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auctually i was thinking about starting one today i have vassal so i just need people to submit teams and play against me
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I'd be keen for that if I can get to a computer :D
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Darth O wrote:Oh well, either way I enjoyed reading the commentary on the game. It's cool having every move and roll recorded, target than just saying who won. It would be awesome to have a similar contest once this once us finished If you like reading this type of thing be sure to check out FlyingArrow's writeups of the various campaigns we have done. (in the play reports section)
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Darth O wrote:I'd be keen for that if I can get to a computer :D Sweet :D
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Darth O wrote:I'd be keen for that if I can get to a computer :D ive only messed around on there so im not experienced at it yet lol might need so help to get started lol
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Up next... adamb0nd vs SignerJ
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Sith win setup init and force Seps to place Crumb before Ragnos. That puts Ragnos by Maul and Ventress, Revan by Sidious, and Shan in the center by Crumb, Carrick, Ventress.
Round 1: Sith win init with MT. Good luck for Carrick.
Ragnos Sorcery. Sidious: fail, fail reroll, fail reroll. Crumb fail. Carrick success. Ventress fail, reroll success. Maul fail, fail reroll. Ragnos spends last FP to Assault Ventress. Hit, poison, hit, no poison, hit, no poison, hit, poison. 100dmg. Grants Bastila a turn. Sith Lightning kills Crumb and Ventress. 30dmg to Carrick. Carrick attacks Bastila. Hit. Riposte, Hit, Block With Karmic Luck, Bastila takes a Cortosis Gauntlet. Double attack: miss. Revan vs Sidious. Hits twice for 40. Spin nobles.
Round 2: Sith win init with MT. Bad luck for Carrick.
Bastila Sorcery. Sidious success. Carrick fail, reroll success (with Karmic Mettle), Maul fail, reroll success. Bastila Turn to the Dark Side on Carrick. With bad Karmic Luck, Carrick chooses the damage over possibly turning. 20hp left on Carrick. Maul with a Sith Rage 2 DoubleTwin on Ragnos. Needs 13s to hit. Miss, hit, LSD fail, hit, hit. 120dmg to Ragnos. Sidious Rage on Revan. Hit, hit, crit, defended, miss. 60dmg. Ragnos Assaults Maul. 5s to hit. Hit, no poison, miss, hit, no poison, hit, poison. 40dmg. Revan on Sidious. Miss, reroll miss, miss, reroll hit. 20dmg. Carrick vs Bastila. Miss. Hit. 20dmg. Spin Nobles
Round 3: Sith win init with MT. Bad luck for Carrick.
Ragnos assault Maul. Hit, poison, crit, poison, reroll fail, hit - dead Maul. Grant Revan a turn. Revan hits Sidious twice for 60. Sidious rages on Revan. Miss, hit, hit, crit, LSD fail, reroll success. Carrick moves adjacent to Revan. (Bastila's AoO misses but would do no damage anyway) Attacks Revan. Rolls an 18. 7+18-4 = 21. Bad Karmic luck hits him hard. FPRR: 1. Hits him really hard. Bastila turn to the dark side on Carrick. Fails save. Reroll success. Spin nobles
Round 4: Sith win init with MT. Good luck for Carrick.
Both Seps have only 20hp left. Ragnos goes first. Moves down to Twin on Carrick. Hit. Block, success. Crit, dead Carrick. Grant Revan a turn. He kills Sidious. Sith win.
Deadly round 1 Sorcery plus MT each round sealed it.
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Up next... Sith vs NR
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NR wants to make sure GMLS is adjacent to 2 sith so he can triple twin both of them. If possible, put leia near Ragnos to prevent a Sith Sorcery. Gets one of those goals.
Revan, noble, Ragnos, noble, Bastila Kyle, GMLS, Felucian, Felucian, Leia
Round 1: Sith win init with MT
Ragnos goes first. Sorcery. Kyle: fail, free reroll fail, FPRR fail. GMLS: fail, free reroll fail, FPRR fail, FPRR success. Felucian: fail, free reroll fail, FPRR fail. Felucian success. Leia success. Assault GMLS who has no FP. Needs 12s to hit due to Lightsaber Duelist. 1. Hit. DSSM fail, free reroll fail. 2. Miss. 3. Hit. DSSM fail, free reroll fail. 4. Hit. DSSM success: Hit then miss. Total: 60dmg to GMLS. 30dmg to Ragnos. (Neither has FP remaining)
GMLS on Ragnos. 6s to hit. Miss, reroll hit. Hit, Hit, Miss, reroll hit. Hit, hit. Dead Ragnos. Leia on Bastila. Miss, reroll miss, miss.
Bastila on Leia. Hit, hit, hit. 60dmg. Revan on Kyle. Miss, reroll hit. Riposte, hit. Hit, riposte, hit. 40dmg to each.
Round 2: Sith win init with MT
Bastila. Triple kills Leia and a Felucian. Then Sith Sorcery. Kyle success. GMLS success. Felucian success.
GMLS on Revan 1. hit 2. hit 3. crit, defended 4. hit 5. hit 6. hit, defended 80dmg. 10hp left.
Kyle's turn. Dead Revan.
Spin nobles.
Felucian crits on Bastila. 40dmg.
Round 3: NR win init and defer.
Spin noble. After missing, Felucian dies from AoO trying to make room for GMLS. GMLS hits twice. 40dmg on Bastila. Bastila: miss, miss FPRR hit, DSSM success and 2 hits kills her.
Diplomats fall easily.
NR wins.
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Finals will be another night.
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Up next... finals.
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NR wins setup. Seps have a tough decision during setup... sacrifice HK-47 or Whorm to GMLS? Opt to give up Whorm so that HK-47 and IG-88 can hopefully take Kyle out quickly to re-activate the CEs. As long as Kyle is around, they have no chance.
Round 1: NR wins init.
Leia, sensing her immediate death at the hands of Grievous, tries to get a turn in beforehand. She attacks 4-LOM. Hits twice for 40.
HK-47 attacks Kyle. Crit and hit. 80dmg.
IG-88 also needs a crit to take Kyle out, and can't afford to wait since he may not get a turn if he waits. Hits both for 40dmg.
GMLS takes out 4-LOM and has the triple left over to put 40 on IG-88.
Kyle puts another 40 on IG-88.
Whorm misses GMLS.
Grievous kills Leia easily, even having an unused Twin left over.
One Felucian hit Whorm for 20. The other misses Grievous.
Round 2: Seps win init.
IG-88 goes first, since he has virtually no chance of surviving GMLS' attacks. Misses the first attack against Kyle. Then overkill with a crit. Dead Kyle.
GMLS cleans house... 4 swings and dead IG-88. 2 more puts Whorm down to 10hp.
Whorm kills a Felucian.
HK-47 shoots at Luke. Misses one, hits the other. Defended.
Last Felucian's Force Blast on Grievous fails.
Grievous is hit by the Felucian on an AoO. Twin on GMLS. Miss then hit. Luke's Djem So... save failure - FPRR fail - FPRR success. 30dmg to Luke, but 50dmg to Grievous on the Djem So.
Round 3: Seps win init.
Grievous will die - might as well get some shots in beforehand. Double Twin if he can live through it.
1. Miss 2. Miss 3. Hit. DSSM: fail, reroll fail, reroll success. Both hit. 30dmg to Luke. 50 dmg to Grievous. Grievous down to 10hp. 4. Hit. DSSM: fail. Can't spend FP again for defense. 30dmg to Luke.
GMLS finishes Whorm and Grievous, who were each down to 10 hp.
That clears a lane for the last Felucian to run down and attack HK-47 - and CRIT! But he's a droid. 20dmg.
HK-47 has to clear out the Felucian before using the 2nd shot on GMLS. Hits for 30, but defended.
Round 4: NR wins init
GMLS twin attacks on HK-47 both hit.
HK-47 needs a miracle. Two hits or one crit, and then big failure on LSD. 1. Hit. LSD fails. Reroll succeeds. 2. Miss. Rolls an 8. Needed 9.
Round 5: Seps just a 4, but NR: a 2!
One last chance for the seps, but no better odds than the last time. 1. Crit miss. 2. Rolls a 2. Just wasn't to be.
GMLS only has to roll a 2 or higher, so HK-47 goes down easily.
Congratulations to UrbanShmi for winning the Toe-to-Toe tournament! And to Lord_Ball for making the finals.
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Thanks for organizing, and thanks to all the other participants for a great competition! Looking forward to the next one!
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Jak came up with this idea.
--All my friends are Fringe-- 61 Cade Skywalker, Bounty Hunter 54 Cad Bane 32 Talon Karrde, Information Broker 28 Shada D'ukal 23 Jarael
(198pts. 5 activations)
Talon has Yeslarmi and Disruptive. Wicked.
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That is already 5 entries for the next round if someone else wants to run it. (And the champ should probably be an auto-include.)
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is mine gonna be in the next one?? :D
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CorranHornsux123 wrote:is mine gonna be in the next one?? :D Sure - go for it. You might want to start your own thread to solicit entries. Although if you scour this thread, there are 5 other entries that weren't in this tournament: Yours Mine Weeks swinefeld jak (posted by juiceman)
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i would but im having trouble with my Vassal :c
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In the mean time, I just want to see if my squad beats the champ... actually I'll go against the 'improved' version of the champ. Swap out the Felucians for a Brute and HBG.
NR wins setup. Imps place MTB in the center. NR places Brute in the 2nd spot. Kel Dor in the 4th spot. Leia in 5th spot Kel Dor in 5th spot HBG by Leia Sidious in first spot, Vader in 2nd. GMLS in 1st spot. Kyle in 3rd.
GMLS, Brute, Kyle, HBG, Leia Sidious, Vader, MTB, Kel Dor, Kel Dor
Round 1: BOOOOOOMM... MTB blows up one Kel Dor, which kills the other and the MTB, and the HBG and 80dmg to Leia. Kyle takes 40.
Sidious: Lightning 4 on GMLS. Save: fail, free reroll fail, FPRR fail, FPRR success.
GMLS on Vader. 1. Hit. Dark Armor fail. 20dmg to Vader 1.a. Vader DSS success. Miss. 2. Hit. Dark Armor fail. 20 dmg to Vader. 2.a. Vader DSS success. Miss. 3. Hit. Dark Armor fail. 20dmg to Vader. 3.a. Vader DSS success. Miss. 4. Hit. Dark Armor fail. 20 dmg to Vader. 4.a. Vader DSS success. Miss. 5. Hit. Dark Armor success. 10dmg to Vader. 5.a. Vader DSS fail. 6. Hit. Dark Armor success. 10dmg to Vader. 6.a. Vader DSS success. Decides not to hit back. 100dmg to Vader
Kyle on Vader. 1. Miss. FPRR fail. 2. Miss. FPRR fail.
Vader on GMLS. Sith Rage 2, Overwhelming Force 2. 1. Hit for 40. 2. Hit for 40. 3. Hit for 40. Dead GMLS.
Brute on Vader. Miss. Leia throws at Vader. Misses both.
Round 2: NR wins init.
Kyle versus Vader. 1. Crit. Dark Armor success. 30dmg. 2. Hit. Dead Vader.
Sidious moves adjacent to Kyle. Brute's AoO misses. Lightning 4 for 50dmg.
Brute misses. Leia moves adjacent and misses.
Round 3: NR wins init.
Kyle on Sidious. Miss, reroll hits. Parry fails, as does reroll. 2nd hits.
Sidious hits hard. Rages. Kills Leia with one hit. Hits Kyle with #2. Kyle blocks it after a reroll. Third hit hits for 40.
Brute misses.
Round 4: NR wins init.
Kyle with 10hp left... crit miss, reroll miss, reroll still miss. Then hit. Parry and 2 rerolls all miss. 20dmg to Sidious.
Sidious easily kills Kyle after the Block fails. Then kills the Brute.
I had the advantage of seeing a few of these matches before building my squad... and there's always luck in these things anyway. Plus, there's no telling if I would have made it past 2 other opponents into the finals in the first place, so UrbanShmi is still the champ.
=== Edit: As was pointed out after the fact, I gave Vader Dark Armor saves versus lightsabers. It didn't make a difference in this match, though. Kyle would have killed him one attack sooner, but Sidious wasn't adjacent anyway so he would not have used his second attack.
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CorranHornsux123 wrote:i would but im having trouble with my Vassal :c I ran them with the cards and dice. You don't need the minis since nothing moves except a few squares.
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