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Standings & Schedule (7/5 - Playoff Schedule Posted!) Options
Posted: Monday, March 22, 2010 12:41:14 PM
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(To view the BlooMilk Booster League Master Thread, please go HERE)

BlooMilk Booster League Standings

Conference 1
Division 1

1. R5Don4 (7-4)* (3rd seed)
2. cicrush13 (6-6)
3. Darth Percocet (2-7)
4. lilninja93 (2-8)

Division 2
1. spryguy1981 (9-1)* (2nd seed)
2. imyurhukaberry (4-3)
3. sithlord54 (3-5)
4. EmporerDragon (2-7)

Division 3
1. Weeks (9-1)* (1st seed)
2. greentime (8-1)* (4th seed)
3. empirejeff (7-4)
4. Emissary (2-6)

Conference 2
Division 4

1. Ukezwoll (9-2)* (1st seed)
3. creme_brule (6-5)* (4th seed)
2. Rynhime the Indominable (5-6)
4. Sashlon (3-6)

Division 5
1. Wysten (6-4)* (3rd seed)
2. ArtemisCFrog43 (5-4)
3. curler88j (3-9)
4. Demosthenes (2-6)

Division 6
1. TheStarkiller (8-3)* (2nd seed)
2. The Celestial Warrior (5-6)
3. Boba Fett (3-6)
4. skeeve3000 (3-6)

* = Clinched Playoff Spot
Posted: Monday, March 22, 2010 2:12:50 PM
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Bloo Milk Booster League Schedule

Week 1

March 23rd - March 28th
lilninja93 AT R5Don4

Darth Percocet AT cicrush13
WINNER: Darth Percocet

EmporerDragon AT imyurhukaberry
WINNER: imyurhukaberry

sithlord54 AT spryguy1981
WINNER: spryguy1981

empirejeff AT Weeks
WINNER: empirejeff

greentime AT Emissary
WINNER: greentime

Mathias-Ordun AT Ukezwoll
WINNER: Ukezwoll

Sashlon AT creme_brule
WINNER: Sashlon

Eroschilles AT Demosthenes
WINNER: Eroschilles

ArtemisCFrog43 AT Wysten
WINNER: ArtemisCFrog43

skeeve3000 AT The Celestial Warrior
WINNER: skeeve3000

TheStarkiller AT Boba Fett
WINNER: TheStarkiller

BLUE team is the Home team, and will choose Map.
RED team is the Away team, and will choose sides first.
Posted: Sunday, March 28, 2010 9:57:12 AM
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Week 2
March 30th - April 4th

cicrush13 AT R5Don4

Darth Percocet AT lilninja93
WINNER: lilninja93

sithlord54 AT EmporerDragon
WINNER: sithlord54

spryguy1981 AT imyurhukaberry
WINNER: spryguy1981

greentime AT empirejeff
WINNER: greentime

Emissary AT Weeks

creme_brule AT Ukezwoll
WINNER: Ukezwoll

Sashlon AT MathiasOrdun
WINNER: Sashlon

ArtemisCFrog43 AT Eroschilles
WINNER: ArtemisCFrog43

Wysten AT Demosthenes
WINNER: Wysten

TheStarkiller AT skeeve3000
WINNER: TheStarkiller

Boba Fett AT The Celestial Warrior
WINNER: The Celestial Warrior

BLUE team is the Home team, and will choose Map.
RED team is the Away team, and will choose sides first.
Posted: Sunday, April 4, 2010 10:50:53 AM
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Week 3
April 6th - April 11th

lilninja93 AT cicrush13
WINNER: cicrush13

R5Don4 AT Darth Percocet

imyurhukaberry AT sithlord54
WINNER: sithlord54

EmporerDragon AT spryguy1981
WINNER: spryguy1981

Weeks AT greentime

empirejeff AT Emissary
WINNER: Emissary

Mathias-Ordun AT creme_brule
WINNER: creme_brule

Ukezwoll AT Sashlon
WINNER: Ukezwoll

Demosthenes AT ArtemisCFrog43
WINNER: ArtemisCFrog43

Eroschilles AT Wysten
WINNER: Wysten

TheStarkiller AT The Celestial Warrior
WINNER: The Celestial Warrior

skeeve3000 AT Boba Fett
WINNER: Boba Fett

BLUE team is the Home team, and will choose Map.
RED team is the Away team, and will choose sides first.
Posted: Sunday, April 11, 2010 7:10:49 AM
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Week 4
200 Points
April 13th - April 18th

Emissary AT Darth Percocet
WINNER: Emissary

R5Don4 AT EmporerDragon

lilninja93 AT imyurhukaberry
WINNER: imyurhukaberry

empirejeff AT sithlord54
WINNER: sithlord54

spryguy1981 AT Weeks

cicrush13 AT greentime
WINNER: greentime

Boba Fett AT Sashlon
WINNER: Boba Fett

Ukezwoll AT Eroschilles
WINNER: Ukezwoll

Mathias-Ordun AT Demosthenes
WINNER: Mathias-Ordun

ArtemisCFrog43 AT skeeve3000
WINNER: skeeve3000

Wysten AT The Celestial Warrior
WINNER: The Celestial Warrior

creme_brule AT TheStarkiller
WINNER: creme_brule

BLUE team is the Home team, and will choose Map.
RED team is the Away team, and will choose sides first.
Posted: Sunday, April 18, 2010 12:26:14 PM
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Week 5
200 Points
April 20th - April 25th

sithlord54 AT lilninja93
WINNER: lilninja93

Weeks AT Darth Percocet

greentime AT EmporerDragon
WINNER: greentime

R5Don4 AT imyurhukaberry

Emissary AT spryguy1981
WINNER: spryguy1981

cicrush13 AT empirejeff
WINNER: empirejeff

ArtemisCFrog43 AT Mathias-Ordun
WINNER: ArtemisCFrog43

The Celestial Warrior AT Sashlon
WINNER: The Celestial Warrior

TheStarkiller AT Eroschilles
WINNER: TheStarkiller

Ukezwoll AT Demosthenes
WINNER: Ukezwoll

Boba Fett AT Wysten
WINNER: Boba Fett

creme_brule AT skeeve3000
WINNER: creme_brule

BLUE team is the Home team, and will choose Map.
RED team is the Away team, and will choose sides first.
Posted: Monday, April 26, 2010 1:41:02 PM
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Week 6
April 27th - May 2nd

Rynhime the Indominable AT R5Don4

Sashlon AT cicrush13
WINNER: cicrush13

Eroschilles AT imyurhukaberry
WINNER: imyurhukaberry

Wysten AT sithlord54
WINNER: Wysten

The Celestial Warrior AT empirejeff
WINNER: empirejeff

skeeve3000 AT Weeks

Boba Fett AT greentime
WINNER: greentime

lilninja93 AT Ukezwoll
WINNER: Ukezwoll

Darth Percocet AT creme_brule
WINNER: Darth Percocet

EmporerDragon AT Demosthenes
WINNER: Demosthenes

spryguy1981 AT ArtemisCFrog43
WINNER: spryguy1981

Emissary AT TheStarkiller
WINNER: TheStarkiller

BLUE team is the Home team, and will choose Map.
RED team is the Away team, and will choose sides first.
Posted: Monday, May 3, 2010 11:07:31 AM
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Week 7
May 11th - May 16th

Sashlon AT R5Don4
WINNER: Sashlon

Rynhime the Indominable AT cicrush13
WINNER: Rynhime the Indominable

ArtemisCFrog43 AT EmporerDragon
WINNER: EmporerDragon

Demosthenes AT spryguy1981
WINNER: spryguy1981

TheStarkiller AT Weeks

skeeve3000 AT Emissary
WINNER: skeeve3000

Darth Percocet AT Ukezwoll
WINNER: Ukezwoll

lilninja93 AT creme_brule
WINNER: creme_brule

sithlord54 AT curler88j
WINNER: curler88j

imyurhukaberry AT Wysten
WINNER: imyurhukaberry

greentime AT The Celestial Warrior
WINNER: greentime

empirejeff AT Boba Fett
WINNER" empirejeff

BLUE team is the Home team, and will choose Map.
RED team is the Away team, and will choose sides first.
Posted: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:19:06 AM
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Week 8
May 18th - May 23rd

The Celestial Warrior AT R5Don4
WINNER: The Celestial Warrior

curler88j AT lilninja93
WINNER: curler88j

skeeve3000 AT Darth Percocet

Demosthenes AT sithlord54

Wysten AT Emissary
WINNER: Wysten

Weeks AT Ukezwoll

spryguy1981 AT Rynhime the Indominable
WINNER: spryguy1981

greentime AT creme_brule
WINNER: greentime

empirejeff AT Sashlon
WINNER: empirejeff

imyurhukaberry AT ArtemisCFrog43

EmporerDragon AT TheStarkiller
WINNER: TheStarkiller

cicrush13 AT Boba Fett
WINNER: cicrush13

BLUE team is the Home team, and will choose Map.
RED team is the Away team, and will choose sides first.
Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 11:13:42 AM
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Make-Up Week

Matches that need to be finished THIS WEEK:

Week 6
Wysten AT sithlord54
The Celestial Warrior AT empirejeff

Week 7
lilninja93 AT creme_brule
sithlord54 AT curler88j
greentime AT The Celestial Warrior

Week 8
The Celestial Warrior AT R5Don4
curler88j AT lilninja93
skeeve3000 AT Darth Percocet
Demosthenes AT sithlord54
Weeks AT Ukezwoll
spryguy1981 AT Rynhime the Indominable
empirejeff AT Sashlon
imyurhukaberry AT ArtemisCFrog43
cicrush13 AT Boba Fett
Posted: Tuesday, June 1, 2010 1:49:49 PM
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Week 9
June 1st - June 6th

EmporerDragon AT lilninja93

Weeks AT cicrush13

Darth Percocet AT spryguy1981

R5Don4 AT empirejeff
WINNER: empirejeff

sithlord54 AT greentime

imyurhukaberry AT Emissary

curler88j AT Rynhime the Indominable
WINNER: Rynhime the Indominable

TheStarkiller AT ArtemisCFrog43

Sashlon AT Wysten
WINNER: Wysten

Ukezwoll AT skeeve3000
WINNER: Ukezwoll

creme_brule AT The Celestial Warrior

Demosthenes AT Boba Fett

BLUE team is the Home team, and will choose Map.
RED team is the Away team, and will choose sides first.
Posted: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9:21:59 AM
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Schedule for Remainder of Regular Season
Week 10

R5Don4 AT lilninja93
cicrush13 AT Darth Percocet
imyurhukaberry AT EmporerDragon
spryguy1981 AT sithlord54
Weeks AT empirejeff
Emissary AT greentime
Ukezwoll AT Rynhime the Indominable
creme_brule AT Sashlon
Demosthenes AT curler88j
Wysten AT ArtemisCFrog43
TBA AT skeeve3000
Boba Fett AT TheStarkiller

Week 11
R5Don4 AT cicrush13
lilninja93 AT Darth Percocet
EmporerDragon AT sithlord54
imyurhukaberry AT spryguy1981
empirejeff AT greentime
Weeks AT Emissary
Ukezwoll AT creme_brule
Rynhime the Indominable AT Sashlon
curler88j AT ArtemisCFrog43
Demosthenes AT Wysten
skeeve3000 AT TheStarkiller
TBA AT Boba Fett

Week 12
Darth Percocet AT R5Don4
cicrush13 AT lilninja93
spryguy1981 AT EmporerDragon
sithlord54 AT imyurhukaberry
Emissary AT empirejeff
greentime AT Weeks
Sashlon AT Ukezwoll
creme_brule AT Rynhime the Indominable
Wysten AT curler88j
ArtemisCFrog43 AT Demosthenes
Boba Fett AT skeeve3000
TBA AT TheStarkiller
Posted: Monday, July 5, 2010 12:22:54 AM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
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Joined: 12/23/2009
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Playoffs - Round 1
July 6th - July 11th

Conference 1
(4) greentime AT (1) Weeks
(3) R5Don4 AT (2) spryguy1981

Conference 2
creme_brule AT Ukezwoll
(3) Wysten AT (2) TheStarkiller
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