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IE squads Options
Posted: Friday, March 13, 2009 9:33:00 AM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 9/16/2008
Posts: 344
I have been putting together squads from the first moment I saw the Snowtrooper Commander and Dash Rendar, Renegade Smuggler. Trying to figure out some of the new combinations with the best pieces. When clone wars came out, I was so absorbed in holosid squads I didn't even realize how good rex and yobuck are. THis time I am trying to explore all options. So here is what I have come up with so far for 150 points.


This is one is meant to be an all purpose squad. Shaak TI, JM for melee coverage. Luke, HPU for the annoying evading targets. Han, Smuggler for the high damage accurate shots. Rieekan grants everyone mobile and evade including Juno for some disruptive support. Dodonna and R2 included of course.

This is a Rebel Dash squad. Ackbar provides the attack boost he needs, which also helps Luke's LS land more hits. Han is a nice early round mobile threat, and his FP reroll could help secure and R2 kill. Never underestimate Jedi Mind Trick either.

This is basically a Speedy Cannon squad with Smuggler and Rieekan. I was able to get alot of support and Leia still provides a high damage boost for the squad. I am not sure if this version is better or worse than the versions without Leia.


This is a 150 squad with Boba, BH benefiting from the new Thrawn. Keeping him mobile while giving him the ability to hit for 60 seemed to good not to try. I was able to fit in Jarael as a melee speed bump. I don't think its the best 150 Thrawn option, but it's worth atleast trying.

This is a 150 Thrawn squad with Palpy, SL and Rex. Palpy can potentialy LA for 60. Rex can shoot for +16 for 30, 4 times. Palpy also has the huge benefit of not being able to be shot by an enemy Rex. I think this squad could be really strong in alot of match ups. Just have to be very careful with how Rex gets positioned. I am also atleast alittle excited about actually playing Palpy, SL as a competitive piece. Looking forward to annoying people with betrayal.

This is a 150 squad with the new Emperor. I fit in 3 sith witches and Arica. This could be alot of fun punishing opponents with force lightning. Although I am seriously considering dropping 1 witch and Arica for Vader's Aprentice, Unleashed. Either way its the same basic design. I enjoyed naming this one "Give in to your Anger" or "Gitya" for short.

This is another 150 Emperor on Throne squad. But this one is designed with Dash and Vader's Apprentice in mind. Jagged Fel boosting Dash's attack. The Emperor grants some FP's to Dash for attack rerolls and evade rerolls, he also fuels more FL4's from the apprentice. The emperor also has the potential to get first round gambit every game. The synergy between FL4 and a heavy hitting Oppurtunist piece is just great.


This was one of my first squads to include the new Dash. Holosid for rerolls and mvoement and Malak to boost his attack. The hard part of doing it in sith was no tempo control and limited ability to activate your opponents pieces. This squad does have an MSG for paralysis and Malak with Force Stun.

New Republic:

This was another take on the new Dash. This one is also uses Jagged Fel but includes Han GH, Jarael and a TBSV. All 4 heavy hitters in the squad have eavade, so there is no need for Wedge. The squad has 2 early round threats (Han and Jarael) and also has two late round threats (Dash and the TBSV). Han also brings in NTMTO which I think will be more important with an easily obtained and while still powerful Thrawn becoming available. I think this one will have huge potential but will probably be disliked by the masses because it doesn't have Wedge or Mara.

I didn't bother doing a wedge/tbsv squad because its just kind of boring me. I am sure a few versions will pop up but our area has seen so many NR squads and they haven't gone 4-0 at any of our events for the last 6 months or so. Just not that concerned with them.

Enjoy the squad concepts and I am really looking forward to actually playing them.
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