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Galactic Escalation Tournament Squads, Pairings, and Results Thread (Round 2) (Fall 2024) Options
Posted: Thursday, October 17, 2024 3:32:11 AM
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Welcome everyone to round 2 of the Fall of 2024 tournament of Galactic Escalation!

Outer Rim Division


Core Worlds Division


Game length is 75 minutes and gambit is worth 8pts per 150pt matchup rules. There will be 1 week starting Friday (10/18/24) to get your matchups in. Please complete your games by midnight on Friday 10/25/24. If anyone needs extra time, we can extend the time needed, just let us know. Now here are the people and squads that will be competing in round 2:


--Gonna open up a Kana Troopers 150--
29 Carth Onasi, Old Republic Soldier
29 Satele Shan, Hero of Alderaan
25 Gnost-Dural, Jedi Master
24 Kana Terrid, Jedi Apprentice
23 Jace Malcom, Old Republic Trooper
11 Teethree (T3-M4)
3 Mouse Droid
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
3 XT-6 Droid

(150pts. 9 activations)

Map: Starport District


--The Hand of Thrawn 150--
33 Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith
29 Kir Kanos
27 Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn
25 Saberan Marcross
18 Joak Quiller
8 Mas Amedda
6 Mouse Droid x2

(146pts. 8 activations)

Map: Starport District


--Galactic Excavation--
26 Elite Republic Commando - Boss
23 Elite Republic Commando - Fixer
23 Elite Republic Commando - Scorch
23 Elite Republic Commando - Sev
55 General Obi-Wan Kenobi

(150pts, 5 activations)

map: Remote Listening Post


--Galactic Escalation Round 2 (Mando's Mando's)--
67 The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) and the Child
32 Venku Skirata
28 Mira of Nar Shaddaa
11 Death Watch Saboteur
7 Mandalorian Crusader
5 Porg

(150pts. 6 activations)

map: Ravaged Base


--OR or Else (GE Fall 2024)--
56 Revan, The Prodigal Knight
33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master
28 Mira of Nar Shaddaa
14 Old Republic Senator
11 Teethree (T3-M4)
3 XT-6 Droid

(145pts. 6 activations)

Frigid Outpost


-The Escalation No One Expects 150--
35 Darth Vader, The Emperor's Fist
35 Third Sister (Reva)
32 Ninth Sister (Masana Tide)
27 Wilhuff Tarkin
10 BB-9E
8 Bothan Saboteur
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(150pts. 7 activations)

Map: Frigid Outpost

--When Vader Goes for a Walk - 150--
62 Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith
28 Death Trooper
27 Wilhuff Tarkin
8 Wicket
18 Death Star Trooper x3
3 Mouse Droid

146pts, 8 acts

map: Starport District


--A Gathering of Darth's 150--
50 Darth Bane, Sith Master
37 Kas'im, Sith Blademaster
27 Darth Bandon
14 Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit
3 Mouse Droid
3 Rodian Brute
9 Ugnaught Demolitionist x3
6 XT-6 Droid x2
(149pts. 11 activations)

Map of choice = Pirate's Moon SW


--Escalating the One Sith 150--
37 Darth Stryfe
33 Darth Wyyrlok, Emperor's Ward
25 Darth Nihl, Hand of Krayt
23 Kell Douro, Assassin of the One Sith
18 Dark Force Nexus
6 Sith Ordnance Specialist
3 XT-6 Droid

(145pts. 7 activations)

Map: Great Library


--GE Fall 2024 - Shin Kickers (150)--
50 Baylan Skoll, Imperial Mercenary
30 Shin Hati
27 Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn
26 Great Mothers
11 Night Trooper
3 Mouse Droid

(147pts. 6 activations)

Map: Ravaged Base


--in that face of all men feared--
45 Dooku, Separatist Hero
42 General Grievous, Hero of Hypori
35 Asajj Ventress, Nightsister
14 San Hill, Chairman
9 Red Hand Syndicate Spy
5 Muun Guard

(150pts. 6 activations)

Map: Starport District


2: in his quiet room in hell--

33 Asajj Ventress, Nightsister
31 Mother Talzin
46 Nightsister Hunter x2
19 Talia, Nightsister Hunter
16 Sith Witch
4 Nightsister Zombie

--Map Choice: Ravaged Base
Posted: Thursday, October 17, 2024 3:33:16 AM
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Round 2 matchups:

Outer Rim Division

DarthMaim vs Overley28

thereisnotry vs N3rdSl4y3r

Mando vs spryguy1981

Core Worlds Division

gandalfthegreatestwizard vs UrbanShmi

NoffyD vs urbanjedi

Lightsaber vs Hi-Fives
Posted: Thursday, October 17, 2024 4:19:07 AM
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The urbans' squads are in.
Posted: Thursday, October 17, 2024 6:51:49 AM
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Squad sent! Although I flubbed and I at first sent my squad with Vader being 72 when he should be 62 from tarkin.
Posted: Thursday, October 17, 2024 9:14:09 AM
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Who's missing? I want pairings! LOL LOL
Posted: Thursday, October 17, 2024 11:01:32 AM
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UrbanShmi wrote:
Who's missing? I want pairings! LOL LOL

I've sent bloomail to those who haven't submitted yet. hopefully by tomorrow we can get started. just 3 people that i haven't heard back from yet
Posted: Thursday, October 17, 2024 11:50:14 AM
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I thought we got pairings before submitting our squad updates?
Posted: Thursday, October 17, 2024 12:10:26 PM
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Lightsaber wrote:
I thought we got pairings before submitting our squad updates?
No, it's exactly the opposite: we submit our squad updates and then we receive the pairings for the next round.
Posted: Thursday, October 17, 2024 1:47:58 PM
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Lightsaber wrote:
I thought we got pairings before submitting our squad updates?

squads get submitted first because then people can't add a specific counter to their squad because of their knowledge of what the opponent is running. You do have the knowledge that eventually you will face everyone in the division, but you don't know when and what they will ultimately have added to their squad in rounds 2-4. In round 2, the only information everyone can be sure of having on what their opponent is going to run is what is in the original 100pt squad in round 1.
Posted: Friday, October 18, 2024 2:57:19 AM
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squads and matchups are up! i need some players to submit their maps still abd squad links, but other than that we can start playing round 2. May the force be with you!
Posted: Sunday, October 20, 2024 8:17:42 AM
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Overley28 and I will be playing on Tuesday at 6:00pm central.
Posted: Monday, October 21, 2024 3:14:16 PM
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gandalf defeats UrbanShmi 161-8 (3-0) on Starport District

Laura won map and chose my map. I set up on the right. The Nexus set up with Stryfe outside the Passenger's Lounge.

Round 1 we advanced. I sent Grievous in with San to try for some early damage but Stryfe used Force Awareness to escape.

Round 2, I won init and let Laura go first. She blew up a door and then Kell Douro went with a sacrificed XT-6 to crit and hit Grievous, sending him back to the starting zone, presumably gone forever. Dooku came up to zap Kell, Stryfe and the Ordnance Specialist, then Asajj ran in to finish Kell. Grievous came back up with San and spun his blades, putting some damage on the remaining three Sith. Stryfe couldn't get any damage through on Asajj.

Round 3, I won init and Grievous went for another spin, taking out Nihl. Stryfe again couldn't get anything past Asajj's Parry. Wyyrlok zapped Grievous. Then Asajj finished Stryfe and Dooku killed Wyyrlok.

It seems that Laura can't break the curse of horrible luck against me- I made every impactful save and won every important init while she missed a lot of attacks and saves.
Posted: Monday, October 21, 2024 3:23:51 PM
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jedi and i will be playing at tuesday 9:30pm central
Posted: Monday, October 21, 2024 5:36:20 PM
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thereisnotry defeats N3rdSl4y3r on Ravaged Base, 160-112 (3-1)

Drew won the map roll and I set up on the right side. Gnost Dural stole Thrawn's Swap CE. Shin gained Ataru Style and Soresu Style. Since he had no significant shooters I set up with Carth on the damaged speeder, so that he had LOS down the hallway from the start. Drew set up in the NW corner of the map.

Round 1: He advanced his peoples while I outactivated Thrawn (???!!!!). At the end of the round I did a nasty thing by swapping Jace up so that he could drop a Thermal Imploder adjacent to Baylon and Shin and the Mothers.

Round 2: Thrawn won init and Drew used both of his Intuition pieces to move away from the Thermal Imploder; then he shot at T3 with his Night Trooper, but missed. The Thermal exploded, dealing 10 dmg to Shin and slowing her speed for the round. I had no significant targets so I activated 2 scrubs. The Mothers moved up to use their Web power to activate Jace and put 20dmg on him. Then Baylon ran up to kill my Uggie. Gnost Dural put 20dmg on the Mothers and swapped Satele for the dizzy Jace. Shin used Choke on Gnost Dural. T3 used Targetting on the Mothers and then he and Carth were able to kill them. Drew's beatsticks were now locked away from Thrawn. Satele used Force Dash to attack Baylon, doing a total of 80dmg to him and taking 50dmg back from Djem So strikes (with Wounding Attack being a factor). Kana zapped Baylon down to 40hp.

Round 3: Thrawn won init again and Drew went first. Carth used Surprise Move to set up for attacks vs Shin. Baylon used Brutal Strike and Cunning Attack to kill Satele. Carth responded with shots at Shin, but only doing 30dmg thanks to misses and Soresu Style. T3 flamed Baylon (down to 20) and moved forward, keeping that all-important door locked. Shin used Backlash (including a crit) to kill Carth. Kana zapped Baylon to death and then based Shin, preparing for a sweet swap with Jace Malcolm. However, before I could do it, Thrawn outmaneuvered me through the room with the small doors below gambit and swapped Shin to safety, leaving the Night Trooper in her stead...he must've studied my art. Gnost Dural then killed the trooper, swapping Jace in for Kana. Jace then moved up to kill the mouse and put 20dmg on Shin (down to 40 now), moving away so that the small door closed.

Round 4: Drew let me go first so I ran Kana back up to rejoin the group. Thrawn then opened the small door again so that Shin could charge forward and kill T3 with Cunning Attack. Gnost Dural hit Shin with Juyo for 30dmg (made his Telekinesis save). Then Jace finished her off to bring me to 160pts.

As if Thrawn was outactivated. In the end, that proved to be the big difference, since it allowed me to focus my fire on his pieces when I chose to. T3 locking the main door was helpful too. Baylon taking out Satele, and then Shin taking out Carth...both were quite sudden and burst-y, but I had enough attackers that I could still get enough damage through to prevent them from doing that nastiness again. As always, it was fun to game with Drew. Good game, and thanks!
Posted: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 10:36:50 AM
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Mando (3pts) defeats spryguy1981 (1pt) : (162-98)

I won map roll and we set up on Ravaged base. Matt took the left side.

Round 1: positioning and getting into gambit for the most part.

Round 2: I get my guys into gambit and i'm all done with activations. Kir Kanos gets swapped in and twin attacks Din Djarin and lands a crit for 50 dmg, which i reduce to 40 with the beskargam and then Kir does another 30 dmg which i don't reduce and so Din Djarin takes 70 total getting him to 80 hp. I use Venku's CE to land 70 dmg back onto Kir Kanos getting him down to 40. Joak takes a shot at Din and lands a 30 dmg hit which i reduce to 20 with beskar and that triggers Tribe Intervention, so Mira finishes off Kir Kanos. Saberan locks the door with override, keeping Din and the DW guy locked in the room.

Round 3: Saberan unloads on Venku with double twin cunning and lands a crit but thankfully Venku is able to Lightsaber Deflect to shot and he is now at 20hp. I blow up the door with my DW Saboteur and then Venku twin attacks Saberan Macross and takes him out with his 60 dmg total thanks to Protective +10. Venku mobile attacks away and hides in a safe spot in gambit. I move my Crusader to open the door to where Lumiya and a mouse droid are hiding and Mira lobs in some grenades, dealing 20 to Lumiya and taking out the mouse droid. Din Djarin joins the fun and lands another 60 dmg on Lumiya. Lumiya attacks Din and lands 30 dmg, bringing him to 30hp. Din counter pushes her away bringing her to 10hp.

Round 4: Matt wins init with the MT and uses Lumiya to attack Din djarin, defeating him but also taking the 10 counter push damage, defeating her. Mira does some damage to Joak who the uses presumed dead to end up in the starting zone. Venku takes out Mas Ameda who was opening a door and mobile attakcs away but can't get far enough away even with knight speed to escape the los of Joak. Joak then goes after Venku and lands a hit but thankfully Venku again makes his Lightsaber Deflect save and avoids death. My DWS tries to get some damage in on thrawn but fails.

Round 5: Joak lands a 30 hp shot on Mira. I eventually am able to take out Joak with my DWS and Mira leaving just Thrawn the only damage option for Matt. Venku lands 40 dmg on Thrawn from range with Protective +10 and twin. Thrawn takes an AOO to try and land some damage on Mira but takes a crit on the AO from my DWS. Had the crit not landed, Thrawn would have taken out Mira most likely next round on the won init, making the game even closer in sore. In the end, i had a full hp DWS, a porg and 20hp Venku Skirata left.

Good game and some really nice rolls on both sides. That crit on Din Djrin early on was big and made it so Din died just a little earlier than i was hoping. I was able to make both deflect saves with Venku which really made it possible for me to win the game, as Venku was my ultimate mvp in the game.
Posted: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 7:48:15 PM
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Urban jedi won 150-102 (3pts-1pts)

We played on ravaged base. I set up on the left. I passed out jedi hunter with vader.

Rd 1
Mostly advancing. I forgot intuition on reva but it didn't really matter as she got where she needed to. I got Vader into the turbo lift for gamibt and he advanced most of his guys into the main gambit room.

Rd 2
more positioning and at the end of the round, I use tarkin and GMA with vader to plow into the room and kill a hunter.

Rd 3
I had also gotten riva next to his sith witch with coordinated movement so used mind prove for the extra 6 on init and it was the difference in me winning init. Then Riva ran over and took out talia. Then shortly after got smoked by momma T and assajj.

Rd 4
He took the offense to vader and started beating on him. I got a couple hits back with Djem so and then ran away (vader was down to 70). Then Misana came barreling but was struggling to get past the parry.

Rd 5
misana went down, and asajj dropped to 20 then the bothan sent a mine at asajj. Also vader killed off the last hunter

Rd 6
asajj failed her mine save as did the bothan so both got smoked, then vader did 30 to the sith witch, and tarkin finished her off to put me at 150.

At the end, I had a 70 hp vader, tarkin, and a 30 hp BB9e to his 80 hp momma T.

Big turning point was asajj failing her mines save. If she lives (even on 10 hp) she gets to pump out more damage somewhere and maybe even does enough damage to get the win.

Good fun game with lots of ups and downs.

Posted: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 8:16:37 PM
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It was a great game, jedi played with lots of skill and definitely deserved the win. In rd 3 I took out reva with the hunter, not asajj leaving her to whack vader faster.
Posted: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 4:49:14 AM
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Overley28 beat Darth Maim 157-75 (3-1) on Pirates Moon.

Maim won map roll so I set up on left top side with Maim starting in lower left.

R1: I moved into gambit with mira and I got most of my people to the center in the open area with revan going down and into the room area side of gambit. Maim advanced his pieces forward.

R2: Some more movement and it ended with Mira going even further and peeping around the corner to shoot an uggie. To end the round Kasim and Bane both spend FP to get right next to Mira. I collect gambit

R3: I win init and have to go with Mira and hit the first and he fails his LS Defense. I twin and crit which gets defensed this time. Kasim goes and leaves Mira at low HP so Bandon can come and finish her off with his force choke. Maim sacks an XT and Bane moves and spends a FP to get next to T3 to twin (needs a few 9's). Hits his first, misses attack 2, rerolls misses attack 3 to leave T3 at 10 HP. T3 targets bane and hits him for 10 damage. Bane down to 100. Bastila moves up and does the LS Throw 2 from Revan CE and gets 40 through and then with force attuned/MOTF2 does it again and gets both through after a failed defense save. Maim moves some fodder and I cannon Bastila with the senator who hits Bastila for 30 dmg but gets defensed. Revan then runs 18 with Master Speed and uses LS Throw to kill Bane since he has no FP left. This also kills Exar which was an absolutely huge swing in the game. Bastila able to do all that damage made the difference for sure. Bandon uses rule of 2 and gets put next to Revan, Bastila, and T3.

R4: Maim wins init and kills T3 and does some damage to Bastila. The senator cannons bastila again to wack bandon and then bastilla doubles and turns on ABM with force attuned (for the first and only time all game...crazy). Kasim then does her force leap thing and gets in between revan and bastila to wack bastilla and turn off ABM immediately. Revan has to go and triples into bandon with 1 being defensed (from Rule of Two). Revan then LS Throws and has to reroll once and finishes off Bandon. Fodder is moved some and no gambit again

R5: Maim wins and kills Bastila. Revan is able to bring Kasim down some HP and she does LS Protection. Fodder is moved.

R6: Cannot remember who wins init but Revan was able to hit Kasim then finish her and some fodder off with a repulse to finish off the game.

Game was super close and a fun one for sure.
Posted: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 6:08:45 AM
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Any update on scheduling for the last match?
Posted: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 10:06:12 AM
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Sorry, I’m very busy this week and the only time I could make work would be maybe Saturday (in NZ) If you guys don’t wanna wait that long then it’s alright with me if I have to forfeit a round.
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