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Theorycrafting Contest #3: The Two-Squad Toe-to-Toe Meta Options
Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 9:00:15 AM
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Saesee Tiin, Jedi Master + Tusken Raider

Vs Champion:

Round 1 10-9
Saesee Double attacks Asajj (needs 6) gets 8, 7 2 hits 40 damage
Asajj Rages and Double Twins Saesee (needs 8) 6, 5, 4, 3 swing and a miss
Felucian Force Blasts Saesee Save 2, fprr 1 20 damage
Tusken Mighty Swings at Asajj(needs 15) 20! 30 damage (70)

Round 2 19-18
Saesee Doubles Asajj 17, 16 40 damage taking asajj down
Felucian Attacks Saesee 15 Saesee retaliates with Djem So Mastery save 14! Attacks 13! Felucian Parried with a 12. LS Blocks 11 damage averted.
Tusken Attacks Felucian 10 (just enough!) hit parry fails with a 9 and Felucian Defeated

Vs Previous Champion

Round 1 10-9
Saesee Attacks Jango (needs 5) 8, 7 for 40 Damage.
Jango Attacks Saesee (needs 3) 6, 5 for 40 damage.
Mouse Spins
Tusken Attack Jango (needs 14) 4

round 2 3-2
Saesee Attacks Jango 1! FPRR 20! 19 60 damage (100)
Jango Atatcks Saesee 18,17 40 damage (80)
Mouse Spins (wheeeee)
Tusken Raider Mighty Swings at Jango 16! Down he goes to the mighty gadaffi stick!

Round 3 15-14
Saesee steps on the mouse with a 13.

Based on the rules: since Djem So Mastery is alphabetically before LS Block and they would happen simultaneously I would guess Saesee would reroll a failed Djem So save before using Block - correct me if I'm wrong here, since he has mettle it could be a huge difference, unfortunately it won't matter for round 1 regardless.
Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 9:41:31 AM
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Felucian has parry so it would actually take one more round as he would parry the first attack (the 13 from the LS Block). Same end result though.
Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 9:48:29 AM
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Thanks I fixed it.
Edit: for real this time!
Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 10:10:14 AM
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Lord_Ball wrote:
Thanks I fixed it.

Doesn't make a difference, but the Felucian's Parry would happen before the Lightsaber Block. The Parry is part of the attack sequence generated by the Djem So, so it would be completely resolved before the Lightsaber Block begins.
Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:54:23 AM
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Mara Jade-Jedi, Caamasi
Mj cn
St tr

Vs Current Champion
10-9 Challenger
Mara LSA Saesee needs 4 8/7/6/5 120dam
ST attacks Mara needs 6 4/fp 3 hit 2 block 1miss 20dam
Tr mighty swing crit 20 block 19
CN spins

18-17 challenger
Mjj Lsa 16 dead st 15 dead tr

Vs previous champion
Mj cn
Av fel

10-9 Challenger
Mjj lsa needs 4 8/7/6/5 dead AV
Felucian blast Mara 4, fprr 3 20 Mara
Caamasi spins

2-1 challenger
Mjj lsa 20 dead Felucian.
Darth O
Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 9:42:05 PM
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Location: New Zealand ( kind of by Australia)
29 Pre Vizsla
18 Rattataki Warrior
3 Mouse Droid

Mara, noble
Pre, rat, mouse (lol)

Round 1 init 10-9
Pre attacks Mara at +16/30. Rolls 8, block 7, twin 6. 60 damage
Mara assaults Pre. Rolls 5, 4, 3, 2. No hits
Noble spins
Rat uses twin blaster on Mara. Rolls 1, free reroll 20, twin 19. 50 damage
Mouse spins

Round 2 init 18-17
Pre attacks Mara. Rolls 16, block 15, twin 14 Dead Mara
Noble spins
Rat uses twin blaster on noble. Rolls 13 for the kill

STJM, tusken
Pre, rat, mouse

Round 1 init 10-9
Pre attacks STJM. Rolls 8, djem so 7, fprr 6, twin 5. 60 damage
STJM attacks Pre. Rolls 4, parry 3, double 2, fprr 1. 20 damage
Tusken attacks Pre. Rolls 20, parry 19. No damage
Rat uses twin blaster on STJM. Rolls 18, 17. 40 damage
Mouse spins

Round 2 init 16-15
Pre attacks STJM. Rolls 14, dead STJM, djem so 13, attack 12, parry 11. No damage
Tusken attacks Pre. Rolls 10. Miss
Rat attacks tusken. Rolls 9, dead.
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 8:35:39 AM
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Jolee Bindo
Blood Carver Assassin
Ithorian Commander
Weequay Mercenary

VS Champion

Round 1 10-9
JB uses Force Stun on PV 8 and follows up with a Double attack (needing 9s) 7,6 swing and a miss!
RW twin blasters JB (needing 11) 5, Pre reroll 4, FPRR 3 defeated by the CE
MD Spins
BC Double attacks PV (needing 6s) 2,1 miss
IC attacks the MD 20! crushed by the mighty Ithorian. leaving the WM to spin (wheeee).

Round 2 19-18
JB Force Stuns 17 and Double attacks 16, P(arry)15, 14, P13 no damage
PV twins JB (needing 7s) 12, 11 60 damage
BC Doubles PV 10, P9, 8, P7 60 damage
IC & WM Spin

Round3 6-5
JB Force Stuns 4 and Doubles 3,2 miss
BC Doubles 1, 20! P19 too bad no damage
IC & WM Spin

Round 4 18-17
JB uses his last FP to Force Stun PV again 16 doubles 15, P14, 13, P12 too bad for bindo
PV Twins JB 11 Avoid defeat? 10,9 Nope
BC doubles PV 8, P7, 6, P5 40 damage and a Dead PV

Vs Previous Champion

Round 1 10-9
JB Force Stuns MJ 8, FPRR7, and Doubles (needing 11) 6,5 miss
CN Spins
BC Attack MJ (needing 8) 4,3 miss
IC&WM Spin

Round 2 2-1
JB Force Stuns 20, Followed by a Double 19, LSB 18, 17 20 damage
Mara Twin LSA JB (needing 7s) 16, LSD15, 14, 13, 12 60 damage
CN Spins
BC Attacks MJ 11, MJ last FP LSB10, 9 60 damage (80 on MJ)
IC & WM Spin

Round 3 8-7
JB Spends his last FP to Force Stun MJ 6, and Double 5,4 miss!
CN Spins
BC attacks MJ 3,2
IC&WM Spin

Round 4 1-20
Mara attacks JB and crits with a 19! JB avoid defeat 18,17 success still in it! Twins 16, Avoid defeat 15,14 He just won't die!
JB doubles MJ 13,12 40 on MJ taking her down
BC attacks the CN 11 and the noble falls as well
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:17:32 AM
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Note on Jolee Bindo's Force Stun. He will not try to Force Stun someone who has already activated (since it has no effect), but he will use Force Stun on another enemy if he can target an unactivated enemy. Irrelevant above, but will be relevant when people challenge him. (Unless he dies in the first activation, of course.)
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 2:06:25 PM
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I'm testing out my squad currently.

Well, this sucks:

I go through my whole squad against the champ, taking about half an hour, only to find a single mistake early on that ruins how the entire game goes (which would have ended with me victorious).
So I try to do it one more time, spend over another half hour, and then I find another error, which erases my chances of winning again.

I'm done for now.
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 3:04:27 PM
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Aurra Sing-Assassin, Umbaran Soldier

vs Current Champion

Round 1 Init 10-9 Challenger
Aurra twins Jolee 8 hit 7 lsd 6 hit AD 5/4 dead
BC Double Aurra 3/2
IC attack 1
Umbaran Attacks BC 20 crit dead
WM moves 2 provoking AoO from US 19 dead

Round 2 init 18-17 Challenger
Aurra twins 16-15 dead IC

vs Previous CHampion

Round 1 Init 10-9 CHallenger
AS Attacks PV 8, 7 60 Damage
PV attacks AS 6, 5 60 Damage
RW uses twin blaster on AS 4 miss fp reroll 3 ce reroll 2 dies
US attacks Pre 1 miss
MD spins

Round 2 Init 20-19 Challenger
AS attacks PV 18 dies
MD spins
US attacks MD 17 dies

I am assuming here that since the Weequay cannot make an attack from it's square that it has to move to attempt to attack Aurra based on the rules given.

Also assuming that in the 2nd skirmish that the RW has to use Pre's CE to reroll the attack, it doesn't matter either way if he doesn't have to use Pre's CE to reroll he still rolls a 2 on the twin.
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 3:29:46 PM
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spry, correct on both counts. Weequay moves to make an attack and dies from the AoO. RW rolls with the CE. In general, when a character has an option to do something it does it (unless the action would have no effect).
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 3:32:53 PM
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This has already gone on longer than I expected it would. I kind of expected a really tough combo to show up that would stand for 24 hours. Not that it would necessarily be unbeatable, but that no one would bother putting in the time to crack it. Going first is a strong advantage, though. Seems everyone has been able to beat every combo thrown out there. Has it been really hard? I don't get to see the failed attempts.

At this point, I'm expecting a win to come through the alternate option: same squad becoming champion 3 different times.
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 4:45:17 PM
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I should just be named champion cuz I've won the most championships ;) lol.
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 4:57:49 PM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
Seems everyone has been able to beat every combo thrown out there. Has it been really hard? I don't get to see the failed attempts.

I had a combo that would win with nearly every variation of play against the (current) Previous Champion's squad, except for the one variation of rolls that is what actually happens. (In other words, if the rolls started off or progressed even slightly different, I probably would have been able to beat the Previous Champions squad.) As it is now, I'm just waiting until one other person wins so that I can try and get my squad into the competition.

EDIT: Also,would a character with zero damage be able to make an attack, or would that be considered doing "nothing"? That could affect the die roll progressions.
Darth O
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 5:24:10 PM
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SignerJ wrote:
Also,would a character with zero damage be able to make an attack, or would that be considered doing "nothing"? That could affect the die roll progressions.

I think we should leave it the way we've been playing it by spinning characters with zero damage. We've had so many games with mice and diplomats that have all been played the same way.
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 5:26:30 PM
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Darth O wrote:
SignerJ wrote:
Also,would a character with zero damage be able to make an attack, or would that be considered doing "nothing"? That could affect the die roll progressions.

I think we should leave it the way we've been playing it by spinning characters with zero damage. We've had so many games with mice and diplomats that have all been played the same way.

Agreed. Characters with 0 damage would not attack.
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 5:28:46 PM
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SignerJ wrote:
FlyingArrow wrote:
Seems everyone has been able to beat every combo thrown out there. Has it been really hard? I don't get to see the failed attempts.

I had a combo that would win with nearly every variation of play against the (current) Previous Champion's squad, except for the one variation of rolls that is what actually happens. (In other words, if the rolls started off or progressed even slightly different, I probably would have been able to beat the Previous Champions squad.) As it is now, I'm just waiting until one other person wins so that I can try and get my squad into the competition.

EDIT: Also,would a character with zero damage be able to make an attack, or would that be considered doing "nothing"? That could affect the die roll progressions.

Good luck. The same 3 have been taking turns as champs. It'll be good to see new blood.
Darth O
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 8:46:28 PM
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24 Commando Droid Captain
16 Battle Droid Sergeant
8 Battle Droid Officer

Aurra, US
Captain, sergeant, officer

Round 1 init 10-9
Captain doubles Aurra at +13/40. Rolls 8, 7. 80 damage
Aurra twins captain at +9/20. Rolls 6, fprr 5, 4. All miss
Soldier attacks captain. Rolls 3. Miss
Sergeant doubles Aurra at +7/20. Rolls 2, 1. Both miss
Officer doubles soldier at +0/20. Rolls 20, 19. Dead soldier

Round 2 init 18-17
Captain attacks Aurra. Rolls 16 for the kill

Bindo, assassin, commander, mercenary
Captain, sergeant, officer
Round 1 init 10-9
Captain doubles Bindo. Rolls 8, deflect 7, 6, avoid defeat 5, 4. Dead Bindo
Assassin doubles captain. Rolls 3, 2. Both miss
Commander attacks captain. Rolls 1. Miss
Sergeant attacks assassin. Rolls 20. Dead assassin. Double on the commander. Rolls 19. 20 damage.
Officer attacks commander. Rolls 18. Dead commander. Double on mercenary. Rolls 17 to finish the game.

This squad didn't receive damage in either game and finished the previous champion in one round. Beat that, Spry.

Posted: Friday, September 20, 2013 7:21:36 AM
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is there combine fire?

Alsoif you have to give up an AoO to be adjacent to an enemy do you have to do it?
Posted: Friday, September 20, 2013 8:14:01 AM
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Tierce's Clone 26
Klat Assassin 12
Wicket 8
peace brigade thug 4

Previous Champion
8,7 Tierce(40 damage on aurra)
6,5 Aurra 60 on tierce
4 umbaran misses
3 Klat miss
2 Wicket miss

20,19 init
18, 17 Gtiere 40 more on aurra
16, aurra on GTC
15 Umbran on klat
14 Hlat on Aurra (10 left)
13 Wicket on Umbaran (10 dam)
12 PBT on umbaran (20 dam)

11,10 init
9 kill aura
8 umbarain kills klat (kills wicket

PBT still left

Current Champ

10,9 init
8,7 GTC does 40 to Droid Cap
6,5 Droid cap kills GTC
4,3 BDS shoots at Klat
2 Klat kills CCC
1 Wicket misses
20 BGO shoots and kills Klat and ends the game

PBT still left

Guess I will get in on this
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