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FAQ Expansion Project Options
Posted: Saturday, July 7, 2012 7:35:40 PM
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A more detailed explanation of how "death shot" works and more specifically with multiple characters with it dieing at one time and the fact that the character that killed them all (kaan, momaw, etc) is still there until all umpteen guys hit him with death shot and he is really, really, dead. And the interactions when a character with death shot kills another one on its death shot, etc and who they are allowed to attack.

Posted: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 3:56:07 PM
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Most of that should also be covered in the Resolving Effects section of the FAQ.
Posted: Sunday, August 5, 2012 1:32:53 PM
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Furious Assault / Blaster Barrage. These abilities are an exception to targeted attacks being optional, ie when you use them you cannot selectively attack specific legal targets, you attack them all.

Q. Do I have to attack all legal targets with a FA/BB or can I choose?
A. (however it needs to be worded)

Nickname reference:,_targets_mandatory&post_num=2#348860805,_Unleashed_38;_LS_Throw&post_num=7#331118910
Posted: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 11:45:01 AM
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The discussion and ruling on Qui-Ghost vs Disruptive got me thinking, and I noticed there are no FAQ entries under Disruptive (might be some scattered elsewhere).

In Qui-Ghost's case, it was ruled that both the defeated follower and the beneficiary must be subject to CEs at the time. Presumably on the notion that the defeated ally is being affected by the CE... I may be mistaken as to the reasoning, just using it as a starting point to look at some other CEs.

It is usually pretty straightforward, but there may be some gray areas where some CE triggers/conditions are concerned so I'm just throwing stuff out here in case it bears looking at:

GOWK: If a lone required ally within 6 of a beneficiary is disrupted, does that kill the CE for the other character?


Jakan: If the defeated Vong ally is disrupted, does the CE go off?


Shimrra: Not really a question with regards to Shimrra or attacker in disruptive, but could create a situation where disrupted allies would not get the +1 attack bonus, making tracking who has it more difficult.

Vader DJ: see Shimrra

Combined Fire CEs: If the attacker is within Disruptive, but combiner(s) aren't. Does attacker still get the bonus?

A CE that affects the combine fire mechanic (ie +6 instead of +4) would not be disrupted but if the CE grants an effect to the attacker it would not take effect.

Joruus C'Boath: At a glance it appears this probably works like with Han STA's CE, however, this CE grants a full normal turn, and the defeat part of the CE is in a separate sentence. Could the follower take the turn, ending in disruptive to avoid being defeated?


Disra: His CE prevents Imp commanders (and himself) from being disrupted, but does it kick in for others if they are already disrupted at the start of a phase?


Mando Training Sarge: The beneficiary and SA are selected at start of skirmish, after which proximity to MTS is a condition for it to kick in. Is it still subject to disruptive later in the game?


ST Commander, HoloVeers, Cassus: same deal, are the effects non-disruptable for their duration once granted successfully?

The beneficiary retains the effect for the specified duration, but cannot use it if the commander or itself are in range of disruptive when it would be used.

Also, Darth O brought up tempo control CEs recently in the rules forum here. Might be worth an include.

These CEs affect the player. The only way to shut them off is by disrupting the commander. (also via Distraction/ABM etc.)

Apologies if any of those situations are simple or are covered somewhere. Just thought some sort of mini-guide that goes a little deeper than the ability defintion could be useful.

Posted: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 11:49:32 AM
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The only one I know is that GOWK's CE can only be disrupted if you're talking about the character that's getting the CE, not the one that doesn't benefit from the CE.

For example, if an ugnaught is within 6 of Mace Windu (on the same side) and HK-47 (on the other side), and Mace is not within 6 of HK-47, he gets the CE, because the ugnaught can still be a condition of a CE, as long as it doesn't benefit (or get a penalty) from the CE.
Posted: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 11:18:10 AM
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MaliciousCrumb wrote:
The only one I know is that GOWK's CE can only be disrupted if you're talking about the character that's getting the CE, not the one that doesn't benefit from the CE.

For example, if an ugnaught is within 6 of Mace Windu (on the same side) and HK-47 (on the other side), and Mace is not within 6 of HK-47, he gets the CE, because the ugnaught can still be a condition of a CE, as long as it doesn't benefit (or get a penalty) from the CE.

My point in including it here was mainly to draw distinction between it and other situations that may seem similar but work differently (if any).

I have an opinion about each item I posted, but I was 100% wrong about Qui-Ghost, so... Wink

Posted: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 11:26:42 AM
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swinefeld wrote:
MaliciousCrumb wrote:
The only one I know is that GOWK's CE can only be disrupted if you're talking about the character that's getting the CE, not the one that doesn't benefit from the CE.

For example, if an ugnaught is within 6 of Mace Windu (on the same side) and HK-47 (on the other side), and Mace is not within 6 of HK-47, he gets the CE, because the ugnaught can still be a condition of a CE, as long as it doesn't benefit (or get a penalty) from the CE.

My point in including it here was mainly to draw distinction between it and other situations that may seem similar but work differently (if any).

I have an opinion about each item I posted, but I was 100% wrong about Qui-Ghost, so... Wink

Too be fair, there were plenty of valid arguements for each interpretation. You would have been correct if the wording was slightly different.
Posted: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 2:03:53 PM
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Posted: Thursday, April 11, 2013 8:23:13 AM
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I think it's a good time to revive this thread...

Some suggestions for expanding the new FAQ

Burning Attacks

Q: Does Splash trigger Burning Attacks?
A: Yes.

Change question (or answer) to cover all damaging abilities (as characters might gain them)

Frequency Amplification

Q: Does this increase the range of a Commander Effect that only affects adjacent characters?
A: No.

Add something to this effect: Adjacent is a condition, not a range.


Q: Can you use Battle Ready instead of Resol'nare?
A: Yes.

Clarify: Both abilities are optional; choose one or the other, but not both.

Probably a handful of questions to cull from the rules forums as well.

Posted: Thursday, June 6, 2013 6:42:31 AM
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If a character with Savage starts the move within 6 squares of a character with Empathy, but moves more than 6 squares away, do they continue their move as if they do not have Savage, or do they have to base an enemy if they can? In other words, do you check for Savage at the beginning of a move or at every step along the way?


Edit: Never mind. Answer is in glossary entry for Empathy.
Posted: Tuesday, July 9, 2013 8:26:27 AM
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Reiterate that Camaraderie's effects continue even if the character granting the ability is defeated.
Posted: Tuesday, July 9, 2013 11:02:08 AM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
Reiterate that Camaraderie's effects continue even if the character granting the ability is defeated.

+1, I think this should probably be added to the glossary definition
Posted: Friday, August 9, 2013 5:14:30 PM
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Probably a good idea to have a list of abilities and whether the effect continues after the character is defeated.

Also, probably a good idea to have a complete section on what characters are worth points and how many points...

characters that switch sides?
characters that are defeated but resurrected (i.e. Hoth Leia/Poggle)?
how many points for replaced characters (frozen in carbonite, versatility, vehicle, dismount, force essence)?

Each of these abilities would probably have their own entry, but it might be better to have a full discussion covering all of them in one place.
Posted: Friday, August 9, 2013 5:20:14 PM
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^ agreed, that would be helpful, similar to the Force Powers vs Force Immunity thread over on Gamers.

A nice simple reference list.
Posted: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 9:38:56 AM
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Counter Push vs Strafe

sithborg wrote:
The answer is rather simple. Counter push cannot move a Strafer into a square that they can't reach the designated landing spot. Just like with Rolling Cleave.

good Q to be fleshed out
Posted: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 8:36:03 AM
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Relocated from General and pinned.

Posted: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 8:46:53 AM
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swinefeld wrote:
Counter Push vs Strafe

sithborg wrote:
The answer is rather simple. Counter push cannot move a Strafer into a square that they can't reach the designated landing spot. Just like with Rolling Cleave.

good Q to be fleshed out

I'm not sure what the Rolling Cleave mention is referring to. But a related question... what if a character uses Major Maximilian Veers' CE to move into the designated landing spot of a Strafer? Is that also disallowed?
Posted: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 8:49:03 AM
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** The FAQ should clarify the interactions with CE suppression, Disruptive, and Con Artist.


** Complete definition of "in the squad". Defeated characters, replaced characters, etc.


** Just like there is a step-by-step for attack resolution, we need something similar for everything pre-game and pre-initiative. In particular, when are all of the following resolved:

Bribery (1. initial selection 2. decision to steal 3. application of benefits to the characters)
Exact timing on when Affinity changes a character's squad to allow a character to enter a squad
Exact timing on when benefits of Bribery are applied
Applying Rapport

I think a good step-by-step could answer all of these questions without having to answer each one individually. The step-by-step would just explain how things work so that they all make sense:

* If Jaina brings a Rebel Han with Versatility in to the NR, can Versatility be used to bring in another Rebel Han? (I know you can't, but a step-by-step should be able to clarify why that is the case.)

* If you use Reinforcements to bring in another character that also has Reinforcements, do you get to bring in the second set of Reinforcements?

* If you have two separate sets of Reinforcements or Bribery coming in at the same time, can Rapport in one set reduce the cost of characters in the other set?

* If two MTB face off and they both want to kill characters that are adjacent to each other, how is that resolved?

* If two characters with Sense the Future face off, how is that resolved? Does one have to decide first and if so, who?

* If both players have multiple abilities that trigger before the first activation, how is the order resolved? (We always play it this way and I think it's right: Winner of init decides the player who gets the first activation. Player with the first activation resolves all pre-activation abilities first, then the other player's pre-activation abilities.)

* If character with Rapport or Affinity is removed from a squad and replaced via Pellaeon or Versatility, how does that affect things (if at all)?

* Are the terms initiative roll and initiative check synonymous?

* Can I take a character's reinforcements but then replace that character via Versatility or Pellaeon's ability (or something similar)?
Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 9:08:29 AM
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Saber Dart card text and glossary (at least here on BlooMilk) contradict each other. Once poisoned, the card says on each activation you take 20dmg and THEN you roll a save to stop being poisoned. The glossary says you make the save first and if you fail then you take 20dmg. The glossary is similar to other poison abilities.

FAQ should clarify.
Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 10:20:26 AM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
Saber Dart card text and glossary (at least here on BlooMilk) contradict each other. Once poisoned, the card says on each activation you take 20dmg and THEN you roll a save to stop being poisoned. The glossary says you make the save first and if you fail then you take 20dmg. The glossary is similar to other poison abilities.

FAQ should clarify.

I would assume the card text matches the intent. If not, errata is needed.
Otherwise the glossary should be brought in line with the card.

This one is a bit different as the inital effect is not auto-damage. So if you make the 1st save, it's like evading the dart. If the dart hits you take damage from it, then more from the poison later.
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