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Oakel wrote:Hearing these moments is just so fun. That reminds me of a game where I was playing 4 100pt squads in a 2v2, an Old Republic Soldier squad and Mandos team, versus Imperial Vader, Unleashed and Republic Senator Palatine with fodder. Our Mandalorian Quartermaster stood toe-to-toe and held a choke point against Vader for 4 rounds. Successfully parrying ~5 attacks (He had been gripped before) while the OR soldiers chewed through Vader's health 10 HP at a time (Darn Dark Armor saves). By the time the Quartermaster fell, Vader was brought down the next round, before he could base the Soldiers and ending the game. MVP.
This makes me want to build some rules for a Legacy version of the game. Not just campaign where units lost never return, but where units who do exceptionally well gain greater attributes or abilities. Like that Tusken mentioned earlier could rank up and become more powerful! what a travesty lol, a quartermaster going toe to toe with vader hahahha
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I remember sacking mara jade jedi to kill r2d2 astromech against spry in my first ever tournament lol. solo charge vs yobuck.
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I posted this incredible experience on the boards 5 years ago, that is one for the ages that I wanted to share once again;
The Most Amazing SWM Gaming Experience Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Options Previous Topic · Next Topic DarthMaim Posted: Sunday, March 23, 2014 5:28:14 PM Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member Groups: Member
Joined: 7/27/2008 Posts: 839 Location: Los Angeles, California Greetings and Salutations SWM community!
Since 2004, when SWM came out, I have enjoyed playing this fantastic minis game with all my heart. What happened last night, playing in a fun mass battle scenario, is difficult and virtually impossible to put into words to tell everyone. I cannot do justice or describe the AMAZING and UNBELIEVABLE ANOMALY that occurred. Something I have never seen or heard of ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In Lakewood, California, at The Bunker Hobbies and Games, at approximately 9:00pm PST Sat. night, we were playing a mass battle game with 10 people participating. 2 teams, with 5 people on each team, 4 minis each, so a total of 40 "badass" minis on 1 map, "Tomb of the Acolytes". About an hour went by and the battle split into 2 areas, with 1 pocket of combat in the right center of the map, with the other pocket of combat on the left center of the map. Just outside of the "Apprentice's Tomb" there was a "Clash of Titans" all engaged in lightsaber combat to the death; Luminara Unduli, Dooku, General Grievous Hero of Hypori, Darth Bane Sith'ari, Darth Caedus Sith Lord, Lord Scourge, and Vergere. Just as the combat was getting intense, is where the most UNBELIEVABLE, ASTOUNDING, UNIMAGINABLE, and SURREAL occurrence took place; a tiny clearish/white little spider, practically the size of an ant, appeared on Darth Bane's body and crawled to the tip of his lightsaber, and clung there! The 10 of us were stunned and amazed and were awed at this amazing sight! I cried out "Orbalisk Armor" and immediately one of the other guy's says "Crab Armor"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The game at this point was totally moot as we watched this little guy put on a show. He then proceeded to spin/create a web across and in between the 7 based minis, and literally spun a web in a straight line from Bane's lightsaber over to 1 of Grievous' 4 lightsabers, and crawled down over Grievous' upper body and then back up to the tip 1 of his lightsabers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were all in a state of disbelief as to what we just witnessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 of us started taking pictures with our phones, but to our dismay, the little guy was too small to be seen in the pics. We all applauded this amazing little spider and Christened him SWM Official Real Life Insect Mascot. With the approval of the rest of the guys, I then picked up Grievous and the little spider, who was still on his lightsaber, took him over to the indoor Bunker sign, put him on the sign, and said, "May the Force be with you, little spider. An amazing and unforgettable story, that will live on in my memory and the 10 guys who witnessed it, for the rest of our lives.......................................................................................
Truly, a once in a lifetime experience!
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The spring 2005 (2006?) tournament at Cape Girardeau MO when my Nom Bomb team went 5-0 against a very tough meta that included B&B and Heavy Hitter Rebels.
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EmporerDragon wrote:My favorite will always be my Blood Tusken, the 4-point scrub who took down a sith lord. Way back in the RotS days of 100 point tournaments, I used a basic Tusken Raider as my last filler piece. In one particular tournament, he dominated. I was facing off against a Palpatine, SL squad, and to stop Palps from getting close to my Aurra Sing, I based him with my Tusken, who then smacked Palpatine for 10 damage. Palpatine won initiative and tried to walk past the Tusken to zap Aurra. He took a crit to the face on the AoO. Aurra shot and ran, but the Tusken walked right back up to Palpatine and gave him another crit for good measure. I won initiative next, allowing Aurra to escape further away and dropping Palps to 30 HP. I then activated the Tusken. Palpatine's last sights were a Mighty Swung Gaderffii crit to the face. He performed well throughout the tournament, killing quite a few grunts and tanking several other attacks. I later painted him red with a jar of nail polish I had found in honor of his destructive wrath. Paint job's still intact, even after all these years: Awesome story! Reminds me of the weekend I played league at GenCon with a Sandtrooper. He had crazy awesome luck against Darth Bane, rolling a total of 3 crits over 12 shots and hitting 4 other times with well-timed combine fire support from random fringe grunts on the squad. I dubbed him TK-421 in honor of his success. And wrote it right on the card lol! Still have the card, too. 🙂