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As you might know, I love building squads, but I have a really hard time choosing one to play for any given event. This choice becomes even harder when it's a major event, like a Regional, Gen Con, or Vassal Con. UrbanJedi and I aren't attending Gen Con this year, so Vassal Con is it for me, and I am pretty deep into the squad-building muck (even though it's still 6 weeks away). I've come up with some things I think are pretty innovative, as well as some tweaks on things that I think should still be good. Now I need your help. I've made a number of squads public today, and most are either on the first page under recent squads or comments. I will be adding more as I build squads I think could be competitive and/or fun enough to make up for how competitive they aren't. Because I tend to go on building sprees, I will be posting four squads at a time. What I'd like for you to do is to vote for two of the following four squads that you would like to see me play for Vassal Con. Every week, I'll post four more squads, and you can vote for another two. After five weeks, we'll have 10 squads, from which I WILL make my choice. Once we have 10, in that final week, I'd like you to vote for TWO squads--the one you think I SHOULD play and the one you think I WILL play. I will come up with some sort of fun prize for the people who correctly guess what I actually play. The winners each week will be shown in italics Squads under consideration for week 1 (July 20-26): http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/235868/defying-gravityhttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/235829/support-your-local-deityhttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/235882/talons-siblings http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/235798/unscrupulousSquads under consideration for week 2 (July 27-August 2)http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/235896/chams-on-a-missionhttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/235579/skirataing-the-issuehttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/235961/triple-ripplehttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/235955/wilhuff-or-wont-huff-Squads under consideration for week 3 (August 3-9)http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/235993/amphistaffhttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/236010/here-sithie-sithiehttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/236009/moto-assaulthttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/236012/new-found-landoSquads under consideration for week 4 (August 12-August 19):http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/235867/assassins-of-the-lost-tribehttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/236126/count-dooku-prophets-from-the-dark-sidehttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/236130/jan-galorehttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/236062/meetra-cuteSquads under consideration for Week 5 (8/19-8/26)http://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/236262/cold-slahttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/236243/ghost-crew-squadhttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/236086/stryfe-in-the-one-sithhttp://www.bloomilk.com/Squad/236287/vizsla-vindicated
As before, please vote for 2 that you think I should play for VassalCon. Looking forward to seeing the comments!
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My votes are for Talon's Siblings and Unscrupulous.
Talon's Siblings needs Lobot for side-boarding Reinforcements. (Teek etc)
A Jedi wing commander might really benefit from the new Dodonna.
I'm not sure the other two squads are versatile enough (or fast enough) for Vassal-Con. Great movement breaking but lacking features (disruption, initiative & tempo control) of most champion squads. They do look like fun squads to play tho.
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I think Talons is the most competitive, followed by Unscrupes.
Local Deity looks fun but I dont think the pieces are as competitive and it'll be an uphill battle.
Defying Gravity- I can't abide unspent rapport.
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Thanks for the comments so far! Loving the love for Unscrupulous, but I think Defying Gravity is better than it's getting credit for. However, it's the voters' choice.
Keep it coming!
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This is fun
Unscrupulous looks fun, but you are going to have to get A TON of practice on timing and placement.
Talon's Siblings looks great, better not run into Bastila. I think it has ok movement and opponents would be smart to try to squeak out a 2 point win, so I would work on your advance in the mid game.
Support Your Local Deity looks like a fun "Sunday squad". Throw Enemy doesn't have the same power as it used to. Lack of ranged defense as well.
Defying Gravity fails because 56 points into levitation and bringing Asajj into Sith. Thats all that needs to be said about that. The piece was cool in theory but failed to be priced properly.
I would go with Unscrupulous if you get good practice. Without as much practice I would go with Talon's Siblings.
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TBH I do not like Unscrupulous, but I think it is the strongest of the 4 presented. 600 hit points with defensive abilities can be hard to chew through. I think it may be difficult to secure a 3 point win with the squad, but the staying power may prove to allow your meat to stay on the plate so to speak.
I do like Defying Gravity. It has a pretty incredible deep strike capability which should allow you to eliminate specific commanders and tech characters before they have too much impact on the overall game. It will be tough to protect key pieces that are somewhat "Squishy".
I think the James Gardner squad "Support your local deity" would be a fun squad to run, but I think it may lack a certain amount of firepower and durability to make it a good contender. It has the lowest health rating of all the others and is exceptionally week against melee attackers.
Talon's Siblings encompasses the best of all of these squads I think. Most heavy hitters will only be able to eliminate 1 threat per round leaving them vulnerable to attacks from all the others. It offers you the highest number of activations amongst the weaponry displayed. In these 4 squads. Leaving you the largest room for error if you make an unfortunate move.
All of that being said, I know that you have a good amount of seat time with the characters in Unscrupulous, which I think makes it a good choice for you and your play style. Talon's Siblings is the most well rounded of the 4 I think, but if I was playing one of these I would take Defying Gravity for the sheer fun of the overly aggressive deep strike capability.
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Thanks for the comments!
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I like Unscrupulous. I've always been a fan of the Wing Commander and I may be a bit bias about Octa as well.
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Unscrupulous and Talon's Siblings are definitely leading the pack.
New squads going up tomorrow: get those votes in!
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Unscrupulous gets my vote.
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Unscrupulous and defying gravity get my votes
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I will be tallying the votes and putting up the next set of squads around noon eastern. If you're interested in this round, please have your votes and discussion in by then.
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For round 1, we have 8 votes for Unscrupulous, 5 votes for Talon's Siblings, 1 vote for Defying Gravity, and 1 vote for Support your local Deity. I have updated the top post to reflect these results and include the squads to choose from for this week.
Have fun!
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I vote for Tripple Ripple and Cham's on a Mission.
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I concur with gandalf. Triple Ripple and Cham are my votes.
Skirata feels too squishy and the Tarkin squads feel too rocky.
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I also agree although I would put cham ahead of triple riple
I would also consider trying to fit in a BBSV into cham for the evade to get the GMA although the points might not be there.
The skirata squad looks fun but not much as far as defense goes beyond stealth.
The vader squad seems fairly clunky without much movement breaking, although it does have some staying power, so could surprise some people.
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None of these squads measure up to week 1 so there is no point in choosing one. Cham is not a competitive piece. Skirata is not either Kao Cen Darach is not either Disruptive really hurts Tarkin.
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New squads up for week 3! Congratulations to Triple Ripple and Cham's on a Mission!
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Just for fun, Urbanjedi and I played Unscrupulous against Triple Ripple this afternoon. It was a close match, but a poor map choice and some bad rolls on my part won the day for Triple Ripple. KCD with Revan is actually quite powerful, as is Satele with Flurry. I think this squad bears some more testing.
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New Found Lando and Amphistaff look good. I built a JS with the Vong duo a while back. Still looking for that "missing piece"
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