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Scum & Villainy / Jedi vs Sith Glossary Options
Posted: Monday, July 30, 2012 6:18:40 PM
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Special Abilities

Acrobatic: A character using this ability can move through enemy characters. In addition, this character does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Advanced Rakghoul Disease: This character deals 10 extra damage whenever it hits a living enemy. The target can avoid this extra damage with a save of 11. When this character defeats a living enemy, add a character named Rakghoul to your squad. This character sets up in a square of your choice formerly occupied by the defeated enemy. This character doesn’t count toward the cost of your squad. If you are scoring points for defeats, or in a tiebreaker, defeating the extra Rakghoul doesn’t score points. If a character in your squad has the Muur Talisman special ability, you may add a character whose name contains Rakghoul instead.

Agile: At the end of this character’s turn, it may move up to 2 squares.

Battle Ready: After all squads are setup on the map, each Mandalorian character in your squad (including this character) may move up to double their Speed before the first activation of the skirmish.

Bo’tous Spore: Instead of this character’s normal attack or attacks, deal 40 damage to a target enemy within 6 and each adjacent character. With a successful save 11, the characters take 20 damage instead. A player can choose to activate a character affected by this ability to not be affected by this ability.

Camaraderie: If this character is in your squad, the stated character or characters gain the listed Special Ability or Special Abilities.

Communication Supplies: Instead of taking its normal turn, this character can give 1 adjacent ally the Relay Orders ability for the remainder of the skirmish.

Covert Ops Training: This special ability cancels an attack made by an enemy within 6 who has moved this turn. The attacker can resist this effect with a save of 11. Roll the save immediately after the attack is declared but before the attack is made. The attack is still considered to have been made this turn, and the affected character still spends Force points if any are used in the attack.

Ewok Leader: If this character is in your squad, allied Ewoks gain Advantageous Cover.

Explosive Supplies: Instead of taking its normal turn, this character can give 1 adjacent ally the Satchel Charge ability for the remainder of the skirmish.

Force Bond: If this character is in your squad, the stated character gains the listed Force power or Force powers.

Imperial Triumvirate: Add 2 to your Initiative roll for each character with Imperial Triumvirate in your squad.

Jedi Trainer: During setup, if this character is in your squad, choose one ally with a Force Rating. That character gains 1 Force point and the listed ability until the end of the skirmish.

Life Debt: If this character is in your squad, the stated living ally gains Bodyguard.

Muur Talisman: When this character is defeated, choose 1 ally with the most Force points to immediately gain 4 Force points. That character also gains the Muur Talisman ability and the Sith Alchemy 4 power for the rest of the skirmish. If there is no ally with Force points, this ability cannot be used.

Padawan: This character can spend a Unique ally’s Force Points as though they were their own. They still cannot spend Force points more than once per turn and cannot combine Force points..

Personalize Shields: During setup, while this character is in your squad, choose on Unique ally in your squad. The chosen ally gains Shields 1 for the rest of the skirmish.

Quick Reflexes: This character gains a +6 Defense against attacks of opportunity.

Replication: If this character is in your squad, you can include up to the stated number of the stated character as long as they have a different name. These characters ignore the Unique special ability when building your squad.

Rigged Detonators: Character’s, enemies and allies alike, who occupy a square in or adjacent to low objects automatically fail saves against this character’s attacks or abilities.

Rival: If this character is part of your squad, the stated character or characters cannot be in your squad.

Ruthless: When this character’s attack scores a critical hit, the damage from that attack cannot be prevented, reduced, or redirected.

Saber Dart: Instead of this character’s normal attack or attacks, it can target one enemy within line of sight, ignoring cover. The target takes 20 damage and is also considered to be poisoned. A save 11 negates this effect. Each time the poisoned character activates, it must make a save 11. On a success, it is no longer poisoned. On a failure, it takes 20 damage and is still poisoned.

Second Wind X: Instead of making this character’s normal attack or attacks, remove the stated damage from this character.

Self Destruct Sequence X: Instead of this character’s normal attack or attacks, deal the stated damage to each adjacent character. Then remove this character from play. This character is immediately defeated and cannot use abilities to prevent this result.

Sensors: Allies can ignore cover when they attack enemies within 6 of this character.

Sith Pawn: Once per turn, you may remove this character from the board (it counts as defeated). You may reroll one ally’s attack or save, unless it was originally a 1.

Spinning Blade Attack: Instead of this character’s normal turn, this character can move up to its Speed value, attacking each adjacent enemy as it moves. It must move at least one space before making an attack. Roll each attack when this character is adjacent to that enemy. It can only attack each character once with this special ability and it cannot move into a space it just left. This character does not provoke attacks of opportunity while using this ability.

Suppressive Fire: Enemies attacked by this character cannot use Force powers and special abilities for the rest of the turn. Enemies hit by this character cannot benefit from commander effects and if it is a commander, its commander effect is suppressed for the rest of the round.

Trap Door: Instead of this character’s normal attack or attacks, this character can target an enemy within 6 squares. The target enemy and one adjacent enemy take 10 Dam and are placed in their starting area. A successful save 11 can negate this effect. Characters with Flight ignore this ability.

Versatility: After setup, if this character is in your squad, you may replace this character with another character who costs less than or equal to this character and counts as the same character in the same square. If the new character costs 5 points less than the original character, the new character gains this character’s commander effect if it has one.

Vibroblade: Instead of this character’s normal attack or attacks, this character can make one attack against an adjacent enemy at the specified attack value for 20 damage. This counts as a melee Attack.
Wound in the Force: When this character activates, adjacent enemies lose 1 Force point and this character gains 1 Force point for each enemy that loses a Force point; this may bring this character’s Force point total above its starting number. An enemy must have at least 1 Force point remaining to lose a Force point. Enemies within 6 cannot gain Force points.

Zenji Needle: Instead of this character’s normal attack or attacks, it can target an enemy within line of sight, ignoring cover. The target enemy takes 10 damage. The enemy can avoid this damage with a save 11.

Force Powers

Brutal Strike: (Force 1) This character’s attacks cannot be prevented and characters attacked by this character cannot respond to this character’s with special abilities or Force powers (such as Djem So Style or Lightsaber Riposte) this turn. This power is only usable on the character’s own turn.

Drain Life 5: (Force 5) Instead of this character’s normal attack or attacks, this character can deal 50 damage to a target living enemy and each adjacent living enemy; all affected characters can avoid the effect with a successful save 11. Remove damage from this character equal to the damage dealt.

Eternal Sith Spirit: This character is an insubstantial spirit of pure Force. It ignores all terrain and can move through enemy characters (and enemy characters can move through it), as long as no character ends its move in the same space as another character. It cannot end its turn in a wall or solid object (a space bordered by magenta lines). It does not provide cover, and it cannot open doors nor hold them open. It cannot be attacked or damaged, and does not count as a legal target, as the nearest enemy, or as adjacent to other characters. This character cannot score victory points for occupying specified areas in scenarios that include such victory conditions. It is not affected by commander effects.
During setup, choose a Unique ally with a Force Rating. That ally gains Illusion while within 4 squares of this character. That ally may also spend this character’s Force points once per turn, in addition to their own Force points once per turn. When the chosen ally is defeated, you may choose another Unique ally with a Force rating as if it where the start of the skirmish; if there are no other Unique allies with a Force Rating in your squad, this character is defeated. Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, an enemy character within 6 squares may spend 1 Force point to defeat this character. This character can avoid this effect with a successful save 11.

Focused Attack: (Force 2) This character ignores cover when determining a legal target this turn. This ability is only usable on this character’s turn.

Force Meld: (Force 3) Instead of this character’s turn, this character can use this power to gain the following Force Ability for the remainder of the skirmish: Allies within 6 with a Force rating and a lightsaber may use this character’s Force powers as though they were their own.

Sense the Future: (Force 2) Once per round, after initiative is determined, you may replace your initiative check with the opponent’s initiative check. Any modifiers to the result still apply to the owner’s own check. Replace the initiative check after rolls are revealed and chosen, but before you take the first activation.

Sith Alchemy 4: (Force 4) Instead of this character’s normal attack or attacks, defeat target living enemy with 40 or less HP. You can immediately add a character whose name contains Rakghoul to you squad. This character sets up in a square of your choice formerly occupied by the defeated enemy. This character doesn’t count toward the cost of your squad. If you are scoring points for victory, or for a tiebreaker, defeating this extra character doesn’t score points.

Surprise Attack: (Force 2) After initiative is determined, this character can immediately use this Force power to make an immediate attack before any other character activates. (This does not count as an activation) Resolve this ability in the same order as Surprise Move or Intuition.

Talisman Mind Control: (Force 5) Instead of this character’s normal attack or attacks, living enemies within 4 join your squad for the rest of the round. A successful save 11 negates this effect. Characters that join your squad through this power cannot benefit from commander effect, use abilities that replace their attacks, cannot use abilities to prevent or redirect damage, and cannot benefit from bonus’s to their stats.

Posted: Monday, July 30, 2012 6:20:45 PM
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Joined: 8/24/2008
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A word of note, the I will likely get the Mini-FAQ done this weekend. I was planning on having it done by Gencon.
Posted: Monday, July 30, 2012 6:35:11 PM
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Thanks very much. BlooMilk

(scurries off to finish up some stuff)
Posted: Monday, July 30, 2012 7:32:37 PM
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Life debt?! Must know who has life debt! Chewie in AT-ST maybe?! Or perhaps he has dismount and GAINS life debt. So excited for Wednesday. Sadly I'll be on a road trip and have to look at everything on my phone til I find some wi-fi
Posted: Monday, July 30, 2012 8:07:36 PM
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Cool - thanks for sharing that - it's nice to be able to read through the glossary and get familiar with them before the set drops.

I've really enjoyed the whole roll out this time around - there's enough left that it's going to be exciting when the set comes out, but it's been nice having regular spoilers. 72 new pieces at once, without spoilers, would be way too much for me to take in.

Posted: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 11:38:58 AM
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AndyHatton wrote:
Life debt?! Must know who has life debt! Chewie in AT-ST maybe?! Or perhaps he has dismount and GAINS life debt. So excited for Wednesday. Sadly I'll be on a road trip and have to look at everything on my phone til I find some wi-fi
Seems more likely to go on Han. If I had to guess, he gives any allied Chewbacca body guard.
Posted: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 1:56:33 PM
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AndyHatton wrote:
Life debt?! Must know who has life debt! Chewie in AT-ST maybe?! Or perhaps he has dismount and GAINS life debt. So excited for Wednesday. Sadly I'll be on a road trip and have to look at everything on my phone til I find some wi-fi

isnt there supposed to be a NR Chewbacca? thats a possibility
Posted: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 1:58:47 PM
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About Life Debt, it grants Bodyguard to a character. So who is most likely to be the BG in this case?
Posted: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 4:06:00 PM
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DroidX wrote:
AndyHatton wrote:
Life debt?! Must know who has life debt! Chewie in AT-ST maybe?! Or perhaps he has dismount and GAINS life debt. So excited for Wednesday. Sadly I'll be on a road trip and have to look at everything on my phone til I find some wi-fi

isnt there supposed to be a NR Chewbacca? thats a possibility

set list has been released, and there is only 1 chewie on the list
Posted: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 5:56:09 PM
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Sithborg wrote:
About Life Debt, it grants Bodyguard to a character. So who is most likely to be the BG in this case?

A character as hairy as Wicket and thrice as tall.
Posted: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 4:12:13 AM
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For versatility, if the character replacing him/her/it already has a CE does it get the other CE in addition or does it replace
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