. I'm trying to build him a 200 points squad (no V-sets). If anyone has any idea PLEASE share...
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Define playable. In pure WotC, there were only a half dozen Tier 1 squads, and GMLS wasn't close to being there.
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With playable I mean competitive, not fun game.
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It's not a very interesting build - by the time you fit in some door control, you only have about 70 points to play with at 200 points, and it's essentially a couple of secondary attackers/support pieces like: - Leia for rerolls - Ganner for levitation - Kyp Durron to benefit from renewal and use Force Push 5 - generally solid piece like Han GH or Mara Jade Jedi - some back up shooting?
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Use V-Set Lan Sor Tekka with GMLS, he can start in the middle of the map in gambit, and you make players come towards him... Tekka can be used as a movement breaker for whichever other attacker you want to use. Personally tho, I wouldn't use GMLS... I would use the 100 point BH challenge piece to do it. Just as good, but cheaper, and a great ranged damage.
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I think all those options are just about equal. Problem is that none of them add up to a squad that can compete with Thrawn, GOWK, or Rebels commandos. GMLS with his Twin Djem So does add up to a pretty good hate squad against Lancers, though, especially if Han GH for Disruptive is your support piece.
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I get it. So there is the strongest piece that can't be used!! How ironic!!!!! Anyway thank for your help guys, I really appreciate it!!!
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He's not unplayable (unlike 88 point Darth Revan....) - I'm sure he's won Regionals etc. He's just so expensive he can't fit good support, and you end up with a squad that's good against other melee but poor against shooters.
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If you have a specific squad he will play against we could maybe build something that would lead to a fun game, but he wouldn't have much chance to win a major tournament with all the top squads present.
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You should run
GMLS Callista Wedge Twi'lek Keeper of the Whills ugnaught
but if he has disruptive/distraction you are screwed haha. but without it he can move 12 squares and triple twin someone and when he dies he can be reborn from Callista with Full HP.Wedge, Twi'lek grant the GMA
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He wants non Vset.
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oh crap, haha. my bad
hmmm. options are super limited than.
I would go GMLS Ganner Jacen jaina ug X2
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