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My Son and I...SWM recaps Options
Posted: Friday, April 30, 2021 7:04:22 AM
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I thought I would post games that my 11 year old son end up playing. The first of many I hope. (it's been years since I've I'm a bit rusty)
I've taught him the basic rules, but he doesn't remember it's been a while.
He kept thinking he could move 10 and attack, or add the roll to his movement, etc
So these games are more about learning the rules than actually winning/losing.

Here are two games we played last night...

Game 1 (4/29/21)
His squad
Boba Merc
Jango BH
IG-88 BH
Dengar Killer

My squad (he picked this one for me)
JM Kit Fisto
Saesee Tiin JM
Shaak Ti JM
Master K'Kruhk

(very themed right?!)

On tatooine map?

He chose to set up first & set up on the more open side (top side of map)
Boba/Zayne/Jango on the right
Denga/IG on the left
I setup Yoda/K'Kruhk on the right
Fisto/Tiin/Shaak on the left

Boba used Intuition to get a decent LOS on the right side
And I surprise moved both Fisto and Tiin to hopefully get close to these shooters

Round 1
He moved Zayne into the open area on the right
Boba and Jango flew down into the open area next to the bubble room in the middle
I got Shaak to open the door to the bubble room
And both Fisto & Tiin rushed into it
He used Dengar to open the door on the other side
And IG moved just inside the bubble room
I realized Yoda's CE was limited to 6 so I bee-lined him and K over to the left
(it's been a while that I haven't used Mas in Republic squads!)

Round 2 started the fireworks
I won initiative (Zayne got a black card (-4 to rolls) he rolled an even number for init)
Boba intuit more into the open area
I surprised with both Fisto & Tiin and got them to within 6 of IG but not adjacent to each other
IG went first and moved in to shoot at Tiin and hit for 20
I was able to surround IG with the three guys in the room and finish him off
If I remember right Yoda and K went for Boba who was sitting in the open
Jango opened up and Yoda got nailed for 30, but the second shot was Reflected and Jango took 10
Boba put another 20 on Yoda and then flew 6 away
Zayne moved in but didn't do anything
Dengar I believe shot and missed

Round 3
Boba intuit back towards Yoda and the bottom, not sure why (11 yr old mind I guess)
I think I surprised with Fisto to get next to Dengar who was still holding the door open
I don't remember who win init
Fisto rocked Dengar and I believe Tiin finished him off (Dengar missed again)
Shaak went around the bubble to base Jango
Zayne kinda just ran around and tried to Mind Trick Yoda, and it worked, until I FPRR and saved
Jango and Boba shot up Yoda and finished him off
K finished off Boba

Round 4
I was able to surround Jango but he flew away and flamethrowed the crowd of Jedi
K chased down Zayne...hit him and Zayne's block didn't save
I was able to land a hit or two on Jango

Round 5
I was able to finish off both Zayne (who didn't do anything in the game) and Jango
But Jango got off two good shots before he went on Fisto

Game 2 (4/29/21)
His squad
Lord Vader
Boba BH

My squad (I picked it this time)
GM Yoda
Luminara JM
Barriss JK
R2 Astro

On bespin map?

I picked him to setup first and he picked the landing pad side (top side of map)
He kept all his guys mostly together this time
I placed mine to work up thru all the doors on the left side of the map to avoid Boba getting a random crit (cuz you all know it happens)

Round 1
Basic movements to get closer to the middle (we aren't playing for gambit tho...for now)
He rushed his guys down to the main door to the hallway

Round 2
He was able to get the hallway door open with Zayne and Vader rushed in to open the door to the left which is where my guys would end up
He used Malak to open the door on the top of that room and Boba rushed in
That's when I made my move with R2 and towed Yoda to base Boba (for Triple from Flobi) and then locked the door in Vader's face! (I explained Override before we started, but this showed him what it could do)
I believe I put 60 on Boba but that was it
Most of my guys ended up in that room this round

Round 3
He won init and used Boba to move away and then Flamethrow 3 of my guys including R2...but at least he had 10 left
I towed Yoda and defeated Boba then kept the door near Vader locked
Vader ran around to the top side of the room...along with Zayne
For some reason Malak lost his mind and ran to the far left of the map (still not sure I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted)

Round 4
Tow and repeat the pounding on Vader this time
I believe Vader toasted Luminara with Rage and three hits, the second being a crit (I didn't Force Defense with Yoda)
Vader went down after that

Round 5
Zayne, who i intentionally did not attack, ran up and missed R2, but then Karmic Mettle kicked in and the reroll hit
Since Malak decided to eject himself down the tube corridor into the left middle chamber all by himself, I now go Ataru Mastery with Yoda and decided to Throw against Zayne.
He survived that but then fell to Flobi's attack

Game conceded at that point since Malak was by his lonesome

I tried to use this one to explain CEs in more detail
He had Malak giving +4 Atk and Vader giving Adv Atk to both Boba and Zayne
Then I explained my CEs and Synergies to him (making Lumi & Barriss tough cookies!)
It wasn't much of a battle, as my team was built to work together, but he put up a fight
His only mistakes were rushing in with Boba instead of using his attacks from a distance and then running away with Malak and leaving Vader on his own (still not sure why he did that)
So I used the time to explain things along the way and give him options...allowing him to chose what to do at each step
In the end I recapped what I would have done
Yoda's Force Defense was a deciding factor in how he attacked it nerfed Malak's lightning and Vader's ability to use two powers to overwhelm my guys (although i tried to explain that sometimes you have to use powers to get Yoda to use his FD and use up his FPs so that your guys can do what they want...but he wasn't getting it)
And R2 doing a tow with Yoda to get the triple is what allowed me to defeat Boba
Plus R2 locking out Vader so I could work at Boba alone (freaking 9pt character!)
He learned about Override very quickly
And I remembered I didn't have it forced me to keep my guys within 6 of each other...that's harder then it seems!

So these games are just a start
He has a long way to go with squad right now it's about the guys he knows and not so much in how they work together...but he'll get there.

I will try and take pictures next time so I can remember half of what goes on... BlooMilk
Posted: Friday, April 30, 2021 8:00:11 AM
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keep it up! good to see new players coming into the game as it is a very good strategy game that makes you think. thanks for the recap!
Posted: Friday, April 30, 2021 8:14:32 AM
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Sounds fun! Maybe one way you could give him a shot to win is to have him play the squad that you make, and you play his. Or just have a 20 point handicap.
Posted: Friday, April 30, 2021 8:26:16 AM
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Right now he's just a padawan no real emphasis on winning, but yes, I've learned over the years teaching people how to play the game (and other games) you should let them win once in a while to keep the fun going. (just don't make it too obvious)

He'll catch on quickly enough. Dice are what they are, he has beaten me in the past...
Posted: Wednesday, May 5, 2021 4:48:08 AM
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Scared I can't believe your son is 11 already!
did I age 11 years too?

my son is 32, and has 3 kids, maybe I'll teach them in few yearsConfused
Posted: Thursday, May 20, 2021 10:45:10 AM
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GAME 3 (5/14/21)
I let him just pick his squad...told him around 200-250 points. As you can see, he went a bit over.
Once he told me his points, I made my squad.

His squad:
Darth Revan, Sith Lord
Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith
Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter
Boba Fett, Mercenary
Boba Fett, Enforcer (yep...all 3...I re-explained "unique" after he revealed and let this one slide)
Sith Inquisitor

My squad:
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi General
Mace Windu, Legacy of the Light Side
Cad Bane
General Skywalker
Captain Rex
Dash Rendar, Renegade Smuggler
R2-D2, Astromech Droid
Mas Amedda

(we made our squads separately and he did not ask advice; needless to say my intention was to show him what CEs really could do for your squad)

He giggled when he was setting up because he had Revan with Master Tactician. I just smiled.

He won map and chose the Arena. I chose side and he opted to set up first.

He set up in the arena pit...and I set up Flobi/Cad/R2 w/ Rex in the middle of the assembly line to take advantage of the center door and then my other walkers on the walkway path to the one accessible door.

Round 1
He didn't roll a 1, so he chose to move first
From what I remember he moved Revan/Sith Inq/T3/Merc/BBH/BFE into the arena as near as he could to the door where my walkers would be coming in. About halfway thru the arena pit, in the open. T3 overrides the central door shut.
I advanced Mas into the main corridor to open the turbolift nearest to the edge of the map (trying to keep him hidden).
Mace ran & Flobi flew into the hallway past the opening in the hallway and ended near the stairs but just out of sight.
GenSky & Dash ran up and surrounded Mas to help and be ready to pounce but again out of sight.
Malak decided to be sneaky and run towards the other side of the arena thinking he would flank me. (must be some strange Koolaid this guy's been drinking!)
However, veteran Rex teamed up with R2 and flew over then GMA's 6 shots off on him. I think I missed one or two times. Cad decided he wanted a shot the next round so he set up next to Rex.

Round 2
Another NOT-1 roll and Jr decides he had enough of Mas. He sends in the big gun Boba Merc with intuition to get a shot off with Cunning, which would be just enough to finish off Mas. Which he does just fine. Then Boba downs the crazy Koolaid too and stays put to take a shot at Dash, which hits. Dash evades in stunned belief.
Not to waste any time, Rex steps out and drops Malak.
From there it gets hazy but I think Revan ran around Boba Merc to base Mace...and his Sith Inq tried to get a drop on GenSky. From there it was a clean up in aisle A: Dash wasted Boba Merc (with Opp & Momentum) and probably put some on the Sith Inq; Mace backed up (taking an AOO from Revan) and then made sushi out of Revan with Momentum & Quad Atk (no crits tho); Flobi finished him off; GenSky punted the Sith Inq off the board.
I don't think Cad got any shots off and R2 towed Rex to setup with Cad for Round 3.
Boba BH hit GenSky twice of which I deflected one. BFE tried to missile someone, but they saved. T3 tried to set up for a Flamethower run and locked the central door again.

Round 3
3rd NOT-1 roll and he goes first. Not sure who went when but the gist is I chased his guys down and wiped them out.
Not sure I lost anyone else...I think it was just Mas.

In the end, we talked about strategy and how you want to keep your shooters back. Using Boba Merc to take out Mas was too impulsive but he could have made it work if he would have shot once and retreated. And Malak separating hurt him (again). Revan and Malak should have been up front with all those shooters behind. However, my two shooters having Triple/Twin/GMA was pretty nasty. So I explained how going after Flobi could have been wise...if he could have got to him. Wink

He's already got his squad ready for the next one...he picked Republic this time.
So I'm going with Separatists! (think BIG...)
Stay tuned... ThumpUp
Posted: Sunday, June 6, 2021 6:00:30 PM
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That's awesome that you're back in the fold. And even awesomer that your son is playing.
Posted: Friday, July 30, 2021 7:40:19 PM
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300 point battle!

Junior’s “Grand Republic Army”
General Windu
Qui-Gon Jinn
Captain Rex
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Padawan
Clone Trooper with Repeating Blaster
Queen Padme Amidala
Captain Panaka of Theed
Commander Gree
Clone Commander Cody
Elite Clone Trooper Grenadier
R2D2, Astromech Droid
Mad Amedda
(Map - Endor Bunker)

My “Whorm’s Big Hitters”
Boba Fett, Mercenary
Darth Maul, Champion of the Sith
Durge, Jedi Hunter
Count Dooku of Serenno
General Grievous, Jedi Hunter
General Whorm Loathsom
Darth Sidious Hologram (thru Dofine)
Mouse Droid x2
Ugnaught Demolitionist
(Map - Commander’s Office)

Two character “tweaks”:
Windu’s CE changes to affect allies, not followers. (I almost paid for that one!)
Grievous gains Jedi Hunter. (Because it’s just right!)
With the change to Windu’s CE, he almost doubled his whole squads attacks (up to over 30)
My squad has 30 attacks in the main 5 characters, so I knew this was going to be a slug-fest!

We rolled and He won map.
I picked the bunker side and set up behind it since my whole squad would not fit inside. (Only 8 would…and I wasn’t going to have sitting ducks!)
When he started setting up, we kept checking LOS angles…and then quickly realized why this one is not a legal map!
So…we went with my map instead.
I set up outside by the upper cannon to get into the command center.
He set up mostly in the cargo bay 2.
(Still working on little things like setting up. As you see from him placing R2 by himself. I tried to explain R2’s tow cable, but he insisted on doing it his way.)

Round 1
Initiative was me I believe.
He Surprise Moves with Qui-Gon and I intuition Boba.
Both of us just move towards the Command Center. He split his forces a bit to try and surround me.
I was able to get Boba into the CC so I had less than 6 sqrs to either side door. (Setting up a surprise of my own)
No shots fired as R2 locked the main hall door.
(I didn’t take any Override characters on purpose. I wanted to see if he would abuse Override in his squad. I was glad to see just R2, especially with all the doors.

Round 2
Init went to him.
He did the Quiggy surprise again…and I moved Boba a bit closer to the northern door of the CC.
I think he made me go first.
Not sure how the whole round went, but part of it was him using the Grenadier to open the other door leading to the CC. That’s when I made the two act surprise move.
I used Maul to open the northern CC door, then moved Boba out 6 to pop the Grenadier.
Planned worked great and door shut. However, he still had two guys to go…so Cody opens the door again so the Repeater can blast Boba with five shots!
He hit 4 of them! (Boba down to 30…oh how I miss Evade on Merc)
I’m not sure what his Jedi were doing. I think they were confused and wanted to join the huge dance party I had going on in the Command Center.

Round 3
I won init, as I kept thinking Boba was toast…
Quiggy surprisingly surprises again.
I Intuition Boba right up to Cody who was nicely holding the door open for me.
I used Boba with Cunning/Twin to toast Cody, then fly back into the CC mash pit…which left Maul open to a Rex beat down.
Now it gets crazy…
Rex decides his armor has enough dents and runs for cover in a turbo lift.
Maul reluctantly springs back from the door to let it shut for safety.
Windu does some moonwalking and slides all the way to open the main entrance door. (?)
Durge let’s out an evil laugh as he blasts Windu with six shots…only to land 2…even with a FP reroll. (Thanks HoloSid)
Mace so till at 90hp, Grievous lunges with a Twin and drops 60 more (thanks to a FP reroll and the so missing but now added Jedi Hunter!)
Repeater Clone, ever a pain, blasts Grievous with only 4 shots now and not with Squad Assault…so he only hit once.
Windu is dazed but still standing. In movie irony, Dooku follows in his masters footsteps and drops a Force Lightning on him…which crispies him good…and damages Obi-Wan and puts 30 on Grievous.
Obi-Wan charges in with an Assault and drops Grievous.
(To be filled in…stay tuned…)
Posted: Sunday, August 1, 2021 5:17:18 AM
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Location: Beggers Canyon Tatooine
awesome coolThumbsUp
love the writing style, Jason
I want to hear the end of the story

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