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Star Wars Miniverse podcast, Episode #21 -- with VSet preview #1 Options
Posted: Tuesday, August 3, 2010 4:42:09 AM
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Joined: 9/1/2008
Posts: 818
Location: Wisconsin
Star Wars Miniverse (or SWMv for short), a podcast devoted to the magic of the SWM skirmish game, continues with a brand new show.

In Episode 21, we interview Bill Russell of SWMGamers. We cover the work that goes into planning and running regionals, as well as running GenCon events. We also discuss the Virtual Sets. And, Bill surprises us with the first public preview from the Virtual Set. BlooMilk

You can also help us win a contest. Check out and download our demo episode. The more downloads we have, the more votes we get! Thanks!

Remember that although the Wizards' SW site is gone, the scenarios live on! Check out the Docking Bay 94 section of our website for all the Wizards scenarios plus many non-WotC scenarios.

Click on "show notes" to get the links, files, etc for the items that are covered in that episode.

visit our website for web-only goodies:
(there is some good stuff here that we don't talk about on the show)

Downloadable mp3 are also available of each episode. Just check the link for each individual show.

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Posted: Sunday, August 15, 2010 11:22:21 PM
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 9/1/2008
Posts: 818
Location: Wisconsin
Now that everyone has had a chance to listen, don't forget to go back and try some previous shows where we also have our normal segments. And then let us know what you think of the show, what topics you'd like covered, and if you'd like to contribute.

For example, in #22 we'd like to include your GenCon experience thoughts.

They can be audio clips, video, written, whatever. It can be as short or long as someone cares to share their experience and give listeners who can't make it a feel of the Con experience. You can talk/write about minis, the RPG, the people, the atmosphere in the gaming hall, the funny/interesting/unusual/most used/etc squads you saw, the Gamers previews, how you got a preview card from them, whatever you wish.

Please get your thoughts to us now while it is fresh in your mind, it's still topical, and so that we can include it in our next show which we are recording soon.
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