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=== Current CHAMPION: spryguy1981 Mandalore the Ressurector Death Watch Saboteur
Current PREVIOUS CHAMPION: SignerJ Aurra Sing, Assassin Czerka Shield Technician Mouse Droid (49 points)
Imagine you are entering a tournament competing against only two other squads. You know exactly what your opposing squads will be... but you have to beat them both. And then hope you can handle the next challenger...
Squad size: 50 points, medium and smaller characters only.
Goal: At all times there will be a squad designated as CHAMPION and a squad designated as PREVIOUS CHAMPION. Your goal is to be the CHAMPION at the end of the competition. You become the CHAMPION by creating a squad that defeats both the CHAMPION and the PREVIOUS CHAMPION. When you do so, the CHAMPION that you defeated becomes the new PREVIOUS CHAMPION and your squad becomes the CHAMPION. The competition ends immediately if the exact same squad returns to be CHAMPION for a 3rd time (i.e. we establish a potentially never-ending cycle), or if one squad reigns as CHAMPION for 24 hours straight. (You may not challenge yourself if you are the current CHAMPION.) If the exact same squad becomes champion for the 3rd time, the winner is the person who first entered that squad into the competition.
The Skirmish The skirmish proceeds in a manner similar to the Toe-to-Toe competition that ran a few weeks ago, but with changes so that all decisions are automated and the only thing that matters is the squadbuilding.
Characters are arranged in two rows, the challengers in the south row and the champions in the north row. Within a squad, characters are arranged east-to-west from highest cost to lowest cost (breaking ties alphabetically - earlier in the alphabet wins). The board is two rows high and wide enough to fit the larger squad. There are empty spaces in the other row, but characters never enter the enemy squad's row. Players do not make any decisions for the characters. Instead, all characters follow these rules:
* First, a character decides whether or not to move. If a character can attack or use a damage-causing ability from its starting position, it does not move that turn. If it cannot, it moves (in its own row only) until it is adjacent to an enemy. If it can move in either direction to become adjacent to an enemy, it moves toward the higher-cost enemy. * Second, after possibly moving, if a character has a replaces attacks or replaces turn force power or special ability it can use, it uses it. If it has more than one it can use, it always uses the one that comes first alphabetically. (It will not use something that has no effect, however, such as trying to heal a full-HP ally or trying to use Force Cloak while already cloaked. Or do anything with doors since there are no doors in this scenario.) * If it doesn't have a replaces attacks or replaces turn ability, it attacks with as many attacks as it can. * WHENEVER a character has a choice of targets or characters, the character always chooses the character with the highest cost (breaking ties alphabetically - earlier in the alphabet wins). When possible, the character will favor damaging enemies before allies (for abilities such as Force Lightning 2), but will choose to damage higher-cost allies before lower-cost allies. This is also used for pre-skirmish abilities such as Reinforcements, etc. (So Lobot will *always* take a Bith Black Sun Vigo.) * Characters do not try to conserve force points. In general, characters will always spend force points when given the chance. When faced with multiple ways to spend force points in a turn, the character will spend force points on whichever opportunity comes up first, until he can no longer spend force points. If he has a choice of multiple force powers at the same time, he chooses whichever comes first alphabetically. * Defensive abilities such as Evade, Parry, Bodyguard, etc. all go into effect. When simultaneous effects require a player decision, the player resolves his own effects first. If one player has multiple effects to resolve, resolve them based on alphabetical order of the ability (breaking ties based on alphabetical order of affected characters). * Within a squad, higher-cost characters always activate first. Whoever wins initiative chooses to go first. * Hopefully that covers all the decisions people make, but I'm sure I probably missed something. If so, I'll answer questions as they come up. In general, characters take actions when given the choice. And when choosing who to affect, choose the highest cost possible character.
Assumptions about luck/die rolls: You as the challenger roll a 10 for initiative. Your opponent (either the CHAMPION or PREVIOUS CHAMPION) rolls a 9. Every die roll is one lower than the previous die roll, so the first roll during the game will be 8 and it will go down from there. (When it gets down to 1, the next die roll goes back to 20.) If you and your opponent have simultaneous die rolls, such as during initiative, the challenger's roll comes first.
Starting CHAMPION and PREVIOUS CHAMPION To start, here is your CHAMPION squad: --Theorycrafting #3: Starting CHAMPION-- 35 Onimi, Shamed One 15 Momaw Nadon (50pts. 2 activations)
And here is your PREVIOUS CHAMPION: --Theorycrafting #3: Starting PREVIOUS CHAMPION-- 24 Ki-Adi-Mundi 20 Senate Commando 6 Ewok Scout (50pts. 3 activations)
Sample (Failed) Entry Submissions for this contest will require more detail as you need to run through two short skirmishes: one against the CHAMPION and one against the PREVIOUS CHAMPION. An example is below. This example fails to beat both champions. You need to do so successfully. To make reading easier, please put each new activation on its own line.
--Theorycrafting #3: Sample Challenger-- 17 Mandalorian Gunslinger 13 Mandalorian Infiltrator 11 Mandalorian Scientist 9 Gotal Fringer (50pts. 4 activations)
Versus CHAMPION: Setup: Onimi, Momaw Gunslinger, Infiltrator, Scientist, Fringer
Round 1: Challenger wins init 10-9 Gunslinger activates first. Attacks Onimi 4 times with Twin from Scientist. Rolls 8, 7, 6, 5. All four hit for 20dmg each. Onimi has 10hp left. Onimi activates next. Onimi has two 'replaces turn' abilities, and Force Cloak comes first alphabetically. Onimi activates Force Cloak and has 2fp remaining. Momaw Nadon activates next. Momaw has one 'replaces attacks' ability, so he uses it. 10HP to all Mandalorians, and Onimi is defeated. Gotal Fringer also defeated. Mandalorian Infiltrator activates next. Attacks Momaw Nadon twice with Twin from Scientist. Rolls a 4 and 3. Both of those miss Momaw. Mandalorian Scientist attacks Momaw once. Rolls a 2, a miss.
Round 2: Challenger loses init 1-20 Momaw activates first. Uses Warthroat again. Gunslinger activates next. 4 attacks at 10 damage each. 19, 18, 17, 16. All 4 hit and the first counts as a critical hit due to Deadly Attack. Momaw is defeated. Challenger wins.
Versus PREVIOUS CHAMPION: Setup: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Senate Commando, Ewok Scout Gunslinger, Infiltrator, Scientist, Fringer Round 1: Challenger wins init 10-9. (KAM uses Anticipation but the 2nd roll is an 8.) Gunslinger activates first. Four attacks at +13/20dmg. Rolls 7, 6, 5, 4. Three of those hit. 60dmg to Ki-Adi Mundi. KAM activates. One attack at +10/20dmg. Rolls a 3. Misses the Gunslinger. FPRR. (Force users always reroll misses if they can.) A 2 still misses. Grants activation to the Commando. Two attacks against the Gunslinger. Rolls 1, 20. Misses then crit. Crit defeats the Gunslinger. Ewok Scout attacks the Infiltrator. Rolls 19. Hit + Cunning is 20 dmg to the Infiltrator. Infiltrator attacks KAM. Roll 18. Hits for 10dmg. KAM makes both saves 17,16. Same on twin. 10more dmg (roll 15). KAM makes both saves (14,13). 80dmg total on KAM. Mandalorian Scientist rolls a 12 to attack Senate Commando. Misses. Gotal Fringer rolls 11 to attack the Ewok Scout, killing it.
Round 2: Challenger wins init 10-9. Infiltrator activates first. First attack at +7/10dmg on KAM. Rolls 8, missing KAM. Second attack a 7 also misses. KAM activates. +10/20dmg on Infiltrator. Rolls 6, hitting. 40dmg total on infiltrator. Grants turn to Commando, who misses twice, rolling 5, 4. Scientist rolls 3, missing. Fringer rolls 2, missing.
Round 3: Challenger loses init 1-20.
KAM activates first. Rolls 19 to kill Infiltrator. Grants turn to Commando. Commando rolls 18 to kill Scientist and then 17 to kill Gotal Fringer. PREVIOUS CHAMPION wins. Challenger fails.
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Joined: 6/30/2009 Posts: 1,389 Location: New Zealand ( kind of by Australia)
42 General Grievous, Hero of Hypori 8 B2 Super Battle Droid
VS. CHAMPION Setup: Onimi, Momaw Grievous, B2 droid
Round 1 Challenger wins initiative 10-9. Grievous attacks Onimi at +14/30. Rolls 8, 7, 6. Dead Onimi. Momaw uses war throat. 10 damage to Grievous, none to the B2. B2 shoots Momaw. Rolls 5, 4. Both miss. Round 2 Challenger wins initiative 3-2. Grievous attacks Momaw. Rolls 1, fprr 20, 19. Dead Momaw. Challenger wins. VS. PREVIOUS CHAMPION Setup: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Senate Commando, Ewok Grievous, B2
Round 1 Challenger wins initiative 10-9. KAM uses anticipation, rolls 8. Grievous attacks KAM. Rolls 7, 6, 5. Dead KAM. Senate commando attacks Grievous. Rolls 4, 3. Both miss. Ewok attacks B2. Rolls 2. Miss. B2 attacks senate commando. Rolls 1, 20. 20 damage. Round 2 Challenger wins initiative 19-18. Grievous attacks senate commando. Rolls 17, 16. Dead senate commando. Ewok attacks B2. Rolls 15. 10 damage. B2 attacks ewok. Rolls 14. Dead ewok. Challenger wins.
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Mandalore the Resurrector Death Watch Sabotuer
vs Champion HoH, B2
MtR, DWS HoH, B2
Init CHallenger wins 10-9 Mandalore Attacks HoH hits on an 8 for 30 and on a 7 for 30 due to traps HoH Attacks Mandalore rolls 6,5,4,3 fprr 2all miss DW attacks HoH rolls 1 miss, flips B2 attacks MtR rolls a 20 crit 19 beskar 18 hit 17 beskar 10 damage.
Round 2 init Challenger wins 16-15 MtR attacks HoH with Double rolls 14 hits 13 hits dead HoH Dws attacks MtR rolls 12 Beskar 11 10 Damage B2 attacks 10 hit beskar 9 twin 8 miss
Round 3 init Challenger 7-6 MtR attacks dws rolls 5 dead rolls 4 dead B2 on double
Vs PRevious Champion
Setup MtR, DWS Onimi, Momaw
Round 1 Init Challenger 10-9 MtR Double attack on Onimi 8, 7 2 hits for 30 Onimi Cloaks DWS attacks Onimi rolls a 5, Miss Momow uses WT 10 to Mandalore 10 to DWS 10 to Onimi
Round 2 Challenger 4-3 Mandalore attacks Onimi rolls a 2 and hits for 30 due to traps, Onimi dies, Double on Momow rolls a 1 Momow War throats Mandalore rolls 20 on Beskar 0 Damage, 10 damage to DWS
Round 3 Challenger 19-18 Mandalore Doubles 17, 16 30 each, dead Momow.
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First skirmish corrected below, but you still win. === Mandalore the Resurrector Death Watch Sabotuer
vs Champion HoH, B2
MtR, DWS HoH, B2
Init CHallenger wins 10-9 Mandalore Attacks HoH hits on an 8 for 30 and on a 7 for 30 due to traps HoH Attacks Mandalore rolls 6,5,4,3 all miss DW attacks HoH rolls 2 miss B2 attacks MtR rolls a 1, 20 misses then crit. Beskar 19. 10dmg to MtR
Round 2 init Challenger wins 18-17 MtR attacks HoH with Double rolls 16 hits 15 hits dead HoH B2 attacks MtR rolls 15, 14 misses both DWS attacks B2 rolls a 13, DR10
Round 3 init Challenger 12-11 MtR attacks rolls 10 dead B2
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Nicely done, Spry. Grievous has to reroll his first attack, though. You still win by a long shot, but it's something to be aware of in the future.
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Edited my original post to reflect changes. And scored 61 in a 50pt squad game.
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Darth O wrote:Nicely done, Spry. Grievous has to reroll his first attack, though. You still win by a long shot, but it's something to be aware of in the future. Good catch - thanks.
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37 Mandalore the Lesser 13 Todo 360
VS. CHAMPION Setup: Resurrector, DW Saboteur Lesser, Todo
Round 1 Challenger wins initiative 10-9. Lesser attacks Resurrector at +14/30. Rolls 8,7. Suppressive fire cancels beskar'gam. 60 damage. Resurrector attacks Lesser at +13/20. Rolls 6,5. 40 damage. DW saboteur attacks Lesser. Rolls 4. Miss. Todo activates self destruct sequence. Resurrector rolls 3 for beskar'gam. 20 to all characters.
Round 2 Challenger wins initiative 2-1. Lesser attacks Resurrector. Rolls 20. Dead Resurrector. Attacks DW saboteur. Rolls 19. Dead DW saboteur. Challenger wins.
VS. PREVIOUS CHAMPION Grievous, B2 Lesser, Todo
Round 1 Challenger wins initiative 10-9. Lesser attacks Grievous. Rolls 8,7. 60 damage. Grievous attacks Lesser. Rolls 6,fprr 5,4,3,2. All miss. B2 attacks Lesser. Rolls 1,20. 20 damage. Todo activates self destruct sequence. 20 to Grievous and Lesser,10 to B2.
Round 2 Challenger wins initiative 19-18. Lesser attacks Grievous. Rolls 17,16. Dead Grievous. B2 attacks Lesser. Rolls 15,14. 10 damage.
Round 3 Challenger wins initiative 13-12. Lesser attacks B2. Rolls 11. Dead B2. Challenger wins.
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Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors
Vs Current CHampion KK JO ML TD
Challenger 10-9 Challenger lets opponent go first
MtL attacks Kyle 8-7 60 Damage Kyle attacks MtL 6-5 60 Damage TODO uses SDS Kyle, Jan, Mandalore take 20 Jan doubles, 4-3 Miss
Init Challenger 2-1 Challenger elects to go first Kyle attacks rolls 20 dead Mandalore
vs Previous Champion
Challanger wins init 10-9 elects Mandalore to go first MtR attacks 8-7 60 to Kyle Kyle Doubles 6 Hit 5 Besk 4 Hit 3 Besk 60 to Mandalore DWS attacks Kyle 2 Miss Jan doubles on Mandalore 1 miss, 20 crit, Besk 19 20 to Mandalore
Challenger wins init 18-17 and elects to go first Kyle Doubles Mandalore 16 hit 15 Besk 14 Hit 13 Besk 20 to Mandalore Mandalore doubles Kyle 12 hit 11 hit 40 to Kyle Jan Doubles 10 hit 9 Besk Dead Mandalore, double on DWS 8 hits for 10 DWS attacks Kyle 7 miss
Challenger wins init 6-5 and elects to go first Kyle rolls a 4 hit for 20 dead DWS.
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Vodo-Siosk Baas +2 Ewoks
VS Current Champ KK JO VB EW EW
Round 1 Init 10 - 9 Vodo Attacks Kyle (needs 3) 8, 7 - 40 damage Kyle attacks Vodo (with opp needs 6) 6, vodo (can't parry so...) FA 5, Kyle fprr 4, 3 both miss Jan attack vodo (with opp needs 12) 2, 1 both miss Ewok 1 attacks Kyle 20 20 damage (60 total on kyle) ewok 2 attacks jan 19 10 damage
round 2 18-17 vodo attacks Kyle 16,15 40 more damage on Kyle Kyle attack Vodo 14 VFA 13, VFA 12, 11 60 damage on vodo jan attack vodo 10. 9 both miss ewok 1 attack kyle 8 ewok 2 attacks Jan 7
round 3 6-5 Vodo attacks Kyle 4 dead kyle vodo attack jan 3 20 damage on Jan (30 total) jan attack vodo 2, 1 both miss ewok 1 attacks jan 20! 20 more on Jan Ewok 2 attacks Jan 19 killed by an ewok!
Vs Previous Champ ML TD VB EW EW
Round 1 init 10-9 Vodo Attacks Mandalore (needs 3) 8, 7 (40 damage) ML attacks Vodo (needs 8) 6, 5 both miss TD uses self destruct - 20 damage all around
round 2 init 4-3 vodo attacks ML 2 fprr 1, fprr 20! no need for double thanks to self destruct 40 damage dead ML
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FlyingArrow wrote:* Within a squad, higher-cost characters always activate first. Whoever wins initiative chooses to go first.
spryguy1981 wrote: Challenger 10-9 Challenger lets opponent go first
Challanger wins init 10-9 elects Mandalore to go first
Note that whoever wins initiative automatically goes first. The challenger already has an advantage in that they get to attack first in a very small skirmish. (Except in the rare 1-20 initiative roll.) Allowing the challenger to defer when it is to their benefit would make this too easy. But since Lord_Ball already took the throne anyway, we'll let it go this time. Also, a reminder for whoever challenges Lord_Ball, Vodo-Siosk Baas will use Force Alter twice per turn whenever any enemy hits. He will run out of Force Points pretty quickly that way, but will also cycle through the good attack rolls pretty quickly.
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I had to check the rules on this one... Force Alter happens at step 5 of the attack sequence and Parry happens at step 7, so Force Alter would be resolved first. Also, even if they were simultaneous, Force Alter comes alphabetically first so Vodo-Siosk Baas would choose to use Force Alter first.
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Well it's a good thing that didn't apply in my matchups anyway (as I would have clearly ran it wrong in round 1)
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Lord_Ball wrote:Well it's a good thing that didn't apply in my matchups anyway (as I would have clearly ran it wrong in round 1) That's something that applies in regular skirmishes, too, not just this contest. Force Alter happens immediately after the roll (just like a FPRR), but parry comes after determining whether the attack hit. So you can't Parry and then if you fail decide to Alter.
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Anakin Solo-GH, Jagged Fel
vs Current Champion AS JF VS Ew Ew
ROund 1 Init Challenger 10-9
Anakin Double Attacks 8 Alter 7 Alter 6 Parry 5 Attack 4 Parry 3 60 damage to Vodo Vodo Double Attacks 2 Fprr 1 Fprr 20 Crit, Defense 19, Double 18 hit 20 to Anakin Jag shoots 17 Alter 16 10 Damage to Vodo Ewok A 15 miss Ewok B 14 miss
Init Challenger 13-12 Anakin Attacks 11 hit, parry 10 double 9 parry 8 dead Vodo Ewok A attacks Anakin 7 miss Jag shoots Ewok B 6 hit dead
Init Challenger 5-4 Anakin attacks Ewok A 3 hit 30 dead
Vs Previous Champion AS JF KK JO
Challenger 10-9 Anakin doubles Kyle 8 hit 7 hit 60 to Kyle Kyle Doubles Anakin 6 hit, LSD 5, 4 hit 60 to Anakin Jag attacks Kyle 3 miss Jan attacks Anakin 2-1 miss
Challenger 20-19 Anakin doubles Kyle 18 hit 17 dead Kyle Jan doubles 16 hit LSD 15 saved double 14 hit 20 to Anakin Jag attacks Jan 13 10 damage
Challenger 12-11 Anakin doubles Jan 10 hit 9 hit dead Jan.
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In case anyone wonders, Anakin was played correctly. He doesn't have to use his replaces turn/replaces attacks abilities in this skirmish:
Force Meld has no effect since there are no allies with Force ratings, so it is not activated. Lightsaber Assault has no effect since Anakin can make two attacks without it, so it is not activated.
(At the end of skirmish 1, Jag shot the wrong Ewok though. Doesn't change the result, but Anakin would have spun in place with no adjacent enemy and Jag blocking his way. Then Jag would have killed the Ewok at the end for him.)
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Aren't we doing standard tournament rules with regard to activations? Spry seems to be playing it as though every squad has tempo control. I don't mean to be pedantic, but with the progressive rolls it actually makes a big difference in some cases.
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Darth O wrote:Aren't we doing standard tournament rules with regard to activations? Spry seems to be playing it as though every squad has tempo control. I don't mean to be pedantic, but with the progressive rolls it actually makes a big difference in some cases. Yes, standard. Sorry for not noticing that.
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47 Jango Fett 3 Mouse Droid
VS CHAMPION Anakin, Jagged Jango, mouse
Round 1 Challenger wins init 10-9. Jango attacks Anakin. Rolls 8, LSD 7, double 6. 40 damage. Anakin attacks Jango. Rolls 5, fprr 4, 3. All miss. Jagged attacks Jango. Rolls 2. Miss. Mouse spins.
Round 2 Champion wins init 20-1. Anakin attacks Jango. Rolls 19, 18. 60 damage. Jango attacks Anakin. Rolls 17, LSD 16, double 15. 20 damage. Jagged attacks Jango. Rolls 14. 10 damage.
Round 3 Challenger wins init 13-12. Jango attacks Anakin. Rolls 11, LSD 10, double 9. Dead Anakin. Jagged attacks Jango. Rolls 8. Miss.
Round 4 Challenger wins init 7-6. Jango attacks Jagged. Rolls 5, 4. 40 damage. Jagged attacks Jango. Rolls 3. Miss.
Round 5. Challenger wins init 2-1. Jango finishes the champ with a crit.
VS PREVIOUS CHAMPION Vodo, ewok, ewok Jango, mouse
Round 1 Challenger wins init 10-9. Jango attacks Vodo. Rolls 8, alter 7, alter 6, double 5. 40 damage. Vodo attacks Jango. Rolls 4, fprr 3, fprr 2, double 1. 20 damage. Ewok L attacks Jango. Rolls 20. 20 damage. Ewok R attacks mouse. Rolls 19. Dead mouse.
Round 2. Challenger wins init 18-17. Jango attacks Vodo. Rolls 16, alter 15, double 14. 40 damage. Vodo attacks Jango. Rolls 13, 12. 40 damage. Ewok L attacks Jango. Rolls 11. Miss.
Round 3 Challenger wins init 10-9. Jango attacks Vodo. Rolls 8, 7. Dead Vodo. Ewok L attacks Jango. Rolls 6. Miss. Ewok R provokes AoO. Jango rolls 5. Dead ewok.
Round 4 Challenger wins init 4-3. Jango wins with a 2.
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Asajj Ventress, Seperatist Assassin Feluician
Vs Current Champion AV FE JF MD
Round 1 Init 10-9 Challenger Ventress Rages and attacks Jango 4x 8 hit 7 hit 6 miss 5 miss 60 Damage Jango Doubles 4 hit 3 hit 40 to Ventress Mouse Spins Felucian uses force blast on Jango save 2 miss 20 Damage
Round 2 Champion 20-1 Champion attacks 19 hit 18 hit 40 to Ventress Ventress Rages again 17 hit 16 hit dead Jango Rolling Cleave into mouse 15 dead mouse
vs Previous Champion AV FE AS JF
Challenger wins init 10-9 Ventress Rages and attacks Anakin 8 lsd 7 6 5 4 30 to Anakin Anakin doubles 3 fprr 2 1 Jag rolls 20 20 to AV Felucian uses Force Blast on Anakin 19 saves
Challenger wins init 18-17 Ventress Rages attacks Anakin 16 hit, lsd 15, 14 hit 13 hit 12 hit dead Anakin rolling cleave into Jagged Fel 11 hit 10 hit dead Jag.
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